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View Full Version : Shaun of the Dead Arcade question

14-Apr-2006, 07:26 PM
How the hell do you play this game? No matter what, I run out of time and cant get to the pub at the end, even if I just haul ass and dont even try to kill any zombies.

14-Apr-2006, 07:43 PM
You should be able to make it to the first pub without any trouble. You should be able to get there with 19-20 seconds left. I'd only start killing zombies once you're past the first level because the weapons are better. You start back at the beginning if you get bitten.

14-Apr-2006, 09:14 PM
Maybe there is some way to go faster that I can not figure out? I held the up button the whole time, and even then did not make it to the pub.

14-Apr-2006, 09:32 PM
All I use it the up button. Is your computer just running the game slow maybe?

Maybe there is some way to go faster that I can not figure out? I held the up button the whole time, and even then did not make it to the pub.

14-Apr-2006, 10:36 PM
Not that I can tell. Even if it was, still seems like I could make it. This is definately a conumdrum wrapped up in a riddle. I hear the "Gonk" at normal speed, and it appears to be working correctly. All the other games seem to be working correctly. So it is a weird mystery.

24-Apr-2006, 04:48 PM
yea, I can't get very far at all in the game..never made it to the pud and I've just ran.

25-Apr-2006, 03:13 PM
i think its easy ,thats why, last time i checked, only mr.e if thats his name or phillyswat, one of the two, has got a better score than me!

now hows that for a slice of funking fried gold?