View Full Version : HR-1955 is now S-1959...

04-Dec-2007, 12:02 PM

So all who live in the United States can now be threatened with
what ever these commitee troglodites want.
Dont tell me this is to protect us here.
The United States Constitution is ablaze.
Ho hum? Well , just wait.
If you think this wont affect you living in "Amerika",
Think again.
Read this link at the top here, and please reply.
This bill has passed the House at 404 to 6.
Be ready.
The thought police are.
Oh and those that think I am paranoid ... read the legislation.
If you dont think your freedom is going to go bye bye, then you are as delusional as the nerf-herders that wrote this up.
Jane Harmon submitted it.
Interesting , she has the word 'harm' in her last name.Fitting.

It would be nice if people were more politically savy.
Then if your not, well, dont think for a minute that you wont be affected by this horrid destruction of rights of Amercans.
They want apathy.
If you live in the states , and dont care, well then thats your fault.
Enjoy your freedom, its going to be gone real soon.

The saddest day is when no one cares, is here .

06-Dec-2007, 05:34 PM
I am an orphan

06-Dec-2007, 06:26 PM
Having some trouble with the link, DVW.

06-Dec-2007, 07:55 PM
yeah, couldn't pull it up either....

welcome back, btw.;)

06-Dec-2007, 08:19 PM
Does this help? Relates to the same thing.


08-Dec-2007, 03:00 AM
Oh, that's very nice.

I guess it never occured to any of these clowns exactly what would cause home grown terrorists. Maybe, just maybe, it might be because the government gets to the point where it's too oppresive to be tolerated.
We're not there yet, but who knows what the hell we're going to have happen in the next ten years.

It's nonesense like this that makes me back Ron Paul. And I don't think that it's entierly so much that the American people don't really care about all this, it's just that highly controversial legislation like this is usually voted on with little coverage.

If you feel terrible about this, then write your senators and congressmen/women. They need to be reminded that they are answerable to us, the voters.

12-Dec-2007, 08:09 PM
yeah, couldn't pull it up either....

welcome back, btw.;)

Thanks Chaos.Thanks legion , for posting a working link.
That link was taken down after I pasted it.
I checked it out.
Well I am glad some have responded .:skull:
In my view, its as if the powers that be are getting scared of the people,
the voters .It makes sense, like they are noticing that Americans are sick to death of death.:mad:
So they have written up this legislation that makes dissent illegal.
Dissent is one of the primary components that makes the USA a free country.One might not agree with the dissenters, but heck, its FREEDOM.