View Full Version : The *scariest?

20-Dec-2007, 12:15 AM
I always wondered which Dead film considered the scariest of the entire series?

Edit: Would have put a poll, but for some reason it wouldn't let me.


20-Dec-2007, 01:44 AM
hmm......... night 90 was realistic as hell. but i guess the newer the movie,the more we can relate to it and therefore the more scared of it we are

20-Dec-2007, 12:32 PM
They don't really scare me anymore(hopefully Diary will change that), but when I watched them when I was younger, I would say that Day pretty much scared me the most. Second would be Night and Dawn following after.

20-Dec-2007, 11:20 PM
I gotta say Night scared me the most. I mean the music was creepy, especially the opening theme, not to mention it was the only of the dead films that I was completely terrify of the zeds.....Also I wondering should I add Land to this? I doubt anyone will pick it though, but just a suggestion.

Night '90- 1
Night- 1
Day- 1

20-Dec-2007, 11:36 PM
Dawn was the first one I saw (I was about 7 or 8) and it gave me nightmares for months, so Dawn for me I guess.

21-Dec-2007, 12:30 AM
Dawn or day. There is no real chance of salvation/rescue for the folks involved, grim situations to be in.

Night would be so easy to survive if folks had worked together.

Land I just didn't feel the desperation, danger etc.

21-Dec-2007, 12:48 AM
hmm......... night 90 was realistic as hell. but i guess the newer the movie,the more we can relate to it and therefore the more scared of it we are

Well said.

Though it kinda bothers me when my little sister laughs at Dawn 1978 but things Dawn 04 is totally frightening. Kids these days!

21-Dec-2007, 02:23 AM
Well said.

Though it kinda bothers me when my little sister laughs at Dawn 1978 but things Dawn 04 is totally frightening. Kids these days!


thanks,bro. i wasnt ever terrified of any zombie movie,but thriller almost killed me a few times. yes THRILLER. with MICHAEL JACKSON :lol::lol:

your sister seems that she needs a good stomping for laughing at dawn 78.

dawn 04 woulda gotten me eaten fast cuz i woulda been laughing so much from the nutty zombies they put in it.

21-Dec-2007, 02:51 AM
Edit: Would have put a poll, but for some reason it wouldn't let me.

to put a poll in you have to go to the bottom of the "post new topic" page and click yes on the post poll option and specify how many choices you want. then choose the very bottom "submit new message" button. not the one under the dialogue box but the second one at the very bottom underneath the poll option.

if this isn't clear to you- either PM a moderator or post a message in the "ask staff" forum.

hope this helps.

21-Dec-2007, 02:53 AM
thanks,bro. i wasnt ever terrified of any zombie movie,but thriller almost killed me a few times. yes THRILLER. with MICHAEL JACKSON :lol::lol:
I believe it. Michael Jackson still creeps me out.

I'm old enough to remember when there was no flesh-eating zombie genre, only NIGHT. It was and still is the scariest, and not in a cheap, jump-out-and-say-boo kind of way. It's like a nightmare that stays with you long after you've woken up.

21-Dec-2007, 03:44 AM
Well said.

Though it kinda bothers me when my little sister laughs at Dawn 1978 but things Dawn 04 is totally frightening. Kids these days!

Night '90- 1
Night- 1
Dawn- 1
Day- 1

Wow how old is your sister. My sister saw the original Dawn and it scared the wits out of her. But I guess that's because she is 6....

21-Dec-2007, 04:13 AM
I believe it. Michael Jackson still creeps me out.

I'm old enough to remember when there was no flesh-eating zombie genre, only NIGHT. It was and still is the scariest, and not in a cheap, jump-out-and-say-boo kind of way. It's like a nightmare that stays with you long after you've woken up.

lol just the zombie part.

21-Dec-2007, 02:15 PM
night of the living dead (68) made me afraid to look out my bedroom window at night or go outside past dark for almost a month....i first saw this when i was about 8-10 yrs old and lived very close to a cemetery.

night (90) really did a great job of creeping me out when i first saw it, probably when i was about 11.

none of the others really scared me.

21-Dec-2007, 03:32 PM
lol just the zombie part.
The Michael Jackson zombie part? :D

night of the living dead (68) made me afraid to look out my bedroom window at night
Why didn't you just nail some boards across it? Problem solved.

Zombie Snack
21-Dec-2007, 05:36 PM
The first time i ever saw night of the living dead i was about 14-15 yrs old and was doing my first hit of acid that same night......i have never fully recovered........:sneaky:

21-Dec-2007, 06:20 PM
For me it was Day. When they get put in the zombie pen with no weapons in the dark caves.... *shudders*. I couldn't watch that scene for years afterwards.

21-Dec-2007, 06:30 PM
The first time i ever saw night of the living dead i was about 14-15 yrs old and was doing my first hit of acid that same night......i have never fully recovered........:sneaky:


22-Dec-2007, 01:22 AM
:thumbsup:NOICE!:thumbsup: :|

Night '90- 1
Night- 1
Dawn- 1
Day- 2

22-Dec-2007, 02:45 AM
^ Not a fan of El Cid

22-Dec-2007, 02:50 AM
The first time i ever saw night of the living dead i was about 14-15 yrs old and was doing my first hit of acid that same night......i have never fully recovered........:sneaky:

yeah- i watched alien once tripping and, uh, never again. horror movies and strrong hallucinogens just don't mix.

stick to scifi and fantasy while you are wigging out.

Dead Hoosier
22-Dec-2007, 03:26 AM
1.) Night
2.) Day
3.) Dawn
Distant 4.) Land

Because of their claustrophobic feel, I think Night and Day top the list. Though Dawn is my favorite (film ever), it's wider scope reduced the fear element for me, at least compared to the top two. Of course I was 31 when I saw Land, compared to 12 when I saw the original three, but it had no real suspense at all.

22-Dec-2007, 06:10 AM
The Night Remake and DotD for me.

Day just irritates me and Land makes me want to dig up corpses and send Romero long-dead heads/skulls in the mail.

I actually find the Dawn Remake rather scary ::dons his fire-retardant gear::

22-Dec-2007, 06:10 PM
The Night Remake and DotD for me.

Day just irritates me and Land makes me want to dig up corpses and send Romero long-dead heads/skulls in the mail.

I actually find the Dawn Remake rather scary ::dons his fire-retardant gear::

Dawn 04 zombies are scary. Too fast, way too aggressive, that scene when they burst into Andy's gun store leaves me cold....thems bad ass zacks!

yeah- i watched alien once tripping and, uh, never again. horror movies and strrong hallucinogens just don't mix.

stick to scifi and fantasy while you are wigging out.

LOL, reminds me of the time me and few mates dropped some acid and watched "The Dark Crystal"....nobody spoke for the duration of the movie. :D

23-Dec-2007, 03:50 AM
LOL, reminds me of the time me and few mates dropped some acid and watched "The Dark Crystal"....nobody spoke for the duration of the movie. :D

hehehe. that must've been an "interesting" time.

stick to the first star trek movie, the black hole, the fellowship of the ring, or tron - or something akin to them when tripping. you'll be a whole lot happier.

23-Dec-2007, 04:21 AM
The Michael Jackson zombie part? :D

son of a............

23-Dec-2007, 01:39 PM
Day and Dawn, in that order. They were the ones I saw first and introduced me to non-comedic zombies. I had seen Braindead before that, but that wasn't scary.

Day scared the **** out of me because of it's hopelessness. Dawn was very eerie thanks to the Goblin music and the apartment scene.

Night isn't as scary, methinks. Probably because I saw the other two FIRST. I still like it tho. Night 90 doesn't entertain me at all. I've stopped watching that film altogether. It's dull and oddly paced. Plus the music sucks, which is a big no-no in films like these.

Land isn't as scary because I watched it all grown up. Had I seen it as a kid, it might have been scary. Especially the ending scenes and the hanging scene.

Dawn 04 is cleverly filmed and edited, some scenes to produce some tension. But never anything to get scared by.

23-Dec-2007, 02:31 PM
to non-comedic zombies. Really Dawn zeds were pretty comical to me.

Night 90 doesn't entertain me at all. I've stopped watching that film altogether. It's dull and oddly paced. Plus the music sucks, which is a big no-no in films like these. YAY! Now I know I'm not the only one that didn't like it.:)

major jay
23-Dec-2007, 06:24 PM
yeah- i watched alien once tripping and, uh, never again. horror movies and strrong hallucinogens just don't mix.

stick to scifi and fantasy while you are wigging out.

Thanks for the advice.

23-Dec-2007, 07:29 PM
NIGHT scared the **** out of me when I was 13 years old.

23-Dec-2007, 11:27 PM
Night '90- 1
Night- 1
Dawn- 1
Day- 1

Wow how old is your sister. My sister saw the original Dawn and it scared the wits out of her. But I guess that's because she is 6....

My little sister is 21 now (was born when I was 18) she and some cousins that are about her age got together a few years back and watched my copy of DAWN 78 one night (at my suggestion, of course) and they basically found it to not be frightening at all, but (damn them) felt that DAWN 04 was totally frightening.

Sure, running zombies are scary, but still...

I guess it is a figment of the age you see these things at. I personally think that Night 1968 is the scariest ever, but of course I saw that in grade school. Dawn came shortly after that, and that frightened me too. But, like some of our other posters have pointed out, you hit a certain age where scary movies just don't frighten you anymore, I guess.

Personally, I saw No Country for Old Men the other week ago, and damnit, that scared the crap out of me!

24-Dec-2007, 12:51 AM
well Dawn 04 really is far more scary then Dawn 78'. I've never looked at the dead series as scary at all (except for Day, so I guess Day is my vote for scariest).

Dawn 78 is okay, I don't like it as much as I used too, it's a decent film, but fails as a horror movie. Night and Day are the two that most fit that bill in the series.

27-Dec-2007, 03:43 PM
My little sister is 21 now (was born when I was 18) she and some cousins that are about her age got together a few years back and watched my copy of DAWN 78 one night (at my suggestion, of course) and they basically found it to not be frightening at all, but (damn them) felt that DAWN 04 was totally frightening. To be honest I don't see the original Dawn scary at all just a really fun film.

Sure, running zombies are scary, but still... Maybe it's because I've only seen Dawn '04, but I'd hardly call the running scary.

I guess it is a figment of the age you see these things at. I personally think that Night 1968 is the scariest ever, but of course I saw that in grade school. Dawn came shortly after that, and that frightened me too. But, like some of our other posters have pointed out, you hit a certain age where scary movies just don't frighten you anymore, I guess. I agree. I remember seeing The Exorcist when I was little and being scared of it, but now seeing it again I actually find it....a little humorous and not as terrifying as it was when I watched as a young lad.:|

Night '90- 1
Night- 2
Dawn- 1
Day- 3

13-Feb-2008, 03:04 PM
But Dawn is creepy! There's lots o' blood! Whatever, that's my vote, and I'm stickin' to it! (And not the remake, what are you thinking?!)

13-Feb-2008, 04:21 PM
But Dawn is creepy! There's lots o' blood! Whatever, that's my vote, and I'm stickin' to it! (And not the remake, what are you thinking?!)

Agreed, in Dawn, we see the human race go from hunting zombies and trying to get things under control to a species that is probably on the verge of extinction with it's entire civilisation in ruins....does it get much scarier than that?

Dawn 04 is equally as terrifying....the human race ****ed over in a few days...weeks at most.

13-Feb-2008, 06:06 PM
I gotta go with Day. Nothing beats it for its clautrophobic, nightmarish, bleak feel. Romero mentions in his commentary track that he was going for a spook-house feel to the movie and I think he succeeded very well with that, especially with the way the cave shots were constructed and Harrison's music support.