View Full Version : argh one of my cacti was run over...

02-Dec-2007, 04:05 AM
and i am not happy. i can be a bit "excitable" (as i am sure most of you frakkers are aware of) but this is way out of line. i have (had in one case) two san pedro cacti growing in the back yard in pots (they were just cuttings i got this spring). for those of you not in the know the san pedro is a cactus that is legal to own, possess, blah, blah, which has some , um ahem, interestiing properties.

i heard the landscaping dudes the other day and didn't think anything of it (why would i). BUT i am outside today in the backyard and the first thing i see as i step off the porch is a big shard of black plastic. right away i am thinking - this cannot be good. i proceed to find one of the planters in shatters and one of my cacti worked over like it went to a barber with epilepsy (don't freak- i have suffered from epilepsy myself, so i can make fun of it).

well after having a KHHHAAANNN! moment. i called our landscaping dudes and reamed them out-listened to their abject apologies and i am still considering firing them. how in the hell can you mistake a large black planter for grass? this escapes me.

and i went out in the back today with the express purpose of bringing them in for the winter. at least i still have one of them.

02-Dec-2007, 06:42 AM
Ahh those lovely landscapers. A few years ago my dad had his buddy who owned his own company take care of the lawn, the guy did it at a great price ($15 a week) and he did a really good job... until one day his employee crashed into the house with the riding lawn mower and took off a chunk of the siding. They fixed it, but they never should have used that to cut the grass on the side of the house.

Another time while having a new driveway and patio poured the workers got cement all over the side of the house then used acid to clean it off. They never neutralized the acid so it ate through the siding and most of the insulation underneath, the only thing that stopped it was my aunt came over that day and noticed it and she happens to work for a cleaning company that cleans up after construction and fortunatly had a neutralizing agent in her van, otherwise it would have eaten through the side of the house. So the people who used the acid tried to get out of paying for the damage by syaing they would treat my parents to dinner at any restaurant. My dad was like "How about you fix the damage and give me that dinner or you will be hearing from my lawyer." and the asshole who ran the construction company said "Yeah, thats not gonna happen." so my dad called his lawyer and next thing you know our entire house is resided and my parents had a lovely dinner at a very expensive restaurant.

02-Dec-2007, 08:58 AM
was it full of spiders or a dirty cobra?:D

02-Dec-2007, 02:13 PM
Post your warning signs in Espanol, senor. :)

No funcione sobre la flora, por favor.*

*=Shoddy Spanish courtesy of babelfish.

02-Dec-2007, 02:50 PM
Landscapers can be a pain in the ass. There is a landscaping company right across the street from me. Their disel trucks and trailers are always blocking the streets. A number of my house guests have become upset with them, since they sometimes park in front of my driveway. They hit my mailbox multiple times, so I moved and replaced it with a new one. 2 days later, they destroyed it with a truck by mistake. After I fixed it in less than 20 minutes the owner of the company paid me triple of what I paid. He's a cool guy. A couple of weeks ago, I was fixing to leave for fight training. I'm decked out in fight gear, so it is quite apparent from looking at me that I train to fight. There's a truck parked in the middle of my driveway with a number of them just standing around it. They know I am there, but have not made any attempt to move the truck. So, I yelled at the in a confrontational manner to move their damn truck out of my driveway. The "oh sh!t!" look on their faces' was priceless. I wished I had a camera. :lol: