View Full Version : The Walking Dead comic

17-Dec-2007, 06:49 PM
Sorry, guys, if this has been discussed, but I don't come here too often anymore, but has anyone read The Walking Dead comics from Image? I just happened to see them at the bookstore and was thinking about buying them.

17-Dec-2007, 08:14 PM
I like them. I have the first two "books" and will be getting the third soon. I think that they are well done, and have a lot of different story lines that are on different levels. If you are one this page, then you are obviously a big fan of the Zombie genre, and I think that any Zombie fan would enjoy reading the Walking Dead comics.

17-Dec-2007, 08:29 PM
I got the first few and I'm definitely gonna buy the others. If you're a zombie fan then 'The Walking Dead' comics are an essential purchase, end of.

17-Dec-2007, 08:37 PM
Sorry, guys, if this has been discussed, but I don't come here too often anymore, but has anyone read The Walking Dead comics from Image? I just happened to see them at the bookstore and was thinking about buying them.
A friend gave me the first few issues of The Walking Dead and I'd say this series is among the top zombie comics released today. Keep in mind that I am by no stretch of the imagination an avid comic fan. As a rule of thumb, I believe that most if not all Living Dead comics are pointless junk, particularly every series that has been based on NIGHT. The art is amateurish and the storylines are terrible. Outside of using (ripping off) the same character names and settings as the films, these books bear little resemblance and add nothing to the Romero universe on which they are based.

Giving credit where it's due, however, Steve Bissette has demonstrated that he is probably the best artist when it comes to interpreting the Romero films in graphic novel form, based on those illustrations he produced for the 1993 anniversary magazine. Bissette simply gets it. At this point, however, he's probably too expensive to be considered for a NIGHT comics series, which have always been cheaply-made, slapdash publications.

18-Dec-2007, 04:31 AM
I have been reading them from the beginning and have to say it is the best zombie comic ever written. I highly recommend this comic.

18-Dec-2007, 01:45 PM
Sorry, guys, if this has been discussed, but I don't come here too often anymore, but has anyone read The Walking Dead comics from Image? I just happened to see them at the bookstore and was thinking about buying them.

Get them, get them, get them. Anybody who is a zombie fan NEEDS these in their collection.

There are two hardcover books that have the first 24 issues, and a third hardcover coming out tomorrow that is the next 12 after that. You can find them each for $20-$30.

18-Dec-2007, 02:29 PM
The comic is collected into seven paperback books. They are all very good, the author said that he liked zombie movies but his main problem with them were that they ended when things got interesting, he wanted to create a zombie movie that never ends.
He has been successful so far. The comic it self has great plausible characters, everyday folks who try to survive an horrible situation. The zombies are more or less classic Romero variant no running zombies no intelligent zombies and no hero zombies. Even though all the character portrayals in the story is very down to earth there becomes more drama in issue five and there are introduced more tarantinousqe characters and story lines in issue six. The military mindset and the military itself is not featured in either a positive or negative light. There is plenty of gore and stuff but it does not have center stage you as a reader follow the story to see who survives not to see gore. I really can not recommend this enough it is a must for any serious zombie fan and it is not only the best zombie comic on the market today it is the best comic on the market today.

19-Dec-2007, 02:28 PM
Wow. I love zombie movies, but didn't like the comics.

I flew through the first book and liked it. But then the second book seemed to load ridiculous on top of ridiculous.

I realize that adding tension happens by putting your characters into impossible situations and getting them out but....


The serial killer, the sword wielding chick, the pregnant by another man, keeping zombies in the barn, they just started to feel contrived and loaded on. I realize I'm in the minority, maybe if Book 3 is better I'll get back into it.

19-Dec-2007, 05:22 PM
Sounds like you might have read them in the wrong order the Sword wielding chick does not appear in issue two.
And that character represent a genre shift to me and made me allmost loose intrest in the comic, but I did not it is still great even though it lost some of its horror edge.