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View Full Version : when vista upgrades itself, IE will not work

16-Dec-2007, 11:15 AM
Lately, i have been putting off the vista updates. I have been doing this for about...2 months now, simply because IE will not work. I get the error screen you get when you aren't connected to the net, and yea, i now have no reason to continue updating vista anymore.

sorry microsoft, but when you force us to update, but you take away access to internet explorer, well, **** you.

it then says i need to do more updates, but they fail to update, seeing as you know, they come from the website, and since ie isn't able to connect, they don't get through.

seriusly. this is bull****.

any other vista users have this problem??
(i can log on after the update because i use the handy restore points feature, which is really a god send)

gonna try updating again though, and see what happens.
wish me luck.

16-Dec-2007, 03:16 PM
When I actually hear a good report about Vista I might look into getting it. Until then, I'll be sticking with good ol' XP for now. Oh, and good luck with the updates.

17-Dec-2007, 02:57 AM
Mista Mo, this has happened to me only once since owning a vista machine...I simply restarted my lappy and all was well...taking your Fire-Fox problems into account, I suspect you have some sort of firewall issues.

Edit: you really need to get your updates installed bud, most are security/vital updates etc.

17-Dec-2007, 10:48 AM
Ditch IE and get FireFox, it's great.

Also, like Capn says, all I seem to hear is negative stuff about Vista...just seems like trouble waiting to happen. That's why we're going to get a new computer custom built (by the same chaps who built my desktop PC possibly) so we can have XP (new family desktop is needed, the current one is on it's way out and can't deal with Broadband internet too well, but it's done a strong 7 years...so done well I say :)).

Anyway...where was I again?

Firefox good ... IE bad ... ug-ug...

Ditch IE and get FireFox, it's great.

Also, like Capn says, all I seem to hear is negative stuff about Vista...just seems like trouble waiting to happen. That's why we're going to get a new computer custom built (by the same chaps who built my desktop PC possibly) so we can have XP (new family desktop is needed, the current one is on it's way out and can't deal with Broadband internet too well, but it's done a strong 7 years...so done well I say :)).

Anyway...where was I again?

Firefox good ... IE bad ... ug-ug...

17-Dec-2007, 01:33 PM
you really need to get your updates installed bud, most are security/vital updates etc.

Yea, i think microsofts got it right. They can't protect theirs OS's from viral attacks, so they came up with this new system. It's called:
"no vista user can log the **** onto the internet anymore" movement.

sorry, couldn't resist. I will not update my computer until this gets fixed, and please, offer me any suggestions as to how i can fix it. I tried again yesterday, and it did the same thing. It is bugging me to update right this minute, but whats the point? I don't get it.

I'm going to write a letter or e-mail to microsoft later today i believe.

18-Dec-2007, 03:32 AM
I think the problems your having have nothing to do with Vista.

I have not had any signifigant issue since running RC1.

Perhaps its simply a biological interface issue.

18-Dec-2007, 03:36 AM
I think the problems your having have nothing to do with Vista.

I have not had any signifigant issue since running RC1.

Perhaps its simply a biological interface issue.

Or perhaps your the only person on the planet that has a copy of Vista which acutally operates properly.

Vista is garbage plain and simple.

On a similar note, aren't thos Mac vs. PC commercials hillarious.

18-Dec-2007, 12:55 PM
I think the problems your having have nothing to do with Vista.

I have not had any signifigant issue since running RC1.

Perhaps its simply a biological interface issue.

I thought of this actually, as I admit, I am not the most tech savy person out there.


Vista, is by and large, a piece of junk. I completely envy you for having a copy that actually works. It also doesn't take a techie to follow the help/guide instructions given when the problem occurs. And, as of this time, none of the things that have been suggested to me (by both forum members here, and from the windows help itself) have done squat to help in this problem.

I am also on the line of thought that it could simply be the computer brand I am using (acer) perhaps I should approach this new possibility with great vigour!

18-Dec-2007, 01:03 PM
I think the problems your having have nothing to do with Vista.

I have not had any signifigant issue since running RC1.

Perhaps its simply a biological interface issue.

YOu will probably find that Vista likes the hardware in your machine, as allot of problems (that I have come across anyway) with vista are to do with Hardware Interface (driver issues).

I am also on the line of thought that it could simply be the computer brand I am using (acer) perhaps I should approach this new possibility with great vigour!

Did you buy the computer with Vista installed or did you update from xp to this??

18-Dec-2007, 01:10 PM
*generic anti vista ,stick with xp quote here*

18-Dec-2007, 01:32 PM
I got the computer with Vista allready installed on it. I've had compatability issues that have forced me to bring it into the repair shop, simply because the product wasn't vista compatable.

I can only open about 100 picture files/links before I have to restart my computer (IE bugs out, and all options in my start menu except for

default programs, windows update, on-line security guide, program updates, and security troubleshooting go to hell, and i can't select desktop icons)

so i have to ctrl alt del to bring up task manager and restart.

i can live with that, it's not a big deal, but when I am no longer able to use IE because i try and update vista, well, I gotta draw the line.

Oh, and firefox still doesn't work so i got rid of it.

18-Dec-2007, 04:59 PM
*generic anti vista ,stick with xp quote here*

If as many people had issues with Vista as claimed... MS would be out of business due to a class action suit.

Now on the other hand ... was having like 5 different versions smart? really?

Was advertising an "Ultimate" version with no real "Ultimate features comeing to pass cool? no. Kind of feeling bent over on that...

But the level of "Microsoft sucks!" posts will never die down ... no matter what they do right or wrong.

After screeming the equivilant of "Microsoft sucks just because ...." at high volume on every board you get to for years... Posts like that tend to lack a particular credibility.

Is it perfect? (Are you impaired?)

But lets actually try to help fix his issue....

I would look at things like:

Hardware issues like bad RAM, or a card not seated right.
Power supply (is it enough for what you have running in your system)
How is the power in your home? try sticking the system on a UPS. Sometimes house current can cause hardware flake-outs.
Firewall or network settings?

Even though you bought a semi name brand system ... you might have some issues with the hardware they used being questionable as far as Vista is concerned.

Hope things work out.

18-Dec-2007, 06:09 PM
thanks Ivarr,

I'm going through all the updates as we speak, and so far have narrowed it down to these three:

Cumulative security update for IE 7 in vista
update for MS XML core services 4.0 service pack 2
update for windows mail junk e-mail filter

i'm leaning towards #1, as it seems to be the only one to partain to IE and the issues i've been having. Gonna try to update the other 2 in a few, and then i'll know :)

21-Dec-2007, 12:26 AM
Or perhaps your the only person on the planet that has a copy of Vista which acutally operates properly.

Vista is garbage plain and simple.

On a similar note, aren't thos Mac vs. PC commercials hillarious.

Nope, works great for me as well. So that's two people on the planet who have no problems (and the millions of other folks who also have no problems).

I mean honestly, how many of you have posted a thread about something that works as it is meant to?

You only hear moans about vista from folks who are having problems or those Linux wankers who hate everything that isn't Linux.