View Full Version : Southland Tales.... what do u think?

23-Nov-2007, 09:02 PM

I'm quite liking it

26-Nov-2007, 01:32 PM
I think that's a great trailer and I'm definitely going to see this because I love Richard Kelly's first film, Donnie Darko, but I've heard that this thing is a huge mess of a film.

Apparently, Kelly tried to be too smart with his plot and it turns out totally confusing and annoying to the viewer. This is just what I've read, of course. I'm going to check it out as soon as I can find a theater that's showing it.:dead:

26-Nov-2007, 02:55 PM
I've heard it's either love it or hate it...I'll save judgement till I see it. Donnie Darko was awesome, on a side note.

26-Nov-2007, 04:04 PM
I think that's a great trailer and I'm definitely going to see this because I love Richard Kelly's first film, Donnie Darko, but I've heard that this thing is a huge mess of a film.

That pretty well paraphrases my thoughts on the matter. It's interesting, but I think it might not live up to that potential in its execution.

26-Nov-2007, 06:24 PM
donnie darko was great, so i'm interested.

the trailer looks pretty good, but i got a feeling this film may be a bit up-it's-own-ass for my tastes.

26-Nov-2007, 07:32 PM
Total Film was saying it's 'Richard Kelly's Heaven's Gate' ... so ambitious, but a bit much and a bit pretentious, but some will love it and some will hate it and some will have no idea what's going on.

I didn't really follow it during production, barely in fact, so I've not had my fill of it like you sometimes get if you follow something too much before you see it. So I'll see...

26-Nov-2007, 07:33 PM
i've liked all the rock's movies cuz he's a consumate entertainer no matter what field he's in. makes me laugh too.

26-Nov-2007, 08:30 PM
even doom?:rockbrow:

26-Nov-2007, 08:36 PM
even doom?:rockbrow:

Better yet.....even The Scorpion King?

26-Nov-2007, 08:42 PM
Better yet.....even The Scorpion King?

even walking tall? i bet Buford Pusser was rollin' in his grave over that one.

don't take offense, ace. not to say the rock's not an awesome entertainer, but he's not flawless.

back to topic, though, i'll probably see this one, but it'll probably be after i can rent it and watch it from the comfy conditions of my own pad.

26-Nov-2007, 11:24 PM
Better yet.....even The Scorpion King?

yes. all $165 million dollars of the gross of the scorpion king. that movie was bad ass and so was doom.

26-Nov-2007, 11:43 PM
even The Scorpion King?

The horror. The horror...

27-Nov-2007, 05:07 AM
Any trailer with a Pixies song has got my vote.