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View Full Version : Archieved Movie Sites?

28-Feb-2006, 07:20 PM
You know the official movie sites that the studios put on the net when a movie is about ready to come out?

I wish somebody out there has been backing them up for history sake. Maybe someone should start now? It would be kind of cool to look back at a movie site years from now, don't you think?

Just a thought.

:dead: Dawg

28-Feb-2006, 07:24 PM
ever tried http://www.archive.org/ ?

28-Feb-2006, 08:17 PM
I don't know if it has to do with how much money the film makes or whatever, but I have noticed that they keep the sites running for quite some time.

One that I can think of is the site for "Donnie Darko". That film is about five years old now and the site is still running.

Another that just popped to mind is "Fight Club". That film is about 7 years old and the site is running...

Maybe this is something that film companies are starting to do regularly?:rockbrow:

28-Feb-2006, 09:19 PM
Perhaps those sort of flicks are being kept online as they're a bit more 'cult' and maybe the sort of folk who'd most be interested in them are more likely to find out about them online, and so therefore head off to the official website to find out about it.

28-Feb-2006, 11:02 PM
But there are still some others that aren't necessarily "cults" that are kept up.

I dunno....I didn't really think "Fight Club" was considered "cult", but I guess it could be...

01-Mar-2006, 04:30 AM
A lot of people consider Fight Club a cult classic because of its following... which is pretty much what makes a film a cult classic.

01-Mar-2006, 09:47 AM
Well although it appears Fight Club is a very mainstream flick, I don't think it did tooooo well in the cinemas, or as well as it might have done, probably a lot of people saw it and knew it wasn't for them - it rather violent and it's the sound design more than anything really, which adds to the impact of that violence. It's also definately a young man's movie - so the audience is perhaps much more limited than normal Hollywood flicks.

I duno really, it's the sort of movie which walks the line between mainstream and cult ... cultstream.