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14-Apr-2006, 05:34 PM
just a quickie......

me missus has ordered notld millennium, dawn otd ultimate, day otd divimax SE from a canadian website and i was wondering about the cases. i have the option for boxing said items, but at a price per unit. would any of the dvd's benefit from a box, i.e. are any of them fragile? if they are just in a typical snap keep case i wont bother, but i'm concerned that if they are in say a cardboard exterior they may be crushed/damaged. any help would be much appreciated ;)

14-Apr-2006, 05:38 PM
NotLD is a regular case, Dawn is a big foldout set with an outer case and Day has interesting packaging as well.

just a quickie......

me missus has ordered notld millennium, dawn otd ultimate, day otd divimax SE from a canadian website and i was wondering about the cases. i have the option for boxing said items, but at a price per unit. would any of the dvd's benefit from a box, i.e. are any of them fragile? if they are just in a typical snap keep case i wont bother, but i'm concerned that if they are in say a cardboard exterior they may be crushed/damaged. any help would be much appreciated ;)

14-Apr-2006, 05:39 PM
"Notld" is a snapcase, "Dawn" ultimate is cardboard but a rather strong and folded box, and "Day" is also cardboard and I would suggest boxing it...

14-Apr-2006, 05:40 PM
cheers for the info. so would you say that dawn and day could be damaged/crushed due to their packaging?? would it be worth me having them boxed?

sorry. just read your response bassman. nice one!

14-Apr-2006, 05:40 PM
I would say box them....but that's your call. If nothing else, you should definitely box "Day". It's a bit on the weak side.

14-Apr-2006, 05:42 PM
Dawn more so than Day, but I'd personally opt for a box for both.

cheers for the info. so would you say that dawn and day could be damaged/crushed due to their packaging?? would it be worth me having them boxed?

14-Apr-2006, 05:55 PM
cheers guys :D

14-Apr-2006, 10:09 PM
The DAWN boxset is pretty damn strong. But I'm probably too late.

14-Apr-2006, 10:32 PM
The amount of discs factors in, too. The more discs, the better the chance of one of them coming loose and getting scratched.

The DAWN boxset is pretty damn strong. But I'm probably too late.

15-Apr-2006, 02:28 PM
i'm not taking any risks so i'm boxing all 3 of them.

cheers again ;)