View Full Version : Halloween Alternate Ending

18-Dec-2007, 07:18 PM
Did anyone else find the alternate ending of Rob Zombie's Halloween like 20 times better than the ending they went with?

19-Dec-2007, 09:21 AM
Did anyone else find the alternate ending of Rob Zombie's Halloween like 20 times better than the ending they went with?
Was the "alternate" ending you're on about the one from the work print that got leaked? I saw that one, but didn't see it in cinemas, but I will get the DVD in the next couple of weeks so I guess both endings will be on that.

19-Dec-2007, 12:02 PM
I didn't get a chance to watch the alternate ending, but I saw the flick last night and I got to say that it was better than I expected. I've never been a fan of the original, but Zombie's version was really enjoyable.

19-Dec-2007, 12:20 PM
i really liked this film in theaters, and the dvd is on my christmas list....so if santa comes through, i'll be enjoying halloween on christmas.:lol:

19-Dec-2007, 12:56 PM
If I don't get it for Xmas (had a whole list of different dvds to choose from :D) then I'll order it up Xmas Day, get that sh*t sorted, sunshine. :cool::D

19-Dec-2007, 02:46 PM
I am I the only one that did not like this movie and expected much moor from Rob after seeing his first 2 films?

19-Dec-2007, 02:53 PM
I am I the only one that did not like this movie and expected much moor from Rob after seeing his first 2 films?

I expected less, actually. I loved The Devils Rejects, but thought House of 1000 Corpses was horrible.

I was really surprised with how much I liked his remake of Halloween. In fact, I would say I like it more than the original. I know most people will think I'm insane for saying that, but I've never liked the original(it's not a bad movie....just not as good as people make it out to be), and I prefered how Zombie gave the family a background. It made much more sense than Carpenter's quick "oh he killed his family and that's why he's crazy". Zombie made it believable and the killing scenes were freaking intense.

I'll have to check it out again, but as of now my only complaints with the remake are Sheri Moon's not-so-good acting and the kid that played Myers didn't hold together as well as I had hoped. Sometimes he was great, but then other times he wasn't very frightening...

19-Dec-2007, 03:00 PM
I think RZ's version was a cluster Fcuk of a movie. Aside from the 1st 15 minutes the film is horrible. The only thing it had going for it was the violent kills.

I hated how he had Malcolm McDowell try to be hip when he first appears at the school. I hated how they had Michael Escape. I think the work print was the better film... period.

20-Dec-2007, 03:15 AM
I prefered how Zombie gave the family a background. It made much more sense than Carpenter's quick "oh he killed his family and that's why he's crazy". Zombie made it believable and the killing scenes were freaking intense.

Really. I like the fact that in the original there was not explanation to his killings made the story more interesting and more terrifying. You do fear more what you cannot explain.

20-Dec-2007, 10:10 AM
I think the original was awesome, it's a milestone in horror cinema - a classic, nuff said.

I actually really liked Rob Zombie's version, because it was different from the original, and looked at different areas that were either untouched in the original, or done in a different way. In terms of remaking, he did a better job than many of the other remakes that get tossed out of late.

The first half was great I say, but the second half was admittedly a let down, it was rushed - you can't fit the 90% of the original movie into 45 minutes, you just can't. That second half should have been completely redone from the script upwards...plus I didn't like the choice of actress.

But the first half was brilliant I say. I'll be getting the DVD that's for sure. See what I think of it with a second viewing.

20-Dec-2007, 07:06 PM
i have only seen the work print which i, ahem, acquired online. i liked it but wondered why RZ went so far out of his way to make us feel sorry for michael meyers. so, what are the differences between it and the theatrical version?

i really don't care about knowing what happens before i see a movie (i hate surprises-put a spoiler alert on it if you want to) and i, unless the urge to download this hits me(it probably won't) won't see the DVD anyway.

20-Dec-2007, 07:11 PM
I have to say that I like the theatrical cut better than the work print(which, from what I gather, was never meant to be used, anyway - it was made by Zombie to throw off people that downloaded it.)

What happens between Laurie and Michael at the end of the theatrical cut has so much more power than the "quick....let's end it!" ending to the work print.

20-Dec-2007, 08:41 PM
I think the original was awesome, it's a milestone in horror cinema - a classic, nuff said.

John Carpenter ripped off Bob Clark, nuff said. Halloween boosted everything off of Black Christmas which was made in '73.

The story goes, John Carpenter approached Bob Clark sometime in '74 and asked him if he were to do a sequel to Black Christmas, what would the premise be. Bob Clark told him that he would have Billy getting caught in between Black Christmas and the sequel and breaking out of the mental institution to wreak havoc on a sorority house. The kicker is, Bob Clark even told Carpenter that he would name it Halloween. Then in '78, Carpenter does Halloween with escaped lunatic stalking babysitters in the night... Draw your own conclusions.

The first person perspective of the killer, the murderer escaping at the end, suspenseful kills with minimal gore, phone calls from the psycho, etc. -- all slasher movies need to give a nod to Black Christmas. And no, i'm not talking about the crappy remake of Black Christmas either. That damned thing is an abomination.

21-Dec-2007, 02:07 AM
John Carpenter ripped off Bob Clark, nuff said. Halloween boosted everything off of Black Christmas which was made in '73.

The story goes, John Carpenter approached Bob Clark sometime in '74 and asked him if he were to do a sequel to Black Christmas, what would the premise be. Bob Clark told him that he would have Billy getting caught in between Black Christmas and the sequel and breaking out of the mental institution to wreak havoc on a sorority house. The kicker is, Bob Clark even told Carpenter that he would name it Halloween. Then in '78, Carpenter does Halloween with escaped lunatic stalking babysitters in the night... Draw your own conclusions.

The first person perspective of the killer, the murderer escaping at the end, suspenseful kills with minimal gore, phone calls from the psycho, etc. -- all slasher movies need to give a nod to Black Christmas. And no, i'm not talking about the crappy remake of Black Christmas either. That damned thing is an abomination.

what is your source for this? i have always thought that the original title of halloween was going to be the "babysitter murders" or some such feldercarb. carpenter, et al, have always said that it was irwin yablans, one of the producers, that came up with the name halloween.

by the way:

black christmas is a kick ass movie. a must for any serious horror fan.

21-Dec-2007, 10:37 AM
I've never heard that BC/JC story before...not sure about that.

But indeed, "Black Christmas" constantly gets looked over in slasher movie documentaries and so on, it's always Psycho - Texas Chainsaw - Halloween ... Black Christmas always gets skipped over, and I thought it was a good movie too, some bits freaked the bejesus out of me - like that shot of the wide eye peering through the gap in the door...wide eyes freak me out regardless, but in horror movies I can'ts staaaands it! :eek:

21-Dec-2007, 11:29 AM
I am I the only one that did not like this movie and expected much moor from Rob after seeing his first 2 films?

I enjoyed the movie all the way up to the end, where it felt like it became tedious and repetitive. I get it, you're being chased by a masked murderer, you don't have to hide in a corner and cry for 20 minutes of film time.

21-Dec-2007, 11:31 AM
I will ask LouCipherr, he is a huge Carpenter fan maybe he knows the back story.

21-Dec-2007, 05:05 PM
what is your source for this? i have always thought that the original title of halloween was going to be the "babysitter murders" or some such feldercarb. carpenter, et al, have always said that it was irwin yablans, one of the producers, that came up with the name halloween.

by the way:

black christmas is a kick ass movie. a must for any serious horror fan.


There is an interview with Bob Clark in the Critical Mass collector's edition, and he talks about the conversation he had with John Carpenter and about how he came up with the name Halloween. Pretty damning stuff really.

By the way, i'm not hating on Halloween (JC's), I just think he boosted the idea off of Bob Clark and should have atleast given him a nod for the idea and the title.

Another interesting tidbit of information from the DVD is that Black Christmas is the highest grossing independent Canadian film to date.

22-Dec-2007, 05:09 AM

There is an interview with Bob Clark in the Critical Mass collector's edition, and he talks about the conversation he had with John Carpenter and about how he came up with the name Halloween. Pretty damning stuff really.

By the way, i'm not hating on Halloween (JC's), I just think he boosted the idea off of Bob Clark and should have atleast given him a nod for the idea and the title.

Another interesting tidbit of information from the DVD is that Black Christmas is the highest grossing independent Canadian film to date.

Halloween wasn't Carpenter's idea. It was a work for hire. Carpenter came on and did his own thing with it. Black Christmas is good. Real Good. But, its no Halloween.

22-Dec-2007, 05:33 AM
. By the way, i'm not hating on Halloween
Another interesting tidbit of information from the DVD is that Black Christmas is the highest grossing independent Canadian film to date.

never thought you were hating halloween. just wanted to know your source of info.

the highest grossing independent canadian film is another thing i am a bit confused over. another of bob clark's films porky's is the highest grossing canadian film shot entirely in english ever - still to this day. maybe porky's wasn't considered an "independent" film for whatever reason.

my source: the canadian film reference library - http://www.filmreferencelibrary.ca/index.asp?layid=46&csid1=3517&navid=46

22-Dec-2007, 03:16 PM
Halloween wasn't Carpenter's idea. It was a work for hire. Carpenter came on and did his own thing with it. Black Christmas is good. Real Good. But, its no Halloween.

Without Black Christmas there wouldn't be a Halloween. Without John Carpenter boosting the concept from Bob Clark there wouldn't be a Halloween.

Halloween is good, but it's no Black Christmas. That's what you should have said.

When those kids are singing Christmas carols outside the sorority house while Barb is getting stabbed with the crystal unicorn is still one of the finest moments in movie history. One of the best scenes ever, regardless of genre. Never has Come All Ye Faithful sounded so creepy and menacing.

never thought you were hating halloween. just wanted to know your source of info.

the highest grossing independent canadian film is another thing i am a bit confused over. another of bob clark's films porky's is the highest grossing canadian film shot entirely in english ever - still to this day. maybe porky's wasn't considered an "independent" film for whatever reason.

my source: the canadian film reference library - http://www.filmreferencelibrary.ca/index.asp?layid=46&csid1=3517&navid=46

The source is from Bob Clark himself (before he passed) on the extras of the Critical Mass collector's edition. For what ever reason, he named Black Christmas as the highest independent Canadian film to date and said what he said about Carpenter being a thief. It really isn't surprising either since Dan O'bannon (Carpenter's former roommate and co-writer of DarkStar) has nothing good to say about JC either. He's a booster, and coming from Bob Clark, especially after seeing Black Christmas, and the fact it was made five years prior to Halloween, I take him at his word.

Again, it doesn't mean JC's Halloween isn't a great movie. It just means JC is a freaking booster. As for Rob Zombie's Halloween, that's a piece of ****, just like Devil's Rejects and House of a 1000 corpses. Speaking of boosters, he boosted the title of House of a 1000 corpses off of an old zombie movie called House of seven corpses.

FYI: Considering Porky's is Bob Clark's movie as well, I think he would be the authority on if it was an "independent" movie or not.

23-Dec-2007, 03:56 AM
FYI: Considering Porky's is Bob Clark's movie as well, I think he would be the authority on if it was an "independent" movie or not.

yeah porky's got a pretty huge distribution and if the money came from either a studio or the canadian film board (more likely) it really isn't an independent film.

hey canadian tax dollars funded scanners and rabid by cronenberg so why not porky's?

05-Jan-2008, 09:52 PM
anyone checked out the 2 disc unrated version? pretty good stuff, especially on the second disc....like the deleted scenes, one of which has a couple of dudes watching night 68. funny outtakes from mcdowell, too.

06-Jan-2008, 12:25 PM
anyone checked out the 2 disc unrated version? pretty good stuff, especially on the second disc....like the deleted scenes, one of which has a couple of dudes watching night 68. funny outtakes from mcdowell, too.
Funny you should mention it, I got my copy in the post yesterday.

A good DVD I must say, admittedly the whole making of type stuff is nowhere near as extensive as Devil's Rejects got, but nevermind, it's still got plenty on it. Aye, the bloopers are actually funny (McDowell rocks by the way :D) and the deleted scenes are actually also GOOD...not only are they not crappy looking low-res AVID outputs, they're actually worthwhile watching.

Like alternate scenes before there were the re-shoots and so on, plus there are some scenes that are really quite funny or enjoyable or just cool, but unfortunately didn't fit in...so the likes of certain actors like Adrienne Barbeau ended up getting cut out of the film entirely.

The new ending (to me at least, as I'd previously watched the work print) is fairly similar to the original one in certain respects, but is also pretty cool. I like both endings to be honest, the new ending probably has the strongest final image (primal scream so-to-speak)...but aye, I think I like the movie more now than I originally did with the work print.

Of course, I still like the original most if I had to choose, but RZ's is significantly different (anyone who says with glib all over their face "cos it's sh*t" will get a slap, smart arses), it's got the similar elements, but it looks at it from a different angle and does different things.

I really like McDowell's take on Loomis, because for one - it's isn't just a Donald Pleasance impression - Loomis is a very different character in RZ's version. I also think Tyler Mane was awesome - and indeed, Michael Myers is now scary again...something he hadn't been since Halloween 2.

Having been through the DVD, and hearing what those involved had to say, I appreciate the film more now. Sure it's a bit flawed, but I think it's pretty good - heck - just imagine the bag of crap you'd have gotten if some random plonker would have gotten the gig, like McG or something.

One thing I really liked was RZ explaining on the DVD the visual look of the film in the different acts, I'd not really noticed it a great deal - I mean I had, but not up front - then he points it out and I kinda paid more attention to it and I really like what he did with the film. Like McDowell said, this isn't some naffy $3million bit of tat horror film, this is a "big picture" he's presenting.

In the recent spate of horror classic remakes, RZ's Halloween is up there with Hills Have Eyes 2006 in my opinion, another film I thought was rather good.

*waits for LouCipherr/Dj to come running & screaming, wailing on me* :lol:

JC's and RZ's Halloweens are both two very different films, and of course the original is best, but especially for a remake, RZ's is actually pretty darn good I say.

06-Jan-2008, 04:30 PM
One thing I really liked was RZ explaining on the DVD the visual look of the film in the different acts, I'd not really noticed it a great deal - I mean I had, but not up front - then he points it out and I kinda paid more attention to it and I really like what he did with the film.

yeah, that was something i'd not noticed, but after watching the interview with rz, couldn't help but appreciate.

and hell yeah, loomis was brilliant in this one.

07-Jan-2008, 01:32 AM
Again, it doesn't mean JC's Halloween isn't a great movie. It just means JC is a freaking booster.

Well, he may be a booster as Assult on Precinct 13 was remake of Rio Bravo and Halloween's connection with Black Christmas, but both of those movies are great and I think they show Carpenter did have great skill in bringing the stories to visualization...and they both have great soundtracks.

07-Jan-2008, 06:54 PM
Yeah....Alex De Large(if you don't get that - you don't deserve to live) was a perfect choice for Loomis. Seems like a funny guy to hang around with, too.

I've said it before and I'll say it again......Zombie's Halloween is good. I prefer it over the original. Then again....I've never seen why people hold the original so high. It's really quite a dull film. Carpenter has done MUCH better work.