View Full Version : The so called Scariest Movie EVER

09-Nov-2007, 05:42 PM
Ok, I watched the trailer for the movie .Rec (. is the glowing red recording light). I have to admit it looks good. It looks like a combination of Romero (Mister, the people upstairs will do as you say now."), Demons, 28 Days Later and Blair Witch Project. I'll see it...but I might wait for it to hit IFC or Blockbuster first.

Here's the trailer and audience reaction shots... (http://community.livejournal.com/ohnotheydidnt/17294508.html?#cutid1)

09-Nov-2007, 06:22 PM
Nice find!

Probably not the scariest movie ever, but it still looks neat.

09-Nov-2007, 06:55 PM
cool to see the audience react like that...

09-Nov-2007, 07:23 PM
I definitely want to get my eyes on that.

09-Nov-2007, 08:30 PM
Anyone get info on distribution, please share. The last time I tried to go to the company's main site, it seemed to be down.

10-Nov-2007, 01:38 AM
I mentioned this on the undead thread. I definately want to see this movie. And since the movie is made in Spain * I think*, maybe a certain Spainish member could check it out for us.

10-Nov-2007, 01:52 AM
Here's the official web site:

[REC] (http://movies.filmax.com/rec/)

It's already been sold to the asshats in Hollywood for a big budget rip-off flop, so there is zero chance that the original will see theatrical release in the USA. Really good idea for a film, though. I don't think it looks at all like Blair WItch. More like COPS meets 28 Days Later.

10-Nov-2007, 01:13 PM
There is a chance it will come here though. :)

10-Nov-2007, 07:12 PM
Here's the official web site:

[REC] (http://movies.filmax.com/rec/)

It's already been sold to the asshats in Hollywood for a big budget rip-off flop, so there is zero chance that the original will see theatrical release in the USA. Really good idea for a film, though. I don't think it looks at all like Blair WItch. More like COPS meets 28 Days Later.

Sod Hollywood. I'll get the Spanish DVD and watch it with subs.

Thanks for the link. :)

10-Nov-2007, 08:12 PM
I've seen this on a couple of threads now, and each time I want to see it all the more. Glad to hear the "asshats" arranged for distribution, though I am with Legion and will probably seek out the original subtitled version since Hollywood destroys much of the coolness of most orignal product!

12-Nov-2007, 06:44 AM
That looks pretty good actually. I hope it is at least released here at least on DVD instead of only the remake, which will probably suck like 98% of all Hollywood remakes.

04-Jan-2008, 03:23 PM
The guy sounds like a bit of a moron (see his points 4 & 5), but let's hope his opinion is still valid...

04-Jan-2008, 04:57 PM
this dude lost all credibility with his point #5...i closed the webpage as soon as i got that far into the review, sorry.

05-Jan-2008, 11:44 AM
Point 5 is utter gash, I call "wanker" on him. :lol:

Also, 28 Weeks Later I'd say is equal to 28 Days Later, I really do...and this coming from me who was so not up for it upon first hearing about it...but instead, it was a rare sequel that lived up to the original. Got the DVD t'other day and it's still as good.

I wouldn't put either above the other now, just level pegging and leave it at that...now, a third film - that I truly don't see making much sense, or giving much new...but who knows...hmmm.

I'll check out this "Rec." thing sometime...the less attention I pay to it, the more impact it'll have I suppose.

08-Jan-2008, 12:16 AM
I've just seen this and I really don't know what to think about it. Its bloody terrifying in some parts and those audience reactions are very real. There is one major flaw where you think why the he'll didn't they do a certain thing and I couldn't stop thinking about it. I don't want to give too much away but its a very good movie and would have been extremely important for horror if Blair Witch hadn't been made.

08-Jan-2008, 02:24 AM
Sod Hollywood. I'll get the Spanish DVD and watch it with subs.

Thanks for the link. :)

ditto, yknow i heard one sudio exec say something like they did remakes becasue the notion of reading subtitles would be disturbing and unfamiliar, or soemthing like that- basically the dude just said americans are too stupid for subs, wich as pans labyrinth has shown thats bollox, plus then they get more money to yknow.

09-Jan-2008, 03:36 AM
We cain't read nor wright up here in tha Younited Stakes ya no?

09-Jan-2008, 10:13 AM
ditto, yknow i heard one sudio exec say something like they did remakes becasue the notion of reading subtitles would be disturbing and unfamiliar, or soemthing like that- basically the dude just said americans are too stupid for subs, wich as pans labyrinth has shown thats bollox, plus then they get more money to yknow.
Too stupid for subs? Ugh, wanker...

But I still don't like subtitling throughout a film - I prefer decent dubbing. I want to WATCH a film, not READ it. I want to focus on the look of the film and the performance, not the bottom inch-or-two of the screen to read through some text.

Some dubbing can be gash, but given a bit of money and decent voice actors, it's actually pretty good.

It's how I personally prefer to watch a foreign film.

But the notion of remaking just to AmericaniZe it for trailer trash back woods dumb-dumbs to go "hey look, der's a MackDonulds, hyuck!" is just numptyism.

09-Jan-2008, 01:47 PM
We cain't read nor wright up here in tha Younited Stakes ya no?

....spesially us suverners, ya no?

Seriously though, subtitles don't bother me at all. A good example of a GREAT film with subtitles is City of God.

10-Jan-2008, 05:03 AM
But the notion of remaking just to AmericaniZe it for trailer trash back woods dumb-dumbs to go "hey look, der's a MackDonulds, hyuck!" is just numptyism.
Hollywood doesn't remake foreign movies because they think American audiences can't be bothered to read subtitles. They remake them because they damn well know that American audiences are scared of foreigners. Why else remake the perfectly well-done Chakushin ari (One Missed Call) if it weren't for all those scary Japanese actors? :eek:

10-Jan-2008, 05:19 AM
....spesially us suverners, ya no?

Seriously though, subtitles don't bother me at all. A good example of a GREAT film with subtitles is City of God.

Letters from Iwo Jima is great too.