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19-Nov-2007, 05:02 PM

what a freakin' cop out, and the avatar show would make for a decent game if it wasnt owned by nickelodeon.

19-Nov-2007, 05:26 PM
That is kinda lame, I wonder why the developers did that??

19-Nov-2007, 05:41 PM
lazyness im guessing, they were just paid to make a cheap tie in game adn couldnt be arsed to go that extra mile for the gamers, it happens with adaptions all the time.

19-Nov-2007, 07:58 PM
That's pretty damn lame. I can see it now, hundreds of thousands of people renting this game just to do that, then taking it back immediately.

20-Nov-2007, 08:29 PM
Funny, I was going to rent this game next time my nephew comes over and now there is more of a reason to... easy acheivement points!

20-Nov-2007, 08:35 PM
I don't get it. Achievment points? For what....to show off on the internet or something?

I just play video games.:shifty:

20-Nov-2007, 08:44 PM
I don't like Gamerpoints, because it's not as satisfying when you complete the game.

20-Nov-2007, 09:28 PM
I dig achievement points, but more just as a bonus thing. I don't have Xbox Live, so I don't use them to buy stuff - nor do I earn enough points to do so anyway, if I was on Live.

But it's a nice little bonus for me, but I don't go achievement hunting, can't be arsed with that. I just get achievements for my own standard game playing...speaking of which, I've been rinsing them out of Splinter Cell: Double Agent of late, and COD4 was generous with them too...and Project 8 is fairly generous...some games can be right tight arses with gamer points though. :D

20-Nov-2007, 09:50 PM
I dig achievement points, but more just as a bonus thing. I don't have Xbox Live, so I don't use them to buy stuff - nor do I earn enough points to do so anyway, if I was on Live.

You can't buy anything with your gamerscore, sadly.

20-Nov-2007, 10:55 PM
i dont get were people constantly think there a form of curency, weres that ever been said? Its just a high score, most of the points you get are from progesssing through the game adn unlocking ahievments like beating the final boss or something, but the games that really rock on the 360 go way out of there way to add extras requireing you to do things you would never normally do, and even replay the whole thing, for example in half life 2, carrying a garden gnome through the entire game. They usually add longevity adn replayability to a game and give you bragging rights for the really hard ones, this avatar ones just lame.

20-Nov-2007, 11:18 PM
Achievement points are awesome, and for the especially brutal ones (The Inhuman Achievement for Guitar Hero III, I'm lookin' at you), you really feel like you've accomplished something when that little notice pops up. I think people get Achievement points and Microsoft points mixed up because they are just that - points.

I think that was something that was a bit of an oversight for MS, when your currency is the same as your high score trophies, people will mix them up.

21-Nov-2007, 10:14 AM
Oh right I see...

So then how do you get Microsoft Points, just buy them? So it's like Disney Dollars? :rolleyes:

Microsoft Points/Gamer Points ... you can see where th confusion would come from, especially not being someone on Live, so it's all Greek to me.

21-Nov-2007, 03:59 PM
Yeah, you either put in your credit card information, choose from a few options, and they add points to your account. Or you can go in to any game store and buy a 1600 point card, on the back of which there is a code you enter on Live.

21-Nov-2007, 08:49 PM
gamerpoints make up your gamerSCORE, microsoft points are bought from a store on a card, one requires real money the others a high score, its not that complicated.

21-Nov-2007, 08:54 PM
gamerpoints make up your gamerSCORE, microsoft points are bought from a store on a card, one requires real money the others a high score, its not that complicated.
It's not complicated, but it's confusing when you don't have Live and they've both got "points" in the name... ...shut up! :eek:

21-Nov-2007, 09:20 PM
then if you dont have live then you dont need to use one of them to begin with -GAH!

*throws a bunch of papers in the air and stomps out the room, slamming the door behind him*

22-Nov-2007, 10:08 AM
*unslams the door and pokes head through to shout*

Even still, it's all information that might be useful in the future!

*reslams door, doubly hard ... puts on vest ... grabs some beers ... puts feet up ... waits for hellsing to do some friggin' housework for a change* :lol::lol:

22-Nov-2007, 08:31 PM
Gamerpoints are a numerical declaration of officially having no life. :p