View Full Version : Stephen's death in Dawn analysis/discussion.

18-Dec-2007, 10:12 AM
So, I've been watching this recently, and I've come to realize that each of the 4-5 times I've watched, I've grown to like the Stephen character more. Do I like him as much as Peter/Roger? Not really no, but he's grown on me. Each time he's in the elevator about to escape, I hope he kicks out and gets up to the elevator shafts. I often question why he fell back down to the elevator to get the walkie-talkie, but hey, oh well.

Now, why did Romero kill off Stephen so quickly? I mean yeah I know, the movie didn't have too much longer to go, but it seemed so rushed, one minute he's bit, the next minute he's tearing down the hidden wall. There was no real build-up, while Roger's death there's some build-up, some things you can analyze like Romero's choice of the debate between the two dudes on TV, but with Stephen, I felt a gap, something missing.

Anyone else have any input?

18-Dec-2007, 12:23 PM
There wasn't much choice but to have Stephen die and reanimate quickly. Unlike Roger, Stephen was thoroughly mauled. Bites all about the neck and throat area, severed arteries and all that. There was no hope of him surviving more than a couple of minutes.

18-Dec-2007, 12:27 PM
Three things come to mind.

1) Your name is very familiar to me, how is it possible that you have only 23 posts?

2) You have only watched Dawn 4-5 times? What is wrong with you?

3) In regards to your question, I never felt that Stephen's death was rushed as you suggest. Yes, Roger's death had more build-up, and yes, the movie didnt have much longer to go (the movie itself was already longer than most "standard" movies), but it made logical sense to me that Flyboy would turn as quickly as he did. A few things to consider......Roger was bit once on the arm and once on the leg. He immediately tied off/bandaged the bit area, which reduced the flow of blood out of his body. Later he received some first-aid from Fran. And as a SWAT guy, he was a "tough guy", which in theory could mean he had both a better physical/mental state as compared to Flyboy. Flyboy, as much less of a tough guy than Roger would have a weaker physical/mental state of mind then Roger, therefore it makes sense that he would die quicker. He also had no one near him to try to help him out. And most importantly, his injuries were much more severe. Remember, he was shot in the arm prior to be being bitten, and there were 5 zeds attacking him at the same time. He was also bit in the neck, with blood coming out of his mouth. It is logical to assume that between the shot and all the bites that an artery may have been severed, causing him to "bleed to death" in a relative short period. Also keep in mind, that a longer time passed between his injuries and his tearing down the hidden wall. He was shot by the bikers. The answer to why he fell down to the elevator to get the walkie-talkie is probably because he knew he was shot bad and needed Peter's help, plus he was kind of wimpy. Also, since bikers were just there, he probably also didnt think about the possibility of zombies entering the elevator so soon after the bikers left. Peter was on his wat to help Flyboy, and was climbing thru the air ducts. As we see earlier in the movie, it is not a quick process to climb thru there. Peter has made it close enough to Flyboy to hear him scream as he gets bitten. Then Peter has to climb back to the entry point. At that point, saddened and contemplating suicide, and wondering how to face Fran, Peter takes his time to get back to the hideout. Then he tells Fran that they will just wait a while. I think Peter knows that Flyboy will be coming, and wants to put him down so his friend will not be "walking around like that." So even though on-screen is seems very quick that Flyboy gets bitten/turns/and breaks thru the wall, I think a significant period of time passes off-screen. Stephen gets out of the elevator after a zombie on the outside happens to hit the button. How long were they outside the elevator? Could have been quite a while. It would have been boring to show 20 minutes of the zeds clawing at the door. Also, Flyboy would have had to shamble all the way from Pennys to the hallway, break down the wall, go thru the boiler room, go down the long hallway to the stairs leading to the hideout, then up the stairs. So I think that it is a consistent and believable timeframe from the time he is bitten until the time Peter blows his brains all ovewr the hideout walls.

18-Dec-2007, 02:48 PM
2) You have only watched Dawn 4-5 times? What is wrong with you?


Anyway....I think I agree with these guys. The reason he died and turned slightly faster is because his wounds were more severe.

...and to further the plot of the film.

18-Dec-2007, 10:11 PM
I guess I understand where you're coming from, but I just thought there should have been more of an emotional attatchment.

And I've lurked these boards for years, and I always forget my usernames. I always made variations to my username, TerryAlexanderFan,TerryAlexFan,TerryAlexanderF, also, I post a lot on Fangoria a lot, until I got banned for flaming a moderator :P.

Also, I watched Dawn 4-5 times, yes... This WEEK. :P

18-Dec-2007, 11:30 PM
2) You have only watched Dawn 4-5 times? What is wrong with you?


I think a significant period of time passes off-screen. Didn't Fran say he didn't answer the radio for hours? If she did then there's your proof.

18-Dec-2007, 11:41 PM
And as a SWAT guy, he was a "tough guy", which in theory could mean he had both a better physical/mental state as compared to Flyboy. Flyboy, as much less of a tough guy than Roger would have a weaker physical/mental state of mind then Roger, therefore it makes sense that he would die quicker.

How can you say roger had a stronger mental state than flyboy? he started breaking down before got bit! :shifty:

19-Dec-2007, 01:14 AM
Actually I dont see any error
Roger turned almost immediately after he died
he told peter to wait until he was sure
cuz he was gonna try and not come back
then he died and turned right away and peter took care of him

stephen died quicker because his injuries were definitely
more severe. plus we hear fran saying he hasnt answered
the radio for hours showing a lapse in time of most of the night

the is no inconsistency with stephens death as opposed to

19-Dec-2007, 01:42 AM
No build up to his death? The second Fran said she wanted to learn to fly the helicopter you knew Flyboy was dead. And that happened about 45 minutes into the film.

19-Dec-2007, 11:52 PM
Didn't Fran say he didn't answer the radio for hours? If she did then there's your proof.Good point, wish I had said it! ;)

20-Dec-2007, 05:39 AM
C'mon! Once Steven taught Fran to fly the copter, you knew his days were numbered!

21-Dec-2007, 01:02 AM
Stephen was unpopular because he wasn't able to butcher up zombies like Roger & Peter were able to.

He was still a good person trying to do the right thing though...can't knock him for that.

And I thought his death was quite nicely done myself, he was a great zombie as well!

26-Dec-2007, 10:29 PM
Stephen was unpopular because he wasn't able to butcher up zombies like Roger & Peter were able to.

He was still a good person trying to do the right thing though...can't knock him for that.

And I thought his death was quite nicely done myself, he was a great zombie as well!

I agree. Stephen was the best zombie ever! How the hell does anyone manage to walk around like that? (gotta say that like Roger, but I literally mean it: how does someone manage to walk around with a foot turned on it's side?) Best zombie!

28-Dec-2007, 08:54 PM
So, I've been watching this recently, and I've come to realize that each of the 4-5 times I've watched, I've grown to like the Stephen character more. Do I like him as much as Peter/Roger? Not really no, but he's grown on me. Each time he's in the elevator about to escape, I hope he kicks out and gets up to the elevator shafts. I often question why he fell back down to the elevator to get the walkie-talkie, but hey, oh well.

Now, why did Romero kill off Stephen so quickly? I mean yeah I know, the movie didn't have too much longer to go, but it seemed so rushed, one minute he's bit, the next minute he's tearing down the hidden wall. There was no real build-up, while Roger's death there's some build-up, some things you can analyze like Romero's choice of the debate between the two dudes on TV, but with Stephen, I felt a gap, something missing.

Anyone else have any input?

He couldn't successfully climb out of the elevator because one arm was shot and the other arm couldn't compensate for it!

While I wouldn't say Stephen's death wasn't rushed, it came fast. Perhaps Romero didn't want the movie to last any longer as it was the end, but Fran was successfully trained to fly so he wasn't needed anymore.

Until Fran said "...he hasn't answered the radio for hours", it's difficult to judge how much time had passed until later when the sun rises over the roof.

darth los
02-Jan-2008, 07:02 PM
I agree. Stephen was the best zombie ever! How the hell does anyone manage to walk around like that? (gotta say that like Roger, but I literally mean it: how does someone manage to walk around with a foot turned on it's side?) Best zombie!

I just love the way he walked around on that turned ankle. In an interview david said that he had been contemplating for a while what would be his signature zombie walk and he came up with that. He said it didn't hurt his ankle at all. I still cringe to this day everytime i see it. :stunned:

03-Jan-2008, 07:51 AM
yeah I've long had discussions about S's death, I think its all been covered here - he died from loss of blood due to wounds and turned as soon as he died - hours pass giving him enough time for infection to kick in and go that greeny blue colour - don't forget that he didn't get out of the elevator without the zombie outside pressing the button - so the time he was in there really could've been anywhere between 3 to 5 hours...Don't forget Roger's wounds weren't life threatening in terms of the severity of the bite, it was the infection that got him...

bah, its all been said anyway - I am just bored.

triste realtà
07-Jan-2008, 10:07 PM
Thought I had while watching my old VHS around Thanksgiving (for half the movie my VCR put some kind of orange tint over the movie until I fiddled with the cables, like I had pumpkin pie in my eyes):

When Stephen gets it the second time, they could have just kept shooting the dead people in the head as they got right in the doorway until there was a human pile barrier and bought some time, but that would have made the movie longer. Just keep it in mind if this ever happens to you, any type of narrow entrance way + plenty of ammunition = human pile barricade.

14-Jan-2008, 03:14 AM
Three things come to mind.

2) You have only watched Dawn 4-5 times? What is wrong with you?


lol and lol and lol

11-Feb-2008, 03:22 PM
Thanks for the tip, Triste!

11-Feb-2008, 03:42 PM
How can you say roger had a stronger mental state than flyboy? he started breaking down before got bit! :shifty:

I agree with taht.

I always liked Flyboy more than the other 2 dudes. From the get go, the Swat guys walked around like they were the **** and never showed any respect or apprecaition for the fact that Flyboy got them the hell out of the city and to their destination.

Flyboy had every reason to act the way he did initially; he has his pregnant girlfriend and an undead apacalypse to deal with and along come Frick and Frak. He came along nicely after seeing he could trust them. He may not have been uber weapons guy, but ****, he was the one who could fly the bird.

Roger was the one I always tripped on, when he started acting like a clown while moving the trucks.