View Full Version : Trailer?

15-Dec-2007, 09:36 PM
Is it just me or are there no real trailer for the movie out on the web?
Let me be spesific about what I want, I do not want behind the scenes footage, I do not want a talking head telling me his name how much he loves Romeros work and telling me about some movie he made himself/filmfestival/website about film. I do not want an intereview with Romero. I just want a trailer that show me some of the movie and when it will be out in Europe. Please help!

15-Dec-2007, 09:41 PM
Is it just me or are there no real trailer for the movie out on the web?
Let me be spesific about what I want, I do not want behind the scenes footage, I do not want a talking head telling me his name how much he loves Romeros work and telling me about some movie he made himself/filmfestival/website about film. I do not want an intereview with Romero. I just want a trailer that show me some of the movie and when it will be out in Europe. Please help!

Well, the distiburtion rights for the US were picked up AFTER the rights for across seas and the film is being released in 2008 in the US.....so you should be seeing a trailer very soon.

16-Dec-2007, 05:47 PM
Hope is green and life is beautifull!
Thanks for replying.

02-Jan-2008, 11:12 AM
OK, WTF? We are 43 days away from the release date and I have yet to see a goddamn teaser, trailer, even a 30 second spot about the film. Is Dimension/Weinstein going to release this with no advertising? They aquired The Zombie Diaries and there has been word zero about that too. Looks like they dropped the ball with the release for Diary.

Here I thought they would be a good company, but I admit now I was wrong. They aquired the film in October and here it is January and not even a blip of advertising/promotion.

02-Jan-2008, 02:04 PM
OK, WTF? We are 43 days away from the release date and I have yet to see a goddamn teaser, trailer, even a 30 second spot about the film. Is Dimension/Weinstein going to release this with no advertising? They aquired The Zombie Diaries and there has been word zero about that too. Looks like they dropped the ball with the release for Diary.

Here I thought they would be a good company, but I admit now I was wrong. They aquired the film in October and here it is January and not even a blip of advertising/promotion.

Maybe the release date that we've been given isn't the actual release date?....

I hope so, anyway.

02-Jan-2008, 08:39 PM
Maybe the release date that we've been given isn't the actual release date?....

I hope so, anyway.

According to Imbd it's only getting a limited release. Still it's damn odd that no trailers been released yet.

03-Jan-2008, 01:32 PM
OK, WTF? We are 43 days away from the release date and I have yet to see a goddamn teaser, trailer, even a 30 second spot about the film. Is Dimension/Weinstein going to release this with no advertising? They aquired The Zombie Diaries and there has been word zero about that too. Looks like they dropped the ball with the release for Diary.

Here I thought they would be a good company, but I admit now I was wrong. They aquired the film in October and here it is January and not even a blip of advertising/promotion.

Gotta agree totally with you there. It really is bizarre that there is no trailer yet. At least with the Zombie Diaries it really is an incredibly tiny budget (I did enjoy it -although i enjoyed it more after seeing the extras and watching it a second time). Maybe someone at Dimension/Weinstein thinks they are being 'clever' and that the film will sell purely on internet hearsay (which it obviously wont). Is it really that difficult to cobble together a 90 second trailer?

03-Jan-2008, 01:44 PM
Gotta agree totally with you there. It really is bizarre that there is no trailer yet. At least with the Zombie Diaries it really is an incredibly tiny budget (I did enjoy it -although i enjoyed it more after seeing the extras and watching it a second time). Maybe someone at Dimension/Weinstein thinks they are being 'clever' and that the film will sell purely on internet hearsay (which it obviously wont). Is it really that difficult to cobble together a 90 second trailer?

If the release date is indeed that close....I agree with you guys. The Wiensteins f*cked it up. Then again, I would hate it if they tried to imitate Cloverfield's marketing campaign.

:dead: ugh....I'm so sick of hearing about that movie. At least soon enough it will be released, people will see the monster, and then everyone will be let down with the film because their expectations have been built so high.

03-Jan-2008, 04:14 PM
Then again, I would hate it if they tried to imitate Cloverfield's marketing campaign. I have only seen the trailer what have they done that is so special?

Is it really that difficult to cobble together a 90 second trailer?
No it is not and the fact that they have not done so makes me fear that they have not made any movie at all! :confused:

03-Jan-2008, 04:20 PM
I have only seen the trailer what have they done that is so special?

Ever since the teaser trailer with no titles appeared before Transformers last year there has been LOADS of pointless viral marketing and talk on the internet about that movie. The name of the film was announced only a few weeks ago and the first trailer was out last summer.

03-Jan-2008, 05:57 PM
No title for a teaser? You are right that is annyoing.

03-Jan-2008, 10:56 PM
Yeah, Iv'e been waiting for a trailer for this movie forever now it seems. Not having a trailer out just shows a lack of confidence in the movie on the part of the distributors. Sucks:mad:

11-Jan-2008, 05:27 AM
No title for a teaser? You are right that is annyoing.

Nope... actually it was genius. This was an effective move because it did what they intended to do. People will watch the movie.

12-Jan-2008, 07:46 PM
Nope... actually it was genius.
The most annyoing marketing is the most effective marketing.