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27-Nov-2007, 04:52 AM
looks like the reason trent lott is resigning is because he had an affair with a high rent male escort. whoopsie


27-Nov-2007, 05:00 AM
im getting another dejavu here about this thread....

*kaos lurks in the shadows ,waiting, for the dude to show up again*

27-Nov-2007, 05:37 AM
im getting another dejavu here about this thread....

*kaos lurks in the shadows ,waiting, for the dude to show up again*

lol i just find it weird all of a sudden all of these stories are coming out. someone musta got denied a free hotel stay or somethin

27-Nov-2007, 12:18 PM
From go english.com

"protest too much"
To "protest too much" is to insist so strongly about something not being true that people begin to suspect maybe it is true. Example: "You do like that girl, don't you?" Answer: "No! I don't! Not at all! Why do you think so?" Reply: "You protest too much." "Protest too much" comes from Hamlet by William Shakespeare; the Queen speaking: "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." (Note: people do not usually use the word "methinks" when they are speaking English today.) To "protest too much" is to insist so passionately about something not being true that people suspect the opposite of what you are saying. Example: "Do you think he is telling the truth?" Answer: "I think he protests too much."

I think the anger and emotion behind the Republicans stance on homosexuals and Gay Maridge can be summed up by the above.

Otherwise they would stfu and realize that what somebody does and with who is none of their business (as long as they are concenting adults) and move on to actual issues.

Inside every gay basher is a closeted gay full of self lothing and taking it out on those who have the balls to be who they are. I know this is an exageration but I am sure you get my point.

27-Nov-2007, 12:51 PM
*Sniff, sniff*

An ill wind blows and something wicked this way comes...

28-Nov-2007, 01:35 AM
From go english.com

"protest too much"
To "protest too much" is to insist so strongly about something not being true that people begin to suspect maybe it is true. Example: "You do like that girl, don't you?" Answer: "No! I don't! Not at all! Why do you think so?" Reply: "You protest too much." "Protest too much" comes from Hamlet by William Shakespeare; the Queen speaking: "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." (Note: people do not usually use the word "methinks" when they are speaking English today.) To "protest too much" is to insist so passionately about something not being true that people suspect the opposite of what you are saying. Example: "Do you think he is telling the truth?" Answer: "I think he protests too much."

I think the anger and emotion behind the Republicans stance on homosexuals and Gay Maridge can be summed up by the above.

Otherwise they would stfu and realize that what somebody does and with who is none of their business (as long as they are concenting adults) and move on to actual issues.

Inside every gay basher is a closeted gay full of self lothing and taking it out on those who have the balls to be who they are. I know this is an exageration but I am sure you get my point.

kinda like the pot callin the kettle black. they hate gays buy my goodness do they all seem gay which is ironic.

28-Nov-2007, 01:45 AM
im getting another dejavu here about this thread....

*kaos lurks in the shadows ,waiting, for the dude to show up again*
You love me...now don't protest too much! :p

28-Nov-2007, 02:08 AM
why is it that the more sanctamonious and self-righteous a person (esp. one in the public eye) is, the more likely they are to be caught up in these sorts of scandals?

how many preachers, tele-preachers, and politicians who have trumpeted off about the evil of immorality have gotten busted doing the very things they propose to hate? plenty.

could the hatred of gays and other "immoral" acts that they blow off about be more about the self-loathing they feel because they are not grown up enough, mature enough or strong enough to deal with their own feelings/actions? i think very much so.

hypocrisy much?

28-Nov-2007, 03:15 AM
why is it that the more sanctamonious and self-righteous a person (esp. one in the public eye) is, the more likely they are to be caught up in these sorts of scandals?

how many preachers, tele-preachers, and politicians who have trumpeted off about the evil of immorality have gotten busted doing the very things they propose to hate? plenty.

could the hatred of gays and other "immoral" acts that they blow off about be more about the self-loathing they feel because they are not grown up enough, mature enough or strong enough to deal with their own feelings/actions? i think very much so.

hypocrisy much?

its the same with preachers who says "porn is wrong" but they get caught in an X rated peep show. or like dick cheney hates gays but his daughter is lesbian

28-Nov-2007, 11:40 AM
Perhaps it all comes down to the fact that none can see their own refection in the mirror.... or rather... they see what they truely are and can not bare it.

I meant the peckers who keep getting caught in this stuff ... not all republicans... lets not be hatin :)

"If you stare into the Abyss long enough the Abyss stares back at you." - Friedrich Nietzsche (http://www.saidwhat.co.uk/quotes/favourite/friedrich_nietzsche)

28-Nov-2007, 01:38 PM
Moving the thread to General Discussion.