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29-Nov-2007, 08:27 PM
Hey internet message board buddies,

Isn't weird how sometimes sh*t just seems to come out of nowhere and it changes your life forever? That happened to me a few days ago....

My girlfriend sits me down to let me know that.....gasp.....she's pregnant. "WOW" was my immediate reaction. I was dumbfounded. How do you respond to something like that?!?

Anyway, after my brain running a marathon for the past few days, I've come to grips with it and all. It's earlier than I wanted to start having kids(MUCH earlier), but i'm financially stable, I love my girlfriend(not married yet, though), and we decided to go through with it. I'm actually quite excited about it, now. I love kids and i'm ecstatic right now that I'm going to have one next year. Alot of trouble and whatnot comes along with it and I know this....but I'm actually really excited.

I never thought I would take it this way. Anywho.....sh*t can change with the blink of an eye, can't it guys?:p

29-Nov-2007, 08:37 PM
How do you respond to something like that?!?

first off-congrats. there is nothing like being a parent. i hope you will enjoy it as much as i do.

second how do you respond? you are dealing with a female in an, uh, interesting emotional state- the correct thing to do would be to act excited as hell and make it seem like that is what you have been wanting to hear for years. otherwise...

29-Nov-2007, 08:40 PM
first off-congrats. there is nothing like being a parent. i hope you will enjoy it as much as i do.

second how do you respond? you are dealing with a female in an, uh, interesting emotional state- the correct thing to do would be to act excited as hell and make it seem like that is what you have been wanting to hear for years. otherwise...


Oh yeah....I acted well about it and she thanked me for it, but what I meant by that question is that when you're in that situation and it's thrown at you for the first time....it's a bit of a brain fart really. I handled it well, though.

30-Nov-2007, 12:31 AM

It is a bit of a shock, I agree. A few years ago if someone had told me I'd have 3 kids, a mortgage, and a minivan I'd have laughed at them.

30-Nov-2007, 02:06 AM
*adds additional supportive generic comment*

30-Nov-2007, 02:34 AM

Oh yeah....I acted well about it and she thanked me for it, but what I meant by that question is that when you're in that situation and it's thrown at you for the first time....it's a bit of a brain fart really. I handled it well, though.

bro, in all honesty i don't really know how to answer that. for once i might be speechless (note the date). we were actively trying when the nickmeister came along.

30-Nov-2007, 02:37 AM
*adds additional supportive generic comment*


terran, you're a riot, man.

congrats, bassman...your reproductive organs work! seriously, though, way to go, man.

my cousin had a daughter earlier this year, she's almost one now. she's the first baby in our family in almost 17 years, so we're all pretty stoked about the "goo-goo ga ga" phase, her first steps etc.

here's to you and yours.;)

*raises glass*

30-Nov-2007, 05:34 PM

No kids for me this side of 30 though,& none planned for after that either!depends how life pans out i suppose but i like my right to roam too much to be tied down,im still a big kid myself

30-Nov-2007, 08:14 PM

terran, you're a riot, man.

Sweet I thought I only entertained myself....

congrats, bassman...your reproductive organs work!

I like that one....Im going to use that on my brothers and sisters.....

30-Nov-2007, 08:18 PM
*adds additional supportive generic comment*

Thanks for your kind words.:rolleyes:

30-Nov-2007, 08:30 PM
Thanks for your kind words.:rolleyes:

Either way..... goodluck .....

Dont ruin them..:sneaky:
("them" being the new human)

30-Nov-2007, 08:35 PM
Either way..... goodluck .....

Dont ruin them..:sneaky:
("them" being the new human)

Yeah, good luck with your bacteria, or scallops, or whatever they are.

30-Nov-2007, 08:42 PM
Yeah, good luck with your bacteria, or scallops, or whatever they are.

Ouch ...I think I just got burned :D

30-Nov-2007, 10:06 PM
Congrats man!

Ignore Terran. That's how his parents always spoke to him when he was a child.

01-Dec-2007, 12:20 AM
^ i woulda figured in binary:p

aye congrats man, and no, other than dying of premature heart attack i have no bloody idea how i would respond to that.

01-Dec-2007, 06:44 AM
I love kids and i'm ecstatic right now that I'm going to have one next year. Alot of trouble and whatnot comes along with it and I know this....but I'm actually really excited.

be excited, prepared and weary.
enjoy the pregnancy (you can because for the now most of the pressure's not on you).

cherish it in fact. I was a parent for 3 days; it's something almost unreal.
good luck! (and stock up on diapers)

10-Dec-2007, 03:46 AM

and remember if you get sick of it
a healthy baby can get you
up to $25,000 on the internet
even if it is chinese.
you could buy a pony.

really tho
you'll make a good dad

I can just see you dressing him or her up in a ghostbuster outfit
on halloween #1

10-Dec-2007, 10:35 AM
Congrats bassman...this kid's going to be called Venkman or Tobin or Gozer or something isn't it? :D

10-Dec-2007, 12:58 PM
Congrats bassman...this kid's going to be called Venkman or Tobin or Gozer or something isn't it? :D

:lol: I said the exact same thing to my girlfriend.

My dog is already named Venkman, so i'll have to think of another for my son/daughter.

Maybe I should name him Bub if it is a boy.:p

10-Dec-2007, 02:29 PM
:lol: I said the exact same thing to my girlfriend.

My dog is already named Venkman, so i'll have to think of another for my son/daughter.

Maybe I should name him Bub if it is a boy.:p
lol..."bubman311" :D

11-Dec-2007, 01:22 PM
There was a great analogy in 'Parenthood', where Steve Martin comes to realise the whole thing is like a roller coaster ride, which you may as well enjoy :)

Being a parent is the hardest work you can imagine at times, infact a lot of the time, but there's moments that make up for it :)

Be warned the first 2-3 months is VERY HARD work normally just down to loss of sleep and change of life style. But once 'little one' starts sleeping through the night life soon gets a lot easier :)


11-Dec-2007, 05:50 PM
Look at that shirt he's got on, that kid is pimpin' it. :D:)