View Full Version : repository for all general, well known zombie information (request)

30-Nov-2007, 03:27 PM
if you didn't check out my post in fiction, i plan on continuing a story set in a zombie universe, but lets cut that short.

The purpose of this thread is to compile what we all know about zombies (behaviour, interactions with other beings, intelligence, strength etc.)

and about the survivors (same for above, but lets include training, athleticism (which includes stremgth, dexterity, overall bodily health)

I want to focus more on the surviver aspect, and I have my own ideas.

first off, they wouldn't be clean individuals (duh) but many seem to ignore hygene effects other then greasy hair and bad teeth. The survivor is going to be living on a razors edge; residing in a city teeming with unlife. I envision parasites, cuts and abrastions, injuries that haven't healed etc.
This is going to be one dirty person. they will have numerous injuries (i'm thinking broken bones) that haven't healed (or set right) thus creating added difficulties and frustrations. Their body (if a hairy person) is covered in ungroomed body hair (not a problem naturally, but can be a haven for parasites like ticks and mites and lice etc. if not cleaned), even women will have some fuzzy legs, as they can't afford to use the water to clean/groom themselves. Ticks and mites will go virtually un-noticed by the host, as they have more important issues to deal with. finger nails will be long and dirty, possibly missing. They may have intestinal problems/parasites due to the food they eat, or they may be constantly in a state of sickness due to the same food.

this is what i have for the dirty, disgusting type who has lived for years on their own (worst possible case scenario, no water whatsoever to clean themselves with, exceptionally poor living standards).

any help would be welcome guys and gals, as i will be using all the information from this thread to help me create as believeable a story as i can for the situation.

30-Nov-2007, 03:46 PM
i recommend getting the audio novel of world war z, the bits of mark hamil talking about exploring cities after zombie apocalpse and finding people who somehow survived on there own for years and felt like you were trying to usurps the castle they were king of or something, its good stuff.

30-Nov-2007, 04:10 PM
i would imagine that a lot of survivors would be severly traumatized psychologically and emotionally after fighting a zombie roarke's drift.

i wonder how well many of them would be able to form intimate relationships after watching their loved ones die horribly and the entire world go mad around them.

i would also guess that many of them would be mal or undernourished from having to scavenge whatever they could find.

the children who survived would probably grow up as complete hard cases with very little ability at emotional attachment.

i'm not a psychologist (wouldn't want to be one either) these are just a few of my musings.

major jay
30-Nov-2007, 09:16 PM
That's alot of stuff to cover. I'll take a shot at the zombies.
behaviour - aggressive.
interaction with other beings - they eat them.

01-Dec-2007, 12:18 AM
I see cleanliness being on par with WWI soldiers. Too busy staying alive to bother, what water they find tainted, etc...

01-Dec-2007, 12:26 AM
I dunno, call me silly but I think survivors would make some basic attempts at personal hygene. Like cutting ones hair short, or even shaving thier head. Trimming nails (how hard would it be to scavenge a nail clipper? Or even just put yours in your pocket at the outset of things? I would.) You don't need water for those things.
I think using some mouthwash at least wouldn't be too difficult either nor would it be hard to come by. Most scavengers would most likely pass it by.
Bathing is the only thing I see as being difficult or rare to do. Even then, as soon as the opportunity presents itself, I believe people would take a shower or bath no problem. Again, I would.
I think that its just a part of the human condition to bathe and be clean. Besides, less chance of you being mistaken as a zombie if you actually look human!

01-Dec-2007, 12:44 AM
I dunno, call me silly but I think survivors would make some basic attempts at personal hygene. Like cutting ones hair short, or even shaving thier head. Trimming nails (how hard would it be to scavenge a nail clipper? Or even just put yours in your pocket at the outset of things? I would.) You don't need water for those things.
I think using some mouthwash at least wouldn't be too difficult either nor would it be hard to come by. Most scavengers would most likely pass it by.
Bathing is the only thing I see as being difficult or rare to do. Even then, as soon as the opportunity presents itself, I believe people would take a shower or bath no problem. Again, I would.
I think that its just a part of the human condition to bathe and be clean. Besides, less chance of you being mistaken as a zombie if you actually look human!

Talk to some guys who've recently been in the service so their memories are fresh, get an idea what field hygiene is like. I didn't take a shower for a month one time, definately sobering. Doesn't sound like much, but its outside most of western society's comfort zone.

01-Dec-2007, 07:55 PM
Talk to some guys who've recently been in the service so their memories are fresh, get an idea what field hygiene is like. I didn't take a shower for a month one time, definately sobering. Doesn't sound like much, but its outside most of western society's comfort zone.

That's different in a lot of ways.

The enemies in a zombie story aren't shooting at anyone. They aren't arming mines. They have no RPGs. In short, you will NOT be under fire while attempting to move through the undead. It is just them, personally. No ranged weapons, that can kill you without your knowing what happened.

The battle ground is also within civilization itself. You are going to fighting right near (or even in) every supply/comfort area in existence. There are no supply lines. It's all right there already.

They also don't have armor, orders, or any kind of minds.

It is a LOT easier to get what you need/want while fighting zombies, than it is while fighting actual war with human opponents.

02-Dec-2007, 12:18 AM
That's different in a lot of ways.

The enemies in a zombie story aren't shooting at anyone. They aren't arming mines. They have no RPGs. In short, you will NOT be under fire while attempting to move through the undead. It is just them, personally. No ranged weapons, that can kill you without your knowing what happened.

The battle ground is also within civilization itself. You are going to fighting right near (or even in) every supply/comfort area in existence. There are no supply lines. It's all right there already.

They also don't have armor, orders, or any kind of minds.

It is a LOT easier to get what you need/want while fighting zombies, than it is while fighting actual war with human opponents.

This makes sense to me. I'm sure that there would be time to get at least a wet flannel and have a quick rub. You could use water from central heating radiators for that.

02-Dec-2007, 05:13 PM
thanks guys, this is all awesome stuff, and is helping me out alot. when I was typing out all the dirty factor and everything for the survivors, I was thinking of the worst possible case scenario, to use as a bottom of the rung for Hygiene standards, and compare it too high Hygiene standards, and from their form a base idea of what I think would happen to someone in a few years.