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11-Nov-2007, 03:16 PM
I know everybody is just dying to see this movie...

Day Of The Dead- Rated R for strong pervasive horror violence and gore, and language.

Well at least it will have some splatter.

11-Nov-2007, 05:37 PM
To quote Vice City - "Rated R for Retarded" :lol:

Or "Rank", or "(Name)-Rape". :lol:

11-Nov-2007, 06:15 PM
or "Ridiculous"....or "Rental-grade piece of sh!t"...or "Rancid"....or "Really...Don't Waste Your Time or Money on This Stinking Pile of Congealed Walrus Jism"

11-Nov-2007, 07:30 PM
Wasn't Land rated R, too?

11-Nov-2007, 09:36 PM
Day 07, rated R for 'Rubbish'! :D

11-Nov-2007, 11:26 PM
Wasn't Land rated R, too?

land deserved the rating just based on the gore.

12-Nov-2007, 09:55 AM
Of course Land was rated "R". :D

Mind you, in the UK it was rated "15", mmm indeed, you can get quite a lot into a "15" nowadays, and quite a lot of horror too - like "The Descent", that was a 15, as was "Dog Soldiers".

Things like SAW and such though, they're 18.

12-Nov-2007, 05:32 PM
you can get quite a lot into a "15" nowadays
Apocalypse Now being a prime example. It blew me away when they re-classified that to a 15.

12-Nov-2007, 07:11 PM
I will correct myself on one thing though, for I was mistaken, "The Descent" is actually rated "18" in the UK, I spotted my error when I glanced up at my DVDs today as I listened to the 37th SModcast.

17-Nov-2007, 03:10 PM
R in the UK is a 12A

17-Nov-2007, 05:43 PM
R in the UK is a 12A
What are you smoking?! :lol: :D

An "R" is at least a 15 in the UK or at most an 18. A hard PG-13 might get a soft 15.

17-Nov-2007, 06:16 PM
12a does allow blood that isnt human to be spilled, and only "mild peril" (:rolleyes:) but the fact that its day and laods of peoplea re going to have died theres no way the bbfc would let it get at that level without major cutting, its like one swear word and 5 acts of semi violence or somethign along those lines. that said of course there going to try and lower it, like every film ever to a 15 so theres a wider potential audience for the film, as 15 to 18's have more disposable income, its all about making the money anyway, i mean, does anyone think this is being made to entertain and provoke thought first and monetary gain second?:rolleyes:

17-Nov-2007, 09:17 PM
You can get away with one clear "f*ck" or a couple of not-as-clear "f*cks" in a 12A, and it also depends on the context, and of course there's the violence and horror issues.

Day of the Bulgarian Zombie Remake will never stand a chance of a 12A and I don't think it's even trying, at 'best' it'd go for a hard PG-13 and a soft-ass 15, being a bag of shiite both ways.

Of course, some films are now rated 15 in the UK that once were 18's, or would have been 18's ... Land of the Dead was a 15, whereas previous entries are all 18 - no doubt Night would be a 15 now, and Dawn could probably manage a 15 perhaps...Day of the Dead though, that'd definitely remain an 18 because it's so graphic and foul mouthed.

Dropping from an 18 to a 15 though, is usually not a case of much cutting, usually a pretty pathetic amount of cutting, because if you can chop out say - for example - a couple of head butts and you get a 15 (which you were aiming for anyway), then why not?

Films are usually aimed for a target rating from early on, so fiddling to get a lower rating in the late stages is usually down to a miscalculation in the production, and is usually not a large amount of footage that needs shafting.

Then of course there's the whole theatrical/unrated DVD thing...it's retarded, not least because in the UK the unrated versions would walk an 18 UK certificate with ease.

17-Nov-2007, 09:33 PM
You can get away with one clear "f*ck" or a couple of not-as-clear "f*cks" in a 12A, and it also depends on the context, and of course there's the violence and horror issues.

Day of the Bulgarian Zombie Remake will never stand a chance of a 12A and I don't think it's even trying, at 'best' it'd go for a hard PG-13 and a soft-ass 15, being a bag of shiite both ways.

Of course, some films are now rated 15 in the UK that once were 18's, or would have been 18's ... Land of the Dead was a 15, whereas previous entries are all 18 - no doubt Night would be a 15 now, and Dawn could probably manage a 15 perhaps...Day of the Dead though, that'd definitely remain an 18 because it's so graphic and foul mouthed.

Dropping from an 18 to a 15 though, is usually not a case of much cutting, usually a pretty pathetic amount of cutting, because if you can chop out say - for example - a couple of head butts and you get a 15 (which you were aiming for anyway), then why not?

Films are usually aimed for a target rating from early on, so fiddling to get a lower rating in the late stages is usually down to a miscalculation in the production, and is usually not a large amount of footage that needs shafting.

Then of course there's the whole theatrical/unrated DVD thing...it's retarded, not least because in the UK the unrated versions would walk an 18 UK certificate with ease.

"be cool" got away with the F bomb. but made fun of it. john travolta's character goes "you know what i say to that? f*ck that! im done!" and still got a PG 13

18-Nov-2007, 11:02 AM
"be cool" got away with the F bomb. but made fun of it. john travolta's character goes "you know what i say to that? f*ck that! im done!" and still got a PG 13
How many other F bombs were in the film? If it's just that, or one or two more in an appropriate context then it seems that PG-13 is similar to our 12A in respect to the F bomb.

18-Nov-2007, 02:46 PM
The movie will be rated 'R' in theaters and have an unrated version when it's on DVD.

Head Shotz
28-Nov-2007, 01:23 AM
So what you guys are saying is that your really exited about this upcoming release and can only hope for an oscar worthy film experience. And by the way what does walrus jizm look like?

28-Nov-2007, 10:01 AM
Day of the Bulgarian Zombie Remake will never stand a chance of a 12A and I don't think it's even trying, at 'best' it'd go for a hard PG-13 and a soft-ass 15, being a bag of shiite both ways.
Spot f**king on. :lol:

And by the way what does walrus jizm look like?
White. :D