View Full Version : Windows Vista Death Watch

12-Dec-2007, 02:01 PM
PCmag contributor John Dvorak looks at the failure named Windows VISTA.

Great article: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2704,2209837,00.asp

12-Dec-2007, 05:41 PM
Have you got/tried Vista?

12-Dec-2007, 06:45 PM
My brother has it....It really sucks ....To me at least it appears and works pretty much the same as XP....but is much much slower....My brother got a brand new computer that was slightly better than mine....But mine uses XP, mine appears to run much faster...can run more applications at the same time and switch between them faster....

Vista really has a lot of kinks to work out...and I still dont see exactly what functions it added to XP that made it better....

12-Dec-2007, 07:11 PM
That's it then, I'll tell my folks to get a PC built with XP rather than Vista.

12-Dec-2007, 07:23 PM
I know my neighbour uses it (thru no choice - new laptop) and cannot install applications she could on XP...

12-Dec-2007, 07:51 PM
I dislike it, I would say I dislike it as much as I dislike mushrooms or caviar.
It was on my Alienware when I bought it in July.
It is fast, I usually run one ap at a time so...
My machine has a Terabyte of memory, but I cant install the software from my Cannon S.S a520 or any games like Quake 2 (Im a sucker for old FPS)or even Res E 4...
I installed Res 4 on my wifes Dell, which is pretty good.
But I ended up not liking r4 so ...I run games like BIoshock, Fear ,HL2 ,ep1 &2 very well.
Anyway, frack it.
Vista sucks, get a helmet.
BTW, did anyone else have trouble logging on to HPotD ,yesterday?
Maybe it was my OS.

12-Dec-2007, 10:23 PM
I love my Vista powered lappy.

Never had a problem with it.

19-Dec-2007, 03:50 PM
i actually like it...i haven't had any problems with it...the only thng i don't like is the popups asking you for permission to keep doing what your doing...

20-Dec-2007, 11:06 AM
Thats why Vista sucks. I am sorry but I have been using computers for almost 20 years and windows for the better part of 15 years. I don't need some operating system asking me numerous times do I want to delete this, or do I want to continue what I am doing.

Vista, in my opinion, is for morons who don't understand how to work a PC properly. If they came out with a stripped down version, that didn't have all the questions. I might consider using it, but right now... NFW!

20-Dec-2007, 02:54 PM
told me you can take the popups off i just haven't looked into it...i don't do alot of downloading ...i remember one more thing to i can't network with my pc at home. ...i can't grab my music or pics without a portable harddrive and at the moment their expensive and i'm not taking about those little 1g-5g flash drives i'm talking like 150g+ hard drives

21-Dec-2007, 12:20 AM
told me you can take the popups off i just haven't looked into it...i don't do alot of downloading ...i remember one more thing to i can't network with my pc at home. ...i can't grab my music or pics without a portable harddrive and at the moment their expensive and i'm not taking about those little 1g-5g flash drives i'm talking like 150g+ hard drives

Easy to get rid of the permission thingies if you don't want them....


I don't mind them myself, I only see them every now and then.

21-Dec-2007, 10:54 AM
I wasnt keen on it at first,but its grown on me & im getting very few problems with it now,i keep it updated & defrag my PC every couple of weeks & get no real problems!the only thing i do need to do is upgrade it to the 64bit edition as im just on home premium at the moment.The worst part ive found is having to look quite hard for certain settings and applications that were easy to find on XP

21-Dec-2007, 11:18 AM
I hate the resource hoggyness of Vista, I mean its absurd how much system resource it uses. On my PC I loaded it and it handled it fine, but seeing how much memory it used just bugged me to no end. I downgraded back to XP.

22-Dec-2007, 05:25 PM
i just plain dont like it, i prefer xp proffesional or mac leopard or whatever that ones called.