View Full Version : Halo 3 Skill Level System....WTF?!?!?

13-Dec-2007, 12:23 AM
Okay, fellow Halo geeks, here's my gripe: last night, me and three guys on my friends list all joined up for some ranked team slayer. Our skill levels were 25, 14, 14, and 11. I was one of the 14's. So we won about 80% of the games we played on a two-hour tour of duty, and called it a night. We all saw a one-point increase in our skill level.

Today, I met back up with the guy who was an 11 at the start of our efforts, and this evening he was a 12, I was a 15. After about two hours, he is now a 21 while I am only a 16. What the FU(K is going on?

We both consistently finished with a positive kill/death spread, both won numerous medals, and both played pretty equally. At the onset, we were both grade 2 lieutenants, and now he's a grade 2 captain with a skill level of 21 while I'm still a grade 2 lt with a skill level of 16.

I'm on a wireless network, and have been dropped from maybe four games in the last 24 hours, but aside form that, we've both been playing equally. Anyone understand how this retarded system works? I've tried looking it up on the net, but every page I get is so confusing that I can't make sense of it.

SO, long story short, my question is: how does this skill system determine who ranks up, and why is my buddy up ten levels from yesterday while I've only went up two?!?!?!?:mad::mad::mad:

13-Dec-2007, 03:39 AM
IF you were on opposing teams, the team that wins gets more points.

13-Dec-2007, 03:59 AM
nah, we were on the same team....bungie.net has a pretty thorough explanation of it, but i still don't understand how me and one dude can play every ranked team slayer game together and he goes up ten levels while i go up two.

here's the link to bungie's explanation....still think it's a flawed system...


13-Dec-2007, 02:24 PM
A lot of it has to do with if you're on the winning team, to go along with that positive kill/death ratio. Also, if you drop out of games you are penalized pretty harshly. I haven't had any real issues with the system, I just got up to 35 in Lone Wolves.

Anyone download the new maps? I think they're excellent, but $10 was kinda steep.

13-Dec-2007, 02:47 PM
nah, we were on the same team....bungie.net has a pretty thorough explanation of it, but i still don't understand how me and one dude can play every ranked team slayer game together and he goes up ten levels while i go up two.

here's the link to bungie's explanation....still think it's a flawed system...


That isnt bungies explanaination... read the first part of his post :

I am NOT an employee of Bungie nor one of Microsoft, and my views and opinions do not necessarily reflect those of either of the aforementioned entities.
Also, thanks for sticking this Bungie, I hope it is useful.

Anyway i personally think halo 3 is very flawed and over-rated, its been far surpassed already by games like bioshock (better single player) and CoD4 (better multiplayer).

13-Dec-2007, 03:13 PM
Who cares JUST PLAY!!!

13-Dec-2007, 07:30 PM
Anyway i personally think halo 3 is very flawed and over-rated, its been far surpassed already by games like bioshock (better single player) and CoD4 (better multiplayer).

Right on, brotha.

14-Dec-2007, 12:02 AM
A lot of it has to do with if you're on the winning team, to go along with that positive kill/death ratio. Also, if you drop out of games you are penalized pretty harshly. I haven't had any real issues with the system, I just got up to 35 in Lone Wolves.

Anyone download the new maps? I think they're excellent, but $10 was kinda steep.

yeah, i've ranked up to a 15 in lone wolves in just a day.

i've been dropped from a lot of my games due to my wireless adapter, which is a linksys wga11b, so it doesn't have as much bandwidth. i'm getting an xbox 360 one that'll help fix that, but i doubt i'll get it till after the new year.

those new maps don't impress me much for ten bucks really. i love stand off, it's great for ctf, one bomb, etc. rat's nest needs a laser or something, seems like if you get ahold of all vehicles, your team will just mow down the competition....and if you don't get 'em, you're just plain fuct. the foundry is pretty lame, but i've not messed with the forge option yet.

24-Dec-2007, 10:32 AM
I went from a 22 in slayer to a 36 in one day....

helps that I'm amazing...

Still I agree the skill system is stupppppid