View Full Version : Aw you look like you're being dragged to church...

18-Nov-2007, 06:39 AM

I'm kinda shocked that there's a state law that forces parents to immunize children and on the same token I wonder how many parents have been fined or what-have-you over not doing so. I'm also somewhat intrigued ... what of the families who can't afford to give their children flu vaccines? If we're going to force parents to give their children flu vaccines then doesn't that then demonstrate the importance of preventative health care? And if we provide the flu shots free to children shouldn't it be free for all if its so necessary? How is it once we reach adulthood our health no longer matters to the government? Is it that they're trying to force us to find a way to afford overpriced health insurance? Or is it simply no longer neccessary?

Personally I could give a flying fig about giving my child a flu shot. I never had one as a kid. I got my MMR and that's about it... and I turned out just about fine. A little wet behind the ears still but hey...

People these days... I think we've gotten to a point where we have to have a fix for everything. Its like we're all addicts of some kind of another. Got restless leg syndrome? Why walk! Take a pill! Can't sleep? Trouble focusing at work? There's a Visine for that! Burning itch you know w-h-e-r-e? Simply call us for a free sample! Then there's vitamins... a scam I swear! Its like the collection plate at church! All a conspiracy! All such hooey ... like Penta water. I drank a case of $16 dollar Penta water... it left me feeling dehydrated. In a way I think most of medicine is psychological. People pop pills, drink fluids, and drop tablets into their water... but I think its to satisfy a need to feel like they're doing something to make themselves feel better without having to put a good deal of effort into solving the actual problem.

But meh... just the random ramblings of a pill popper who enjoys everything from my sleep medication to my depression meds, the anti nausea pills to counter the effects of the first two and the occasional anti anxiety medication for those moments when I have a damn hard time dealing with my to do list that seems never ending.

More to the point...

Where does our government get off forcing kids to take flu vaccines? Or better yet! I'd love to refuse the vaccine to send my parents to jail lol... that'd be funny

18-Nov-2007, 03:53 PM
The big thing about the flu vaccine is the mercury in it is said to cause autism in some kids, Now, personally I avoid mercury compounds like the plague but in those municipalities you mention apparently those kids don't have that option. EVEN though they risk autism and EVEN though they can only make a vaccine effective against one strain of flu and have to start production months in advance so they have to make their best guess as to what strain of flu to vaccinate for.

Don't you just love modern medicine? Or is it modern politics?

18-Nov-2007, 05:21 PM
Medicine and politics are like one in the same. Everyone has their own opinion on the right thing to do but no one can proove it without trying and trying could put you worse off than before.

I somehow can't seem to imagine how a flu vaccine for students will cause a late onset autism in a child buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut...

why is it so damn important that they vaccinate the kids in this area? Is it so one kid doesn't get it and spread it around?

In some small town outside of her about an hour away a staph infection has spread through nearly the whole town but I dont hear public outcry over why didn't anyone force some sort of vaccination to prevent it.

What's next? No college admission without a meningitis vaccine? That's deadly and easily spread too.