View Full Version : cartoons today-YUCK...

15-Nov-2007, 03:22 PM
i am a stay at home parent with a two year old. most of the crap on tv anymore is just so ridiculously bland as to be sleep inducing. some of it: thomas the tank engine, read between the lions, the koala brothers and builder bob are okay. the redwall cartoons are really good.
actually, read between the lions is quite good too.

but a lot of it is simply insipid crap: curious george and caillou come to mind. bland, feel good crap without soul. these things remind me of plain oatmeal-boring.

luckily i have been into cartoons all my life and have a stockpile of the good stuff. my son is a total scooby-doo freak now. i have every classic scooby combination possible and he just loves them. the old fantastic 4 (from the 60s), the herculoids, spiderman (60s), tom and jerry (some of the funniest cartoons ever), bugs bunny/roadrunner show, star blazers, and the first batman cartoon are staples.

nothing tops the 'toons of the old days.

15-Nov-2007, 04:13 PM
Avatar the last airbender is a great tv show, and while aimed at kids, it is incredibly enjoyable.

15-Nov-2007, 04:19 PM
i enjoy anime but theres few wetern cartoons, aside form avatar and family guy that ill watch, id prefer ghost in the shell, bleach or fullmetal alchemist.

15-Nov-2007, 04:21 PM
Hells yeah....Tom and Jerry is the sh*t.

15-Nov-2007, 04:55 PM
I have noticed that cartoons today suck in general compared to what I watched during the '80's. I haven't seen a Tom & Jerry or Loonie Toons cartoon on tv in many years. And when they did show an old school one it was censored. Thanks to Ted Turner. A$$hole.

15-Nov-2007, 05:54 PM
Thomas The Tank Engine rules!

I used to watch that religiously as a wee one, likewise with other classics of my era...

Postman Pat
Fireman Sam
The Real Ghostbusters
Round the Bend

...ah mate, the list is endless.

Some shows these days I just go "huh?" at, but a fair few to be fair I think are pretty good these days, in that I see a clip and think - if I was that age today, I'd be watching this show...others not so much.

One that was on a while back here in the UK was, I forget the name, but there was a monkey, a cat (maybe) and a monkey and they would answer questions and if they were correct they were awarded a "shiny" (anything shiny, tea spoon, tinsel, whatever) ... it was proper funny and I'd watch it before heading off to early morning seminars at university, hehe. The Shiny Show, I think it was called.

Anyway...ahhh the classic kids shows of my youth...

15-Nov-2007, 07:57 PM
The Real Ghostbusters, GI Joe, Transformers, Thundercats, Alvin & The Chipmunks, Heathcliff, Jetsons, Muppet Babies, and more are all favorites of mine from the 80's.

15-Nov-2007, 08:13 PM
Bland and feel good sleep inducing junk- I agree. Like the new idea of not keeping score during American soccer and little league baseball, so that "everyone is a winner" -- the kid targeted shows of today reflect the lack of creativity of the corporate machine, and how much they underestimate their target audiences.

15-Nov-2007, 08:47 PM
[QUOTE=Yojimbo;120030Like the new idea of not keeping score during American soccer and little league baseball, so that "everyone is a winner" -- [/QUOTE]

when in the hell did this start?? everyone is a winner, huh? people that grow up under that illusion are in for one hell of a surprise when they get to college/real world work.

i used to teach and my wife still does teach at a university. you would be amazed at how many kids get into college and cannot handle criticism or the fact that they have simply failed at something. that whatever they did, no matter how much effort they thought they put into it, was just not good enough. they also cannot handle the fact that professors (or their boss at a real job) are not worried about and in fact, do not care about keeping up their self esteem. they have been coddled and their self-esteem and egos have been handled with kid gloves to the point that they are almost living in a fantasy world. one in which it is doing your best (which means so many different things to so many different people that it is a rather pointless phrase) that counts and not the results of said effort.

15-Nov-2007, 09:19 PM
Cartoons today are awful,my sister even though she is too old still watches them & i sometimes catch 5 minutes of them,things like powerpuff girls,the wild thornberrys etc,they are badly drawn,badly written,politically correct rubbish & i pity the kids of today who have to watch this tepid crap while we had transformers,mask,action force/GI joe,jayce & the wheeled warriors,Conan,Ullyses,defenders of the earth,pole position,the raccoons,thundercats,He-man etc.It was a good time to be a kid when i was a kid!

15-Nov-2007, 11:33 PM
you guys missed the real good stuff
scooby doo, josie and the pussycats, bugs bunny road runner
land of the lost, simund the sea monster and all the kroftt shows
like bannana splits (secret squirrel, atom ant, ect)
speed buggy, superfriends, yogi bear, flintstones
hong kong phooey, pink panther, jetsons
the cartoons in the 70s were the best.
too many to name, none drawn by japanese factories
all done by real aminators like mel blanc

used to sit in front of the tv at 7am and eat bowl after bowl
of sugar coated cereal

those were the days

16-Nov-2007, 12:22 AM
this is probably the best kids cartoon coming out fo the us right now


16-Nov-2007, 02:38 AM
and the fact that half it's veiwing audience is older then it's target audience kinda speaks for itself lol.

16-Nov-2007, 02:42 AM
Although not part of my early childhood, the early Nick Toons were always good for a laugh. Ren & Stimpy, Rocko's Modern Life, Doug, Etc.

16-Nov-2007, 02:53 AM
Rocko's Modern Life, Doug (before it jumped to ABC), Scooby Doo, Transformers, and of course the great Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I think now you get get TMNT seasons of the 80s cartoon for like $10. I remember seeing an episode of it lately, and there was some rather politically incorrect and downright sexist lines. I'd love to go back to when I was 5, so many good cartoons. Plus there was always the old Bugs Bunny, etc.

I'm just of the opinion that animators don't really try anymore.

16-Nov-2007, 03:15 AM
Besides the shows already mentioned, I really liked Mighty Max. That show was awesome and I always wanted his hat.

But for cartoons now, I have to agree that Avatar is the best one on tv.

16-Nov-2007, 06:09 AM
I really like Billy and Mandy......Cow and Chicken is alright...I liked Evil Con Carne but it got canceld....

Grim: I hate you, I hate playing with you, and I especially hate your little girlfriend!

Billy: Cheer up, Gri... hey! Mandy's not my girlfriend! She's just my FRIEND, who HAPPENS to be a girl, just like I HAPPEN to be a boy, and you HAPPEN to be a skeleton! It's the differences that make our planet so rich! So diverse! And wonderful!
[Rainbows in background]

Grim: I still hate you, though.

Grim: Oh, poo!
Mandy: What now Grim?
Grim: It's just that when you said we were going to a "mall," I thought we were going to see people getting teared limb from limb by a ferocious beast. Not this!

Billy: Why do you have to hate each other? Can't you see you're just like peas and mashed potatoes? Some people don't like them to touch each other if they're on the same plate! But it's okay. It's okay if they touch! Because they both get chewed up by the mouth, and sent down the esophagus and dissolved into the stomach and absorbed into the intestines and oh I won't go any further than that. But the point is, we're all just nutrients in the great big digestive system called LIFE!

Random Bird: Alas poor Billy had to walk the superflous streets of suberbia. A doomed husk of a child. Do not cry for him... DO NOT CRYYYY!

Irwin's dad: Yes, Irwin's mom is actually a mummy. Nobody can tell you who to fall in love with. But we've managed to make it work all these years leaving a whole lot of questions that don't need to be answered.
Billy: Yeah, but how and you and Irwin's mom...?
Irwin's dad: Leaving a whole lot of questions that don't need to be answered.

Captain Deadwood: They call me Captain Deadwood, the Heartless. Arr! But don't let the name fool ya; I'm not a real captain.

Billy: Why, Grim? Why do the good die young?
Grim: Well, usually because I get confused.

Master Control: [monitor activates] I am Master Control, computer of the future.
Billy: Aaahh!
[jumps on Grim's arms]
Grim: That'd better be sweat dripping down your leg, boy.
Master Control: I am programmed to run all of the machines at this attraction. My intelligence is beyond measure, I know everything there is to know, and I'm not too shabby at checkers.
Grim: Wait, how can you know *everything*?
Master Control: I just do, so there.
Grim: If you know everything, then what's the meaning of life?
Master Control: Life has no meaning, only machine intelligence is truly important on a cosmic scale.
Grim: Hmm, I didn't think he'd get that one right.
Billy: Oh, yeah? Then what's my favorite color?
Master Control: Blue.
Billy: What's the best kind of bean?
Master Control: Pinto.
Billy: Why is the sky blue?
Master Control: Because of the refraction of sunlight through the water droplets in the sky.
Billy: Why do I ask so many questions?
Master Control: Because you're stupid!
Billy: What's the color of my underwear?
Master Control: White...
[raises an eyebrow]
Master Control: ... with pink frilly lace.
Billy: [checks in his pants] Wow. It really does know everything.

16-Nov-2007, 04:45 PM
aye i regularly notice my older friendsall get a chuckle form that, it just makes sense for the grimm reaper to have a jamaican accent.:lol:

16-Nov-2007, 05:18 PM
I miss Cow and Chicken. That show was funny. I wish they would bring it back.

16-Nov-2007, 05:54 PM
ah man, the devil in that was hilarious,a dn probably the first out gay character in cartoons.

meanwhile fred has yet to come out after 40 years of the trutleneck neckercheif combo, your fooling noone- ZOIKS!:lol:

18-Nov-2007, 12:45 AM
Cartoons I grew up with:

G.I. Joe


Saturday Morning Arcade? (I don't remember if this is the name, but it had pac-man, donkey kong, q-bert, etc and there was also a WWF cartoon right after I believe.)

Smurfs- really, really began to hate those little blue b@$t@rd$, because they were on for freaking years!!

Captain N


Scooby-Doo (Preferred the older ones, hated Scrappy and Scooby-Dum.)

There is probably many others, but I can't think of any at the moment!


18-Nov-2007, 01:04 AM
Scooby-Doo (Preferred the older ones, hated Scrappy and Scooby-Dum.)

There is probably many others, but I can't think of any at the moment!


scrappy-doo is the fraking cartoon anti-christ as far as i am concerned. it was a stroke of brilliance to make him the villian in the first movie. "he wasn't even a puppy-he had a gland disorder." that line kills me.

18-Nov-2007, 06:45 AM
Cartoons I grew up with:

G.I. Joe


Saturday Morning Arcade? (I don't remember if this is the name, but it had pac-man, donkey kong, q-bert, etc and there was also a WWF cartoon right after I believe.)

Smurfs- really, really began to hate those little blue b@$t@rd$, because they were on for freaking years!!

Captain N


Scooby-Doo (Preferred the older ones, hated Scrappy and Scooby-Dum.)

There is probably many others, but I can't think of any at the moment!


Saturday Morning Supercade was the name. It also had Donkey Kong Jr with some white dude. Guess he was his owner. I think the WWF cartoon was called Hulk Hogan's Rock N Roll Wrestling. There was also The Gummy Bears, The Snorkels, Mr T had a cartoon, Rambo, M.A.S.K., Black Star, and Woody Woodpecker.

18-Nov-2007, 02:21 PM
Few other good ones - 60's era Johnny Quest, Space Ghost, Spider Man. 70's Tarzan Lord of the Jungle, New Adventures of Flash Gordon (first season), Return to the Planet of the Apes. 80's Thundarr the Barbarian.

19-Nov-2007, 01:41 PM
Recess and Hey Arnold are two I remember fondly. I can't remember as far back as what I'd be watching as a toddler though... SM:TV Live on saturday mornings was just the best as well, that is, until Ant & Dec left.

19-Nov-2007, 04:52 PM
oh man, that dec guy wearing a pokemon sweater adn yelling "PIKACHOOOOOO!" at the top of his lungs was a memory you should have left forgotten.

19-Nov-2007, 04:57 PM
If I had kids I'd make them steer clear of any japanese anime until they are older, its the most diabolical TV I have seen it's all down to lazy translators and voice actors.

19-Nov-2007, 05:22 PM
horrible dumbed down rubbish.

especially bratz.

my god, i could go on all day about how sinister, amoral & slightly questionable in its sexualisation of children that show is, but i'm just so very very tired.

although i have to say i'm not part of the transformers revival movement, never liked that show as a kid. the only transformer i give a crap about is the 2nd Lou Reed album

19-Nov-2007, 05:24 PM
uh, "slagz" is mroe like it, there the real world equivalent of the stupid spoilt whore playset from south park.:rolleyes:

19-Nov-2007, 06:07 PM
uh, "slagz" is mroe like it, there the real world equivalent of the stupid spoilt whore playset from south park.:rolleyes:

Ugh, if I had kids I'd refuse to buy them Bratz, and then lecture them about how whores aren't respected and will get nothing out of life except STDs and a sticky cough.

And I know what you mean Liam, this shady as fook subtle sexualisation of children in such shows/toys is disturbing as all hell...I wonder how many parents buy their kids those toys/whatever, but watch crime specials about kiddy fiddlers and curse such people with vigilante gusto?

19-Nov-2007, 06:21 PM
Oh definitely, it's almost a chicken & egg situation.

Also i don't like the way it perpetuates the glorification of the dumb, materialist slag.

These days there seems to be a celebration of being a dumb bastard. For a while people & culture tried to fight the urge to be inane and worthless, but slowly banal bollocks crept into the television listings, everyone got hooked and stopped giving a toss.

Have you seen that advert on E4 for their "dumb" programs, such as the simple life? Not exactly what i'm talking about, but symptomatic. People should demand more from culture and stop agreeing to be spoonfed garbage all the time.

I know this is dangerously close to pretentious holier than thou waffle, but there's so much rewarding, stimulating, moving culture to be had out there, and people would like it if they had the ability to give it a chance, but unfortunately their sensibilities have been irrevocably damaged by our ****-saturated media & society's it's-ok-to-be-dumb attitude.

19-Nov-2007, 06:33 PM
Ugh, tell me about it.

There's a limit to how much escapist simple programming you can have, and shiite like The Simple Life just celebrates air-wasters like Paris Hilton. These people should be openly mocked, unrelentingly so...rather than exploiting them in a way that only makes the companies a load of cash and, as you say, perpetuates a negative image that people are encouraged to agree with and emulate.

Even dumb stuff can be decent and moral, but stuff like My Super Sweet 16 is just beyond the pale, it's beyond dumb and is so far from moral and decent it's untold.

19-Nov-2007, 10:51 PM
Few other good ones - 60's era Johnny Quest, Space Ghost, Spider Man. 70's Tarzan Lord of the Jungle, New Adventures of Flash Gordon (first season), Return to the Planet of the Apes. 80's Thundarr the Barbarian.

I was wondering when Thundar would get his mention. I also liked Dungeons and Dragons. Voltron, smurfs, spiderman and friends. Later there was Animaniacs (loved that show!!)

Oh, and I completely agree about the Bratz thing. I forbid my daughter to have Bratz dolls in my house. Unfortunately, her mother is more lax about it at her house. I hate those little hos.