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View Full Version : Where do I find?

01-Dec-2007, 12:24 AM
I've been trying to find a site with a lot of screen shots/stills of the Romero movies and Dawn '04. I've found a few, but nothing really good. Does anyone know of a good horror site that has this sort of thing?

01-Dec-2007, 01:23 AM
dude i did a google search on george romero wallpapers/pics. got a lot of hits but it was pretty much stuff you would expect to see, have seen a million times, etc.

sorry i'm not more help.

06-Dec-2007, 05:02 PM
There used to be an amazing Dead site with loads of pics of Dawn, plus all the models and memoribilia they released (remember those dwarfed model kits they made of DotD?, stuff like that)

but it was all taken down at Richard Rubenstein's request because of copyright fraud...I felt that a bit harsh considering its a cult movie that's had its day now!!

actually it could've even been THIS site but about 10 years back..