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08-Nov-2007, 08:51 AM
Awesome short trailer more longer, enjoy ;)


08-Nov-2007, 09:25 AM
Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The headshot through the headshot!!!!!! I can't freakin' wait!!!:D

08-Nov-2007, 09:50 AM
This is just looking better all the time. Can't wait.:D

08-Nov-2007, 09:54 AM
Ah mate that looks tasty! :)

08-Nov-2007, 10:54 AM
How about a non YOu Tube version for those of us who can't see you tube at work.

08-Nov-2007, 11:33 AM
oh my god it looks budget.

I am getting VERY worried about this now.

08-Nov-2007, 11:36 AM
The B&W footage from the beginning? Why is that there? Why not show some 'real' Night footage?

08-Nov-2007, 11:56 AM
The B&W footage from the beginning? Why is that there? Why not show some 'real' Night footage?
I know! Show the proper film, not the pish 30th version. :rolleyes:

08-Nov-2007, 12:02 PM
Wow. This is the first time I've seen real footage from Diary and damn am I loving the first person style. Can not wait...

08-Nov-2007, 12:09 PM
Wow. This is the first time I've seen real footage from Diary and damn am I loving the first person style. Can not wait...
It looks like something a little bit new from GAR, and I'm certainly looking forward to seeing his version of 'sh*t kicking off and hitting fans'.

08-Nov-2007, 01:10 PM
I am so not impressed with how the footage looks....like some really crap re-enactment in a third rate documentary....still I reserve my opinion for the finished product which I'm apprehensive, but still excited, about.

08-Nov-2007, 02:20 PM
I am so pumped to see this movie ....

When it comes out I am going to get as many friends/etc as I can and get them all done up and looking dead and f$cked up to go see the movie ...

Never hurts to get some good press.

I do zombie make-up really good :)

Its impressive what some liquid latex, 1 ply toilet paper(makes good torn skin), some rigid colodian fluid and a little make-up will do.

And never forget blood gel :) it stays wet ... even in milk! :)


08-Nov-2007, 04:03 PM
Thanks for the share. I didn't watch the whole thing, especially since I can't understand Spanish and have little desire for major spoilers.

08-Nov-2007, 08:17 PM
Thanks for the share. I didn't watch the whole thing, especially since I can't understand Spanish and have little desire for major spoilers.

this is not a trailer .theres two almost full clips/escenes from the movie.i recomend you not watch it!!

08-Nov-2007, 08:20 PM
Nice find!

I think the new movie, from what little I saw there, looked good. Back to the roots perhaps... I hope this is better than Land...sorry you Land Lovers ;)

08-Nov-2007, 10:05 PM
I finally got to watch the video. So far from what i see it looks to be a good flick, but clips from Land were deceiving too, but for some reason I have a good feeling about this one.

09-Nov-2007, 12:02 AM
Being one of the people that saw the movie, I don't think those were the best clips to show...those two scenes are far more effective when put into the context of the story. Here it came off as a little too cheese ball.

09-Nov-2007, 03:07 PM
First clip I've seen of this movie - Not bad, not bad at all IMO.

Fingers crossed that it's better than "Land", that way, those of us who were let down by Land can just accept that GAR made one bad zombie movie and a whole stack of really good zombie movies.

09-Nov-2007, 06:55 PM
First clip I've seen of this movie - Not bad, not bad at all IMO.

Fingers crossed that it's better than "Land", that way, those of us who were let down by Land can just accept that GAR made one bad zombie movie and a whole stack of really good zombie movies.

itīs not better than land.itīs different.i love land and ,yeah it has problems but itīs a very solid piece of cinema.this movie is cool,very fresh and entertaining,but itīs more the pilote episode for a big budget tv series like "lost"or "heroes"(but obviously,better),but the movie itīs not a classic or a masterpiece.itīs a very good apendix to the official saga.i would love see more of this.

09-Nov-2007, 07:06 PM
I don't have the slightest idea what to think about this movie. I'm tentatively optimistic.

09-Nov-2007, 07:48 PM
^ i agree ,on one hand the scene with the paramedics looks great, but the "headshot through a headshot" and 'doom' fps bits look a bit too sci-fi origional. so im on the ropes, on one hand im expecting a great return to form ala clerks 2, but on the other im epxecting dean kain to appear as an army seargent or something. ill just wait and see i mean its not like im not going to see it.

09-Nov-2007, 07:55 PM
it looks direct to video to me. the acting was... well... terrible. it looks like a youtube video some kids shot. im very worried about this.

09-Nov-2007, 07:58 PM
im noticing that the younger members on here are the ones who, on the whole, arent too excited about this.

09-Nov-2007, 08:03 PM
The B&W footage from the beginning? Why is that there? Why not show some 'real' Night footage?

gotta agree with ya there, man. i totally loathed that film (night 30th or whatever) and only watched it once.

that particular scene they showed was the only scene that i enjoyed out of all the new footage, so at least they picked the tastiest peanut in the turd.:lol:

09-Nov-2007, 10:06 PM
im noticing that the younger members on here are the ones who, on the whole, aren't too excited about this. Well, I admit that applies to me. I just don't feel of excitement when it comes to Diary. I had it when I was going to see Dawn, Day, and Land ,but I just don't feel it now....
Maybe it's because we haven't gotten a trailer yet.

09-Nov-2007, 10:11 PM
Well I'm a 23 year old young pup and I'm proper excited about it.

Also, what do people expect it too "look" like, it's supposed to be filmed by film students in this day and age, how many film students shoot on film these days? Come on - it's gonna be digital, and therefore it's going to have the digital look.

So quit being picky about that aspect people, you should have been expecting that from the very beginning when GAR said about the whole 'blair witch' ish thing going on.

Also, bitching about such a short amount of out-of-context footage?

People are getting crazy up in here, give the old, loyal dog a break.

10-Nov-2007, 02:34 AM
For once Minion, we agree. I am excited as hell about this one. Back to the beginning and all. I didn't think it looked sci-fi original at all. I'm not expecting it to be a turd just because I didn't like Land. I have faith, and will probably always have faith in old George.

10-Nov-2007, 03:45 AM
did we watch the same thing? that footage of the zombies attacking the paramedics was sooo bad. the acting was... beyond crap.

10-Nov-2007, 03:53 AM
:lol: the acting has never been wonderful in GAR movies. Who cares? I'm still looking foward to it. Miss it if you like, you won't. No one here will.

10-Nov-2007, 11:06 AM
Complaining about the zombie acting from two disembodied preview clips on YouTube? :rockbrow:

What about Nurse Zombie? :sneaky:

Zombies aren't exactly Robert DeNiro's in the first place, they're blank automatons...for the most part anyway, or early on until they start figuring themselves out a bit more.

*goes and gives Bub a big cuddle* :D

10-Nov-2007, 03:48 PM
What about Nurse Zombie? :sneaky:
Yes she was terrible ,but that doesn't explain to me how she become my favorite zed in Dawn :shifty:

*goes and gives Bub a big cuddle*

Can I join/ :D

10-Nov-2007, 05:41 PM
the zombie acting itīs not great ,but not bad.itīs very very roemresque.the movie feels like a indie little picture,but not like a sifi original at all!!

10-Nov-2007, 05:52 PM
Can I join

*group hug for Bub!* :)

10-Nov-2007, 06:10 PM
What about Nurse Zombie? :sneaky:

well, i would think that after 30 years, people would kind of get the idea of how zombies should walk and act. i mean jesus, that bald zombie that gets karate kicked in the face by the kung-fu paramedic... i mean jesus christ. land wasn't romero's best but, from what i've seen t may be a masterpiece compared to this disaster.

10-Nov-2007, 07:01 PM
Slightly OT, but my fave ever zombie is "fat tanktop guy" from Dawn, the fact that he somehow manges to be in every scene with his "whacked out wtf look" on his face is pure class...Nurse zombie is also very cool. :)

10-Nov-2007, 09:22 PM
The B&W footage from the beginning? Why is that there? Why not show some 'real' Night footage?

Yeah! It turned me into a newt.

10-Nov-2007, 10:03 PM
I am very hopefull for this movie but i'd wish they would give us some sort of trailer rather than the 2 short scenes available. The acting does look terrible from what i've seen especially the scene in the dark house (?) before the headshot through the headshot. When that SWAT (?) guy gets bitten, his partner just stands there looking at him waiting for his cue to start acting. A similar thing happens with the paramedics scene. **BIG SIGH ** Oh well. Its a zombie movie i suppose :(

10-Nov-2007, 10:44 PM
"whacked out wtf look"



11-Nov-2007, 09:59 AM
How did the remake of Day' get in there with GAR? He had nothing to do with that disaster!

11-Nov-2007, 10:40 AM
Well they mentioned Yawn04 as well, no doubt to pimp GAR to idiots who have no idea who he is.

What's more dim is that they showed footage from the 30th anniversary edition of Night, all that new footage that they shot 3 decades later, stuff which GAR wasn't involved with.

11-Nov-2007, 01:09 PM
The B&W footage from the beginning? Why is that there? Why not show some 'real' Night footage?

Maybe something about the legal rights for the original NOTLD as discussed in the beginning of the directors commentary from the LOTD DVD?

11-Nov-2007, 05:27 PM
Maybe something about the legal rights for the original NOTLD as discussed in the beginning of the directors commentary from the LOTD DVD?
Odd surely, because for the trailer for LOTD they could only acquire footage from Night because it had no copyright, the version with Dawn and Day in it too had to be shafted due to copyrights, so it was all Night footage, and then bam - Land of the Dead.

So that seems kinda odd surely?

I've heard that commentary, but can't really remember it, what did he say about Night and copyright?

13-Nov-2007, 05:11 AM
for reasons we can all comprehend I've always refused to watch NOTLD30th. Never even seen a frame until this youtube video. I must say, it doesn't look half bad. Have i been just too stubborn and idealistic for almost 10 years?

is there any redeeming quality to NOTLD30th?

13-Nov-2007, 09:14 PM
Was that the commando Barbara version or the one with the weird extra scenes shoe-horned into the otherwise great movie version?

edit - doesn't matter, they both sucked.

13-Nov-2007, 10:36 PM
nah, i liked the Savini version. But NOTLD 30th ann. was a travesty beyond description.

17-Nov-2007, 02:37 PM
I had trouble with the utube but because I have a hearing problem. OH I have admitted a defect.
Any way the visuals gave me hope.
this guy goes from strength to strength.

24-Nov-2007, 10:23 PM
for reasons we can all comprehend I've always refused to watch NOTLD30th. Never even seen a frame until this youtube video. I must say, it doesn't look half bad. Have i been just too stubborn and idealistic for almost 10 years?

is there any redeeming quality to NOTLD30th?


Avoid NOLD30th at all costs. If you must see it, borrow a copy from someone, or get it as the third free disk on one of those "Rent 2 get 1 free" nights at the shop. Do not spend money on this film, it will cause impotence.