View Full Version : So who's winning? Bluray or HDDVD?

23-Nov-2007, 09:00 AM
Not really upto date on this... Is a winner appearing?

23-Nov-2007, 10:14 AM
I think it's still pretty stalematey...I wish they'd hurry up and decide already, but I guess there was a fair bit of time between VHS and Betamax...

23-Nov-2007, 11:21 AM
neither is winning. because instead of a new dvd format which works with ur player,they want u to decide on what company ur gonna toss $1,000 out on for no reason. if superbit didnt make it and all u had to buy was the disc,then the new "beta" damn sure isnt gonna fly.

23-Nov-2007, 01:34 PM
I think both will go tits up personally.

23-Nov-2007, 01:41 PM
I'm really ignorant on this...is HD/Blu that much better than a DVD player with 1080 upscaling and a good HD TV?

23-Nov-2007, 01:46 PM
Some of the demonstrations they have at your local Virgin or HMV are pretty stunning but at the end of the day the difference between the two is very slim.

I'm really ignorant on this...is HD/Blu that much better than a DVD player with 1080 upscaling and a good HD TV?
I don't think so. Although some of the plebs that shelled out for HD/Blu will probably jump on soon and prove me wrong. :skull:

23-Nov-2007, 04:17 PM
Some of the demonstrations they have at your local Virgin or HMV are pretty stunning but at the end of the day the difference between the two is very slim.

I don't think so. Although some of the plebs that shelled out for HD/Blu will probably jump on soon and prove me wrong. :skull:

This HD/Bluray thing is sounding like SACD, I don't see the need to replace my CPD and my entire CD collection for something that is a little bit better at the cost of several thousand pounds.

23-Nov-2007, 04:57 PM
neither really, since they came out my brothers got about 4 blu-ray for his ps3 this year, and about 50 dvd's, my freind with a 360 hd add ons bought, again, 4 hd-dvd's and dozens of dvd's in the last year. if you can get the same movie on dvd for under a tenner or a hd version for about 25 quid there arent many that would spend that much on 2 hours entertainement you might not watch again just for a sharper (in some peoples opinions:shifty:) picture.

23-Nov-2007, 05:18 PM
Ive heard some very good things about blu-ray from people at work who have it,but im yet to see it myself!

23-Nov-2007, 05:41 PM
Whatever the "new" format of the day is that comes out, it better play my old DVD's or I ain't buyin'. There's no way I'm gonna replace the collection I already have.

23-Nov-2007, 05:58 PM
man i hear that, theres some ive got that were discontinued on dvd years ago, so the cahnce of them rare ones being rereleased again is slim to none. and as ive said before i like the dvd picture and think hd would ruin some older films so im sticking with dvd still.

23-Nov-2007, 06:25 PM
if superbit didnt make it and all u had to buy was the disc
"Superbit" is not an exclusive format, it's just a marketing brand by Fox. Superbit is exactly the same file structure as any other DVD. It's typically a movie-only disc with no extras so that all the file space can be allocated toward an increased bit rate for the movie. Many "special edition" DVDs are released this way by separating the movie on the first disc and the extras on the second disc. They just don't call them "Superbit."

07-Jan-2008, 01:50 PM
If Warner had stayed neutral it would have been a stalemate. Now that Warner has pledged to be Blu only after May it is over. I say HD-DVD has 24 months at most left. Universal and Paramount are big studios but they can't carry the format.

I am format neutral. I own both Blu-ray and HD-dvd. Now that Blu-Ray has no real competition let's see how highdef media progresses.

07-Jan-2008, 02:14 PM
If Warner had stayed neutral it would have been a stalemate. Now that Warner has pledged to be Blu only after May it is over. I say HD-DVD has 24 months at most left. Universal and Paramount are big studios but they can't carry the format.

I am format neutral. I own both Blu-ray and HD-dvd. Now that Blu-Ray has no real competition let's see how highdef media progresses.
I'm format neutral - I don't own any of either! :D

07-Jan-2008, 03:13 PM
Looks like sonys gamble on fitting the PS3 with blu-ray has paid off then!apparently over xmas they got pretty good sales as well,and ive heard comments from owners of both that the PS3 is showing itself to be graphically superior now.I might get one in time for GTA4 :D

07-Jan-2008, 06:31 PM
Looks like sonys gamble on fitting the PS3 with blu-ray has paid off then!apparently over xmas they got pretty good sales as well,and ive heard comments from owners of both that the PS3 is showing itself to be graphically superior now.I might get one in time for GTA4 :D
Meh, it's about quality games, not just graphics.

Mind you, the Blu-Ray thing was far riskier than DVD. There was ONLY DVD coming up next, but this next-gen-DVDs aren't so clear cut.

Interestingly I just saw a bit on Channel 5 news about this issue, although it wasn't discussed very well, nor that clearly, concisely or simply. :p

Still though...if BRay does win, I wonder what Microsoft will do - obviously they'll have to go with BRay, so will that mean an external drive (like with HD-DVD currently) or will that mean Xbox360-2 (prior to the inevitable, but years-off Xbox 3)?

07-Jan-2008, 07:59 PM
Blu Ray won when they released Dawn '78 :D

07-Jan-2008, 09:09 PM
I was reading an article just this morning in fact, that noted since blu-ray's partnership with Warner and Warner's subsideraries (HBO, etc.) that blu-ray has access to 70% of Hollywood's assets now.

HD still has Universal and Paramount though, and still have An American Werewolf in London exclusively, so I don't think the format war is finished yet, but I do think, in the end, blu-ray will win.

Sony got their asses handed to them with betamax, and they're trying their damndest to make sure blu-ray doesn't repeat history and lose the format war, even at the expense of losing the video game console war.

As a matter of fact, I've had a 40 gb ps3 for going on two weeks now, and although, it's nowhere near as fun as my 360 and xbox live experience, I did watch the free Spider-Man 3 blu-ray that was bundled with the player and it did look phenomenal on my sharp aquos lcd tv in 1080p.

08-Jan-2008, 02:35 AM
^ wich is part of the ps3's problem there trying to go the media center route insted of focussing on games, wereas the 360 got a good balance between the two, plus theres talks of...some electronics company beginning with an I making a 360 with not only a built in hd drive but ,for some reason, a rewritable disc drive too, maybe its got something to do with that games design program...thing i dunno.

08-Jan-2008, 10:20 AM
I think with games consoles - you just wanna play games, leave it be at that.

Surfing the internet - use a computer like a normal person.

Watching movies - get a player (although I did watch an episode of The A-Team on my Xbox360 last night...but also being able to play DVDs is different to this whole next-gen-disc palava)

Socialising - who needs that when you're too busy bustin' heads open on some wicked shooter? Also, what the hell are Facebook/MySpace or real life for?


Just because it's the 21st century, doesn't mean every bit of tech has to be capable of doing every single thing. Just focus on one or two things and do them really well, rather than struggling to keep all the plates spinning at once, so-to-speak. That's my view anyway.