View Full Version : Is anybody here.....

28-Nov-2007, 10:32 PM
Is anybody here actually a Stephen fan, because I keep hearing people say that Peter, Roger and Fran are all cool and awesome. But I never hear anything good about Stephen.....Why does he get the least love out of the 4 characters in Dawn?:rockbrow:

28-Nov-2007, 11:18 PM
Is anybody here actually a Stephen fan, because I keep hearing people say that Peter, Roger and Fran are all cool and awesome. But I never hear anything good about Stephen.....Why does he get the least love out of the 4 characters in Dawn?:rockbrow:
I'm a Flyboy Zombie fan, if that counts.

28-Nov-2007, 11:49 PM
I'm a Flyboy Zombie fan, if that counts.

I second that.

Stephen doesn't get much love because he's just like my friend (who is coincidentally also named Steve)... a little wimp.

28-Nov-2007, 11:56 PM
Stephen's a bit of schmuck but he made a great zombie and without him there would've been no mall to takeover.

29-Nov-2007, 12:03 AM
Stephen is a great character and, as such, had foibles and flaws. From that perspective, I like him a lot.

29-Nov-2007, 12:05 AM
I like the character for what he brings to the story, but he is not very admirable.

29-Nov-2007, 12:15 AM
Flyboy was one of those folks who is full of good intentions, but who has a habbit of fvcking things up.

I don't dislike him, I just think Roger is the frigging man, Peter also rocks.

29-Nov-2007, 02:44 AM
Agreed. Stephen is a decent character who I think get's better, stronger, and smarter as the film progresses. I think that most people dislike him because he seems weak when compared to Roger and Peter.

29-Nov-2007, 05:36 AM
I liked Stephen. Dawn was a movie where you didn't have heroes and villains - you had people. People who mimic real life - heroes at times and screw-ups at others.

Stephen was an everyday guy trying to figure out how to be a commando. Peter and Roger were easier to admire, but they had it easy by comparison - they were trained for combat. Stephen was the one who had to grow into the situation. Romero did an excellent job with him.

29-Nov-2007, 01:34 PM
I liked Stephen. Dawn was a movie where you didn't have heroes and villains - you had people. People who mimic real life - heroes at times and screw-ups at others.

Stephen was an everyday guy trying to figure out how to be a commando. Peter and Roger were easier to admire, but they had it easy by comparison - they were trained for combat. Stephen was the one who had to grow into the situation. Romero did an excellent job with him.

Very well put, Trin. :thumbsup:

29-Nov-2007, 01:52 PM
Is anybody here actually a Stephen fan, because I keep hearing people say that Peter, Roger and Fran are all cool and awesome. But I never hear anything good about Stephen.....Why does he get the least love out of the 4 characters in Dawn?:rockbrow:

Probably coz "Stephen" was a little goody-two-shoes nancy boy! The classic movie loser who in this case not only lost the girl, but also his own life.

The "Flyboy Zombie" on the otherhand was both groundbreaking, and a truly sinister invention ;)

One actor, two characters, two extremes, no easy feat!

29-Nov-2007, 02:29 PM
I like the guy

If he wasn't a pilot, they'd never have gotten out of the city. I don't think he was a wimp, just not a member of a SWAT Team, so sue him for not being the gun expert.

Roger (Was that his name, the blond haired dude) was the least admirable of them all, cocky, careless, wreckless. When he was bit, I was thinking 'Dumbass ... see what you get for being a wiseguy?'

He is the last guy I'd want to be around in that situation.

29-Nov-2007, 03:06 PM
Roger (Was that his name, the blond haired dude) was the least admirable of them all, cocky, careless, wreckless. When he was bit, I was thinking 'Dumbass ... see what you get for being a wiseguy?'

That's always how I've felt, but Roger certainly has his share of fans. I can even understand why, given that a lot of people first saw this movie when they were kids or teenagers and that sort of bravado would appeal to that audience and the fondness would have a good chance at sticking over time, even as those people grew up.

29-Nov-2007, 04:14 PM
Stephen wasn't a trained SWAT guy, but he was the character that represented how most of us would be in this situation if we were thrust into it without training. Of course, most of us do not know how to pilot a helicopter, so he had more going for him than the majority of the "everymen" here and in that sense was extremely important to group survival.

Surely Stephen was a geek and not familiar with firearms or tactics. But I disagree that he was a wimp. Those of you who consider him a wimp should clarify why you think so. Certainly, given a choice between hanging with Stephen or hanging with Miguel (from DAY) Stephen would be my choice hands down.

Roger became unpredictable and paid for it. But I think his role as the unifying force of the group should not be overlooked. Anyone can crack under pressure, but that does not mean that they have no value.

29-Nov-2007, 09:41 PM
Aha ok I see.:) But what makes Fran more popular then Stephen though/

29-Nov-2007, 09:44 PM
That's always how I've felt, but Roger certainly has his share of fans. I can even understand why, given that a lot of people first saw this movie when they were kids or teenagers and that sort of bravado would appeal to that audience and the fondness would have a good chance at sticking over time, even as those people grew up.

Roger's status as a legend was carved in stone when he pulled that zombie through the store doors, booted it in the face and nonchalantly executed it...that's what you get for causing him to lose his M16. :D

29-Nov-2007, 09:54 PM
Aha ok I see.:) But what makes Fran more popular then Stephen though/


30-Nov-2007, 04:42 AM
Surely Stephen was a geek and not familiar with firearms or tactics. But I disagree that he was a wimp.
I agree. Clearly, Stephen was not a wimp. Along the lines of what Trin wrote, Stephen was desperately trying to be "one of the guys" and this bravado led him to screw up (i.e. dozing off in the chopper, aiming the gun at Peter, etc.) The audience naturally looks up to characters like Roger and Peter, so of course the inclination is to see Stephen as wimpy. No one wants to be seen like that, but the problem is a majority of the audience is more like Stephen than they'd care to admit. This is what makes a great character.

01-Dec-2007, 12:39 AM
Aha ok I see.:) But what makes Fran more popular then Stephen though/

Probably because everyone can imagine themselves being trapped in that mall with everything they could possibly imagine at their disposal, including Fran without her panties on. If she wasn't already pregnant when the got there, you can bet she would have been banging more than just Stephen.

01-Dec-2007, 04:21 AM
Probably because everyone can imagine themselves being trapped in that mall with everything they could possibly imagine at their disposal, including Fran without her panties on.
This thread just took a sharp right from "what if...?" to "Hot Damn!"

01-Dec-2007, 04:31 AM
i think steven gets the least love because he is easily the least coolest of the bunch.

fran is, well, the only girl in town.

peter is just a cool badass.

roger, ugh. when i was a kid my favorite character was roger-maybe because he is short and white and so am i, but anyway, i have come to realize that roger is a few fries short of a happy meal- he is short the toy too, i believe. this may be another reason i still kinda like him-i might have all the fries but i am definitely short of the toy.

back to steven- he is, in the words of my parent's generation, square man, real square.

01-Dec-2007, 04:45 AM
roger, ugh. when i was a kid my favorite character was roger-maybe because he is short and white and so am i

I think you've just nailed a few of my reasons for thinking he is the man as well - Us non-tall white people gotta stick together. :D

I don't care how many beers short of a six pack that he was, he is still cool...if he'd not been bitten and died, those biker muppets would've all been dead at the gates of the mall/zombie food. :cool:

01-Dec-2007, 04:55 AM
if he'd not been bitten and died, those biker muppets would've all been dead at the gates of the mall/zombie food. :cool:

agreed. i forget who it was who posted this but someone once theorized that if roger had lived, he and peter could have taken out some bikers and most probably convinced them to go somewhere else in search of easier pickings.

if this was your idea give a shout out. i seriously can't remember who thought this up.

01-Dec-2007, 05:07 AM
agreed. i forget who it was who posted this but someone once theorized that if roger had lived, he and peter could have taken out some bikers and most probably convinced them to go somewhere else in search of easier pickings.

if this was your idea give a shout out. i seriously can't remember who thought this up.

That was on my "turn off the power" thread, I just checked and ProfesorChaos made the sugestion as "alternative universe" scenario, SRP76 expanded on it in the thoughtful, detailed way that he usually does.

01-Dec-2007, 05:39 AM
Us non-tall white people gotta stick together. :D


01-Dec-2007, 04:49 PM
I don't care how many beers short of a six pack that he was, he is still cool...if he'd not been bitten and died, those biker muppets would've all been dead at the gates of the mall/zombie food. :cool:
Roger wasn't crazy, IMO, it's simply how he reacted to the increased carnage around him. The more he shot and killed his way through the undead hoard, the less detached from reality he became. Ironic when you consider that Stephen started out the least detached from reality, particularly when they first arrived at the mall and he was taken in by all the "great stuff." Romero films are all about ironies.

01-Dec-2007, 07:44 PM
I think it's a case of identification.

When most people watch a movie, they see the characters, and say to themselves, "now, that's the one I'd be, if it were me in that situation".

Just who watches Dawn and says, "I wanna be Flyboy"? Nobody. So, he doesn't get much respect, simply because he isn't the James Bond of the movie.