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View Full Version : So how are we all?

28-Feb-2006, 07:23 PM
This forum feels all fresh,you can still smell the paint! :D

Whats everyone been up to?done anything good with 2006 yet?

28-Feb-2006, 07:30 PM
Hey Tricky, how's it going?

I've been busy. I spent my winter and part of last fall getting music together for my demo CD. Six tracks of pure me. :D I write, sing, play, record, mix, edit, everything. I need a life, I know. But hey, maybe I can get a name for myself. At least locally.

Other than that, things havent been too bad. Nothing else really going on. What about with you. What have you been up to?

28-Feb-2006, 08:43 PM
I'm super, thanks for asking! :D

28-Feb-2006, 09:24 PM
Not bad ta, just going along leisurely you know.

Just got back from a workshop with the Rural Media Company where my rough edit for a short film (for BBC Local TV) went down very well, so I'll be formally submitting (for certain showcasing) my short film to them next week. Should also be getting more involved with them in the coming weeks/months - there's one guy there who is really excited for me to be there it'd seem, as I remind him of where he was 13-or-so years ago and he knows full-well how difficult it is to get that first baby step...and subsequent leaps...in the media industry.

So hopefully I've found that first step now, definately will go down well on the CV and will provide me with some much-needed experience, and contacts, groovy.

Otherwise I've been cursing up a fupishcu storm towards my pootah because "XIII" won't play properly...and I've still got weeks until True Crime: New York City comes out for PC!!! Dangit Bobby-Joe!