View Full Version : best Books shop

20-Nov-2007, 12:13 AM
Greetings to all.

Prompt the best online shop on sale of Books.

20-Nov-2007, 12:39 AM
Hi Carey.

Most of my books come from Amazon. Good prices, massive list of titles and speedy delivery.

Rare, out of print and hard to find books I tend to get from ebay or abebooks

20-Nov-2007, 01:42 AM
The only place I've ever bought books from off the internet is Amazon. I've found some great stuff on there for ultra cheap.

Once found a hardcover book that had only been released a year prior, for something like $26.99, on Amazon for $0.98! Good book, too.

20-Nov-2007, 04:52 AM
amazon buy two books for 15 quid adn there delivered 3, you dont even need to get off your arse.;)

that or ottakers...wait, it got bought out by waterstones, but there the only place that does manga for miles around.

21-Nov-2007, 12:25 AM
I've used ebay for esoteric, hard to find stuff. I've also had great luck with Amazon. I don't recommend the SciFi or Military Book Clubs.

Helm publishing used to be good for tech manuals and the like, but I don't know if they are still around.

21-Nov-2007, 12:58 AM
this just reminded me, volume 4 of scott pilgrim came out this week.

21-Nov-2007, 07:11 AM
I've used ebay for esoteric, hard to find stuff. I've also had great luck with Amazon. I don't recommend the SciFi or Military Book Clubs.

Helm publishing used to be good for tech manuals and the like, but I don't know if they are still around.

I joined the sci fi book club and I regret it. Their selection is limited and not a lot of books that I like and they always want to send me featured selection every freaking month. I actually declined and still had it sent to me once and they were like "We will send you a return lable this ONE time, but in the future if you do not decline your featured selection you will have to pay for it." I had declined it, I had the e mail that said I declined it and I got attitude lol.

On a side note, why is the OP banned? He had one post about books...

I prefer to buy books in a book store, but if I do go online I usually go with Amazon or ebay... I have found much better deals on ebay.

21-Nov-2007, 08:06 AM
oh man theyve got that over here, my mom was a member to get me and my brother some books and months after she quit and closed her account with them they were still billing ehr for tons of books she never bought.
turns out that when we moved house they delivered a final letter to my mom and the people in the house then used it to order then and scam them.
they were done for fraud and 5 months later a big box of books arrived on our doorstep for free.;)

21-Nov-2007, 10:16 AM
Just to say this was a post by a spambot...there seems to be a strain out there that don't post links to porn, but rather, weird crap like this. :confused:

Just in case anyone was wonderin'...

21-Nov-2007, 10:22 AM
Yup, was pretty sure it was more spam and thought it was funny that an actual conversation grew out of it. I wonder if Amazon sponsored this bot, so that people would start talking about buying books online, how easy it would be and how we all really need to start thinking about getting things in gear for the holiday season. :lol: