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View Full Version : Diary 2 CONFIRMED

06-Dec-2007, 12:35 PM
Peter Grunwald says it's definitely a go. The first direct sequel from Romero...

Check it out: http://joblo.com/arrow/index.php?id=10336

06-Dec-2007, 12:43 PM
Wow *speechless*

Nice find...

06-Dec-2007, 12:47 PM
"George has always tried not to repeat himself and he never makes a film unless he has something to say, but you’ll have to wait till the script leaks on-line to find out what he’s up to this time".

Very funny. And true.

06-Dec-2007, 12:54 PM
I'm happy that Romero has another film in his hands and all....but I still say he should do something else. I love the dead films like everyone else here, but I also like his other films and would love to see him crank out another before he kicks the bucket(what happened to From A Buick 8???).

major jay
06-Dec-2007, 01:17 PM
Ahh, it's a great time to be a zed head.

06-Dec-2007, 06:20 PM
Congrats to GAR for getting Diary 2 confirmed...I just wish I could see Diary 1 already! :)

I too would rather like him to do something that isn't zombies, because he has the talent, but I guess it's hard to get those projects going and I guess if he can re-establish his reputation with Land/Diary/Diary 2 then that should help him get something else off the ground.

His zed films are awesome, the best zed flicks out there, but his other films are great too.

06-Dec-2007, 08:24 PM
I really wish he did "Solitary Isle". It could have been a marvelous flick. But then, I haven't yet seen "Diary", and perhaps this is great news. I think it's hard that it reaches "[Rec]"'s level of tension but I'm sure that, like in any other Romero movie, it's not all about the thrills.

06-Dec-2007, 08:59 PM
Interesting. Well, it must be marketable if he has the greenlight for the sequal before the original has even come out.

major jay
06-Dec-2007, 09:12 PM
His zed films are awesome, the best zed flicks out there, but his other films are great too.

I ordered Martin the other day. I've never seen it but I hear it's one of his best. (sorry for the drift)

06-Dec-2007, 09:12 PM
I think I'll reply to this thread and congratulate GAR when I've actually seen the first one. How do I know if this new series is any good or not?

06-Dec-2007, 09:18 PM
I think I'll reply to this thread and congratulate GAR when I've actually seen the first one. How do I know if this new series is any good or not?


07-Dec-2007, 01:45 AM
exactly, Marketable don't neccissarily mean good.

07-Dec-2007, 05:22 AM
any new GAR film is good news in my books

07-Dec-2007, 05:39 AM
I know I criticize Land a lot, but I've had a recurring discussion with my zombie buddies and it always boils down to one point - even if some aren't the best, more 'Dead' is better.

07-Dec-2007, 09:34 PM
Oh no, don't get me wrong. I am as excited as hell!! I am sure it will be good. I'm just holding out final judgement till I see it.

07-Dec-2007, 11:18 PM
I think I'll reply to this thread and congratulate GAR when I've actually seen the first one. How do I know if this new series is any good or not?

I agree. Before getting to 2 I want see 1.

08-Dec-2007, 08:04 PM
I ordered Martin the other day. I've never seen it but I hear it's one of his best. (sorry for the drift)
Martin is a great film, old school GAR. Has a wonderful vibe to it, down to the production, GAR and a band of no more than 14 others clubbing together in their town, a real family vibe you know...inspiring.

Plus it's a really good film.

09-Dec-2007, 03:16 AM
So is this taking place right after part 1? Or is it gonna go further in the situation ?

11-Dec-2007, 05:53 AM
I am looking forward to Diary. However, the news of a sequel confirmed prior to US release of the original makes me a little nervous. Perhaps I'm just afraid I'll get my hopes up too high (like with Land) and be sorely disappointed.


11-Dec-2007, 12:29 PM
I am looking forward to Diary. However, the news of a sequel confirmed prior to US release of the original makes me a little nervous. Perhaps I'm just afraid I'll get my hopes up too high (like with Land) and be sorely disappointed.


Well, you have to consider that it has been and still is being shown at film festivals around the world. Alot of people have seen it at this point and the general reaction is that it's good. I know there's at least 5 or 6 regulars on this board that have seen it.

11-Dec-2007, 04:50 PM
Best thing about the new GAR film IMO is that we've already seen a video diary/zombie film in the "Zombie Diaries", the format/style worked for me...I liked it.

I have high hopes for this new dead flick.

Edit: On a slightly down side, I hope it isn't behind too many other supposed "reality" movies...."Cloverfield" will be out three weeks before it, I just hope there aren't a whole glut of these films and it gets obscured by them...there is also .Rec as well, but I'm not sure when that will be out.

13-Dec-2007, 02:34 AM
Before anyone goes creamin their jeans over this I just want some folks to be aware that recently Fangoria posted a statement about a remake of Jack Hills SPIDERBABY & Sid Haig had signed on.... that was premature and completely untrue, don't put so much faith in others wishful thinking... I got this in my google alerts not too long ago:

Romero Baffled by Diary of the Dead 2!

George Romero told IGN that the Diary of the Dead Sequel talk is just that.. talk. Considering Voltage Pictures told us it is going to begin shooting in March 2008 this is very confusing. When asked about the sequel he said quote:

"I'm not sure where that came from, I wouldn't mind continuing the discussion, but nothing is decided yet. Euphoria seems to have set in even though the film has only screened about six times.

"The only way I can see it being worthwhile is if we use the same characters, which would be the first time I have done that. I don't have an idea yet, but if the idea and the money can meet somewhere in the middle, it's possible."

Until I get a confirmation from his manager, I wouldn't count on this right yet...

13-Dec-2007, 07:36 AM
Yes, but that was before Grunwald said Romero was doing it. Let's wait and see... (first of all, let's wait and watch "Diary"!)

13-Dec-2007, 12:21 PM
Before anyone goes creamin their jeans over this I just want some folks to be aware that recently Fangoria posted a statement about a remake of Jack Hills SPIDERBABY & Sid Haig had signed on.... that was premature and completely untrue, don't put so much faith in others wishful thinking... I got this in my google alerts not too long ago:

Romero Baffled by Diary of the Dead 2!

George Romero told IGN that the Diary of the Dead Sequel talk is just that.. talk. Considering Voltage Pictures told us it is going to begin shooting in March 2008 this is very confusing. When asked about the sequel he said quote:

"I'm not sure where that came from, I wouldn't mind continuing the discussion, but nothing is decided yet. Euphoria seems to have set in even though the film has only screened about six times.

"The only way I can see it being worthwhile is if we use the same characters, which would be the first time I have done that. I don't have an idea yet, but if the idea and the money can meet somewhere in the middle, it's possible."

Until I get a confirmation from his manager, I wouldn't count on this right yet...

And the date of that is?.....

There was alot of talk of a sequel before Grunwald said it was a go. It could have been a response to that. So before you go creaming YOUR pants, maybe you should state the date of your information.:lol:

15-Dec-2007, 01:50 AM
I got this just last week in my google alerts and it was posted by Moviesonline that same day ...(dec 3..maybe 5th)...so who knows, but the original source of your listing here is Fangoria and before you get your panties in a bunch ...make sure your source is correct...as I stated with an example, they have been known to be premature on announcements lately ...I'll get some updated info right from a source and see whats up....

This is the original article:
George Romero reveals that Diary of the Dead 2 is far from set in stone.
by Chris Tilly, IGN UK
UK, November 5, 2007 - Granddaddy of gore George A. Romero attended a very special screening of Diary of the Dead in London over the weekend, and revealed that -- contrary to reports in the trades -- he has no plans to shoot a sequel... yet.

"I'm not sure where that came from," Romero said when IGN put the question to him. "I wouldn't mind continuing the discussion, but nothing is decided yet. Euphoria seems to have set in even though the film has only screened about six times.

"The only way I can see it being worthwhile is if we use the same characters, which would be the first time I have done that. I don't have an idea yet, but if the idea and the money can meet somewhere in the middle, it's possible."

- The Weinstein CompanyA huge question mark now hangs over Diary of the Dead 2
Romero was speaking at the Film4 FrightFest All-Nighter at the ICA, where his film screened alongside the similarly horrific Planet Terror, Frontier(s), Inside and the exploitation classic Savage Streets.

But the highlight of the night was undoubtedly Romero sticking around to discuss his work. Of Diary, he said his decision to shoot a low-budget zombie film using digital cameras was a direct response to the failure of his previous Dead flick.

"After what happened with Land of the Dead I wanted to get away from Hollywood and do something small and independent," he explained. "The idea came about from the media explosion that's happening at the moment -- we're all reporters now so that idea was buzzing around in my head."

He was also asked if he would do the same as his Diary characters and stay filming whilst a Zombie holocaust raged around him. Romero quipped that he would, but would try and cut a movie deal first.

He also advised the audience to listen closely next time they watch the film as the voices of Stephen King, Guillermo del Toro, Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg, Quentin Tarantino, Tom Savini and Wes Craven can all be heard on the soundtrack. He also surprised everyone and admitted that his dream project would be a, bizarrely, a Tarzan movie.

Before leaving, he also revealed his favourite characters from all five zombie films. Living, he went for the sheriff from Night of the Living Dead, if only because he gets to utter the immortal, "They're dead -- they're all messed up." And of those not alive, Romero rather predictably plumped for Bub from Day of the Dead, a hugely popular choice that was met by whoops and cheers from the audience.

So it MAY be possible, but until it's officially announced, I wouldn't give it much weight, personally, these rumors flew all over the web last month I got at least 12 google alerts alone based on DIARY 2, and when I emailed Georges manager he said , no such plans had been made.