View Full Version : favorite books?

10-Nov-2007, 02:21 AM
in no particular order (except for the first one)

brave new world-huxley. even more relevant today than in the 30s
ape and essence-huxley
beowulf- raffel's version
the short stories of lovecraft
fathers and sons-turgenev
agammenon, the libation bearers and the eumenides-aeschylus
the war with hannibal-livy
sir gawain and the green knight-tolkien's version
lord of the rings trilogy
untold stories of numenor and middle earth-tolkien
the kalevala-finnish national epic
king harald's saga-snorri sturluson
the heimskringla-snorri sturluson
the picture of dorian grey-oscar wilde
the darkling (a treatise on eastern european vampire folklore) jan perkowski
vampires of the slavs-jan perkowski
moby dick- herman melville
the minister's black veil- short story by nathaniel hawthorne
we-yevgeny zamyatin- a dystopia, a precursor to 1984 and brave new world
i am legend- richard matheson
new america-poul anderson
tau zero-poul anderson
mirkheim-poul anderson
rendez-vous with rama- arthur clarke

this fraking list could go on for six pages but i'll stop there.

10-Nov-2007, 02:33 AM
Rendezvous With Rama is excellent, so is Brave New World. That is a very good list you have there. I would list my favorites, but I am going to play Halo 3 now.

10-Nov-2007, 03:58 AM
Strega- Andrew Vachss (brutal)
Blue Belle- Andrew Vachss (ending leaves you numb)
any H.P. Lovecraft
Illumination Night- Alice Hoffman
Anasi Boys-Neil Gaiman
Legend of Hell House-Richard Matheson (more powerful than the exorcist)
Skywriting by Word of Mouth-John Lennon
Perfume-Patrick Susskind
Godbody-Theodore Sturgeon (beyond words)
Tuesdays with Morrie-Mitch Albom
Stardust, the David Bowie story-Tony Zanetta
Ronald Reagan, the Acting President-Bob Schieffer
The Killing Kind-John Connoly

could go on as we all could
good idea i'm always looking for something fresh to read
i never would have tried

10-Nov-2007, 09:45 PM
Anything by Arthur C. Clarke floats my boat.

10-Nov-2007, 09:55 PM
I'm a bit of a fantasy lover...Stephen Donaldson's "Chronicles of Thomas Covenant" really stand out for me.

Any of Michael Moorcock's old fantasy novels are also heavily favoured by me, Elric, Erekose, Corum, Oswald Bastable etc...gotta love "The Eternal Champion"!

I also own pretty much every book written by Edgar Rice Burroughs (although it is heavily dated nowerdays), they really were written in a different time, but I enjoy the standard formula within all his works.

Those who have listed "I am Legend" and the "Rama" books are spot on, great novels IMO

11-Nov-2007, 02:46 PM
the lord of the rings and the hobbit
the dark tower series
the stand
the autumn series
straight to you
anything by lovecraft
dean koontz' frankenstein
mary shelleys frankenstein
the strange case of dr jeckyll and mr hyde
the harry potter series
the dark materials colection
the long walk
everythings eventual collection

theres loads more but thats all i can remember for now.

11-Nov-2007, 09:27 PM
the harry potter series

11-Nov-2007, 09:36 PM
yeah?, i enjoyed them. i wasnt aware it was a literary no-no, sorry.

12-Nov-2007, 11:16 AM
The books are meant to appeal to people of all ages. Okay a question for the hp fans..Dumbledore is gay theres been a big thing in the papers and news and other stuff with jk rowling saying that dumbledore is gay. Big uproar of it last year. So heres my question, what the hell? What does it matter if one of the key characters is gay? Does it make him any less important or powerful? :dead: I just dont see the big fuss, its like saying Professor McGongall once met a german called claude. It does not matter!

Favourite book? Tis a hard one but off the top of my head I am Legend, Fear and Loathing..Hells Angels or porno. Update later with a more definite answer, sorry :D

12-Nov-2007, 02:11 PM
nah it doesnt make a difference, but i wasnt surprised, the dude like to wear valoure, thats a sure sign.:lol: