View Full Version : The first 5 mins of Aliens Vs Predator:Requiem

12-Dec-2007, 12:23 PM

12-Dec-2007, 02:08 PM
I never watch these. I don't want to spoil it for myself.

12-Dec-2007, 03:38 PM
Looks alright. Doesn't have much of the original films' feel like the Stause Brothers have promised.....but it is only five minutes. At least it's rated R - suck on that Paul W.S. Anderson.

Too bad they had to follow his film and use the alien/predator hybrid. They should have acted as though the first film never happened.

12-Dec-2007, 03:48 PM
Looks alright. Doesn't have much of the original films' feel like the Stause Brothers have promised.....but it is only five minutes. At least it's rated R - suck on that Paul W.S. Anderson.

Too bad they had to follow his film and use the alien/predator hybrid. They should have acted as though the first film never happened.

Did I miss/forget something? - 'follow his film and use the alien/predator hybrid'

12-Dec-2007, 03:54 PM
Did I miss/forget something? - 'follow his film and use the alien/predator hybrid'

Did you not see Alien vs Predator?:rockbrow: The beginning of that 5 minute clip is the same as the end of the first film....

12-Dec-2007, 04:03 PM
looks a little sucktacular.

but i shall reserve judgement until the entire thing is out for download.

12-Dec-2007, 07:06 PM
Doesn't look superb, but doesn't look AvP1 crappy either. An alright clip, not exactly thrilling, or particularly put together in an interesting or tense way...it just kinda moves along, nothing gripping...like stuff happening, that's an impression I got.

Anyway, should be alright, better than AvP at least...but it's not gonna be Alien 1-3 or Predator 1 & 2...but then again, it never was gonna be.

I'll be watching it for sure.

12-Dec-2007, 07:31 PM
Was that the chair from the original Alien movie...when they approach the Alien ship and see this giant chair with an alien skeleton with the chest broken out...

12-Dec-2007, 08:26 PM
Was that the chair from the original Alien movie...when they approach the Alien ship and see this giant chair with an alien skeleton with the chest broken out......"Lets get the hell out of here."-Lambert

Interesting theory...
If that were the case, then it would take the legitamacy out of Aliens and any that followed.

12-Dec-2007, 08:59 PM
Was that the chair from the original Alien movie...when they approach the Alien ship and see this giant chair with an alien skeleton with the chest broken out...

No, the "space jockey" was actually linked/part of his pilot seat, that predator was just in a "normal" sort of command chair. If you listen to the commentary on Alien, the directers/writers claim they saw his ship as some sort of "bomber" that was looking to deploy alien eggs on some enemy planet.

I liked the little shot of the Yatjua/predator homeworld, nice and grim looking.

BTW, do face huggers scare the sh*t out of everybody else here? Or is it just me? :D

13-Dec-2007, 08:43 AM
Did you not see Alien vs Predator?:rockbrow: The beginning of that 5 minute clip is the same as the end of the first film....

Really? Wow I don't recall that at all!

13-Dec-2007, 12:11 PM
Its not the same footage, it just picks up exactly where AvP1 stopped.

If this one is even marginally better than the first one maybe my brain won't feel like its bleeding out through my ears.

13-Dec-2007, 12:17 PM
Its not the same footage, it just picks up exactly where AvP1 stopped.

If this one is even marginally better than the first one maybe my brain won't feel like its bleeding out through my ears.

Probably not the same footage, but it's the exact same shot of the hybrid bursting through the Predator's chest......

13-Dec-2007, 05:51 PM
Probably not the same footage, but it's the exact same shot of the hybrid bursting through the Predator's chest......
Speaking of that shot, there wasn't much drama around it...you'd have thought they'd have made a bigger event of it...which is kinda the feeling I got from the clip, not much event to anything - stuff just happens.

Not enough drama, tension and build up. Hopefully the full film is better in this regard, but for that specific grievance I have, the clip did nothing but accentuate the vibe...still, it'll be better than the fisting-fest that was AvP1. :rolleyes:

What a blown opportunity that was!

13-Dec-2007, 08:10 PM
I just read an interview with the Strouse Brothers and they say that the five minute clip isn't exactly the opening of the film. They say that it's missing a few scenes and that it's basically a collection of clips...

14-Dec-2007, 09:59 AM
I just read an interview with the Strouse Brothers and they say that the five minute clip isn't exactly the opening of the film. They say that it's missing a few scenes and that it's basically a collection of clips...
So it should have been labeled "just a bunch of unfinished clips from AvP2" then. :D

20-Dec-2007, 01:02 PM
They're not having a press/reviewers screening... Doesn't bode well if they're trying to release it without reviews...

So it should have been labeled "just a bunch of unfinished clips from AvP2" then. :D

Or, 'mostly the first 5 minutes of AvP2'...

20-Dec-2007, 01:17 PM
They're not having a press/reviewers screening... Doesn't bode well if they're trying to release it without reviews...

You have a point, but I've also read that the production was kept heavily guarded and that Fox is doing everything in their power to keep information from leaking out before it's release. The Strouse Brothers hint in one interview that the ending is supposedly really important, the subtitle of "Requiem" plays a big part, and that the next one "Has to be in space....we don't see any other way we could do it." So maybe they just want to keep it secret. That's actually pretty normal for flicks these days.

At least....let's hope that you're wrong and it's not because it sucks.:p