View Full Version : Samurai sword ban.

21-Dec-2007, 12:38 AM
This labour goverment continually pisses me off everyday, everyone who votes for labour is a damned fool and deserves to die slowly and painfully, but this is a subject especially close to my heart so i felt compelled to write about. The goverment is talking about banning samurai swords, this is on top of the gun ban and the various knife amnesties we have had to endure over here, the sword ban is one that strikes me particullarly hard as i love my swords, i have 3.. a katana, a wakizashi and a tanto blade.. i love my swords, its a passion of mine.

Now this ban pisses me off, it pisses me off so much it brings my blood to a boil and makes me hate people, it pisses me off so much i actually want to go out and kill just to spite the goverment.

But i dont.

You know why i dont? becuase like the majority of people, i have self control... sure i think these things, i bet everyone reading this has at one point in the their life said they will kill someone, it dosn't mean they will, i say this ban makes me want to go out and kill, it dosn't mean i will.. becuase i know the difference between what i say and what i do in real life, like all decent folk, now my swords alone dont kill.. just like guns dont kill, knives dont kill and bombs dont kill.. they are inaminate objects, they have no will and no malice towards humanity, there is only one deadly weapon on this planet that kills millions everyday and that is humans themselves.. i have had my swords for years and they have never harmed anyone, they just sit there on top of my warbdrobe, happilly in their scabbard's, until some impressed visitor see's them and takes one down to have a closer look at it.. they have never never killed, they have never maimed, they never injured, cut or even caused a boo-boo to anyone at all, and never will... why? becuase they are not capable of it by themselves and i am a sane and reasonable person, good combination.

this is my argument against this ban, NO INAMINATE OBJECT IS CAPABLE OF HURTING SOMEONE WITHOUT A PERSON BEHIND IT, USING IT. this makes it a tool, not a weapon.

As for the slim minority of people who do use these tools to inflict pain on others, isnt that why we have police?

A great man once said that by electing your goverment, you are showing them trust.. and in return the goverment should show its people trust.. swords are beautiful things which the majority of us can have and enjoy without hurting others, the goverment really needs to learn to trust its people and not be a paranoid over-bearing-nanny state... if i really really wanted to i could go out tomorrow and kill someone with a corkscrew, or a screwdriver, or a toothbrush or a jar of honey... are we to ban all these things too?

Apologies if any of you know someone who was hurt or killed by sword, but i am saying what i beleive here.. it wasn't the sword doing it.. it was the psychopath behind it, and there is no need to ban these beautiful and ancient creations becuase the minority of people misuse them.

Peace out,

21-Dec-2007, 12:49 AM
FACT: More people are kicked to death by people wearing shoes than are killed with fake swords...it's time that these lethal weapons (shoes) were banned.

The stupidity of the labour government is staggering.

21-Dec-2007, 03:37 AM
Hahahahaha...wow, is this ever stupid. A sword ban.

Does anyone actually have any stats on how many ninja-style beheadings happen on the streets every day?

I'd estimate the figure to be about 0. Damn, the sword crime is running rampant.

And these nonexistant swordkillers would be screwed in finding victims in the first place. What, you CAN'T see the guy with the huge f*cking blade coming towards you?! I'm pretty sure you aren't going to get sniped while walking down the street.

Oh, it must be for airline security! Just consider how easy it is to sneak one of these blades onto a plane! "Oh, that's not a sword down my pants, I'm just 'gifted'."

WTF is wrong with people....

21-Dec-2007, 04:26 AM
Is it a ban on owning them outright?
like if you have one you gotta get rid of it?

or is it a ban on carrying or transporting one
or how it is kept in the house?

like the gun law here if i take a gun to the range
i have to remove the firing pin and put it in a locked case
i can only make it ready to shoot once i reach the range
then when I leave I have to disable it
if i had a permit to carry I wouldnt have to do this

plus guns have to be kept in a locked safe or case in the house.

I guess are they regulating how they are owned or
banning them completely?

21-Dec-2007, 11:04 AM
Ugh, all they wanna do is ban, control, outlaw and meddle in everybody's lives.

That's the thing at the very heart of Labour - they want to centralise and control everything, nanny the country like we're a bunch of foolish ninnies.

They're taking the piss big style.

Get some bloody cops on the streets, rather than having them doing paperwork...I mean how many samurai street murders do you hear about? Bugger all that's how many. What do you hear about all the time instead?

Thuggish inner-city teenagers stabbing each other with knives or shooting each other from the BMX's. Get the rozzers on the street and teach respect in school from the very start.

Also - bang real criminals up in jail, I was hearing last night there are plans or thoughts for banging up people with no car insurance or something similar in jail. WHAT?! There's rapists, thieves, murdering nutjobs walking free and you wanna bang white collar crime up in jail when there's isn't the space for serious criminals?!

It's like their anti-porn thing they've got going on...evidently the Labour government don't like it rough, I haven't been following it that much, just what I see on the Melon Farmers website, but they wanna bring in legislation completely based on taste - rather than any evidence. Also, their 'experts' were almost all in favour (because they were biased organisations, in favour of Labour's stance). If it's consensual - who cares?

Ugh, bunch of wankers so they are...ban this, control that, review this & that...geez.

'Oh, we can't spare £1 billion for this important, justified thing...but we can set aside £50+ billion to take care of Northern Rock' ... you do wonder, would it have been the same response if it had been a bank in the South? :rockbrow:

21-Dec-2007, 11:09 AM
Ugh, all they wanna do is ban, control, outlaw and meddle in everybody's lives.

That's the thing at the very heart of Labour - they want to centralise and control everything, nanny the country like we're a bunch of foolish ninnies.

They're taking the piss big style.

Get some bloody cops on the streets, rather than having them doing paperwork...I mean how many samurai street murders do you hear about? Bugger all that's how many. What do you hear about all the time instead?

Thuggish inner-city teenagers stabbing each other with knives or shooting each other from the BMX's. Get the rozzers on the street and teach respect in school from the very start.

Also - bang real criminals up in jail, I was hearing last night there are plans or thoughts for banging up people with no car insurance or something similar in jail. WHAT?! There's rapists, thieves, murdering nutjobs walking free and you wanna bang white collar crime up in jail when there's isn't the space for serious criminals?!

It's like their anti-porn thing they've got going on...evidently the Labour government don't like it rough, I haven't been following it that much, just what I see on the Melon Farmers website, but they wanna bring in legislation completely based on taste - rather than any evidence. Also, their 'experts' were almost all in favour (because they were biased organisations, in favour of Labour's stance). If it's consensual - who cares?

Ugh, bunch of wankers so they are...ban this, control that, review this & that...geez.

'Oh, we can't spare £1 billion for this important, justified thing...but we can set aside £50+ billion to take care of Northern Rock' ... you do wonder, would it have been the same response if it had been a bank in the South? :rockbrow:

Have you ever listened to Rush Limbaugh? He has a stigma attached to him by the liberal media in this country but a lot of the stuff you are saying is the kind of stuff he is saying. You might find him worth a listen to.


21-Dec-2007, 11:12 AM
Something quite bad happened round here involving a sword a couple of years ago,some lad who had smoked too much weed lost the plot & went driving the wrong way down a dual carriageway,then got out brandishing a samurai sword & started waving it at the police who had turned up by then.The worst part was,instead of using baton rounds,CS spray or a taser & immobilising him,they just brought marksmen in and shot him dead.A bit heavy handed if you ask me!if he'd had a gun it would have been a different story,but seen as it was only a sword surely they could have just put him down with non-lethal force!

21-Dec-2007, 11:27 AM
Something quite bad happened round here involving a sword a couple of years ago,some lad who had smoked too much weed lost the plot & went driving the wrong way down a dual carriageway,then got out brandishing a samurai sword & started waving it at the police who had turned up by then.The worst part was,instead of using baton rounds,CS spray or a taser & immobilising him,they just brought marksmen in and shot him dead.A bit heavy handed if you ask me!if he'd had a gun it would have been a different story,but seen as it was only a sword surely they could have just put him down with non-lethal force!

Most cops wouldn't take the chance especially if the guy that was waving a sword at them was high on something. You sure it was weed? That doesn't sound like weed that sounds like PCP.

21-Dec-2007, 11:49 AM
yeah definately weed,there isnt really PCP over here.Problem being people dont smoke old skool "hippy" weed over here these days,they smoke this super strength stuff that is cut with allsorts & is being proven time & time again to cause psychosis in people which is obviously what happened with this lad.

21-Dec-2007, 03:23 PM
Is it a ban on owning them outright?
like if you have one you gotta get rid of it?

or is it a ban on carrying or transporting one
or how it is kept in the house?

Under existing law in the uk, your allowed to own one strictly for the purpose of decoration.. which means it must have a dulled blade. it is illegal to own a sharpened sword.

It is also illegal to carry one in a public place, or have one on you (in your car etc etc), but you can keep them in your home.

Under the new laws labour is planning to bring in, it will become illegal to buy or own any sword.. amnesties will be held at police stations for you to hand in your swords bought before the ban for them to be destroyed and ANY sword you have afterwards, even only in your own home, will be classed as an illegal and offensive weapon.

21-Dec-2007, 05:12 PM
..which is no good if you have some ornamental blades that you paid hundreds for because you'll get nothing back for them!glad i never decided to collect any!

21-Dec-2007, 07:09 PM
i fail to understand the rationale behind any of this. if there really is one at all. i don't understand it because i live in a state where it is legal to carry a loaded handgun concealed on your person in public if you are a citizen of ohio (and not a felon or an escaped mental patient).

i am simply sitting here shaking my head.

isn't it truely frightening how there are so many govts. in this world that are systematically trying to strip their citizens of any and all weapons ownership rights? this scares me way more than any criminal activity ever has or will for one very good reason: guns/weapons being only in the hands of the govt. can only lead to one of two places- facistland or some equally disgusting left-wing do-gooder idealouges that think they know what is best for everyone.

damn, damn, damn- what is happening to the UK???:(

21-Dec-2007, 08:05 PM
you know the old gun right people have a saying

"the nazis were the first proponents of gun control"

for some reason Hilter and the gang knew it wasnt
a good idea for the people to have thier own
firearms, just in case, maybe, they might disagree
with the government and what it was doing

why would the nazis ever think anyone
would find thier actions offensive?

I mean were'nt they known for their warmth and compassion?

21-Dec-2007, 08:08 PM
The UK is screwed im afraid,my faith that this government would only get so far before the people got fed up & turned things around is fading fast.The future is bleak,we've been sold down the rhine to europe & we're being out-populated by muslims (mohammed has been revealed as the second most popular name for newborns in the UK now).I love my country but hate whats happened to it & just want to leave this septic isle now :(

21-Dec-2007, 08:11 PM
I am a collector of swords (ones from the movies usually) and I only have them for display uses, but the police want me to hand them over....

yeah, like that's gonna happen!

21-Dec-2007, 10:09 PM
you know the old gun right people have a saying

"the nazis were the first proponents of gun control"

for some reason Hilter and the gang knew it wasnt
a good idea for the people to have thier own
firearms, just in case, maybe, they might disagree
with the government and what it was doing

why would the nazis ever think anyone
would find thier actions offensive?

I mean were'nt they known for their warmth and compassion?

Yeah well we're in 21rst century britain... not nazi germany...

..at least the germans got to vote for hitler :rolleyes:

21-Dec-2007, 11:29 PM
Yeah well we're in 21rst century britain... not nazi germany...

..at least the germans got to vote for hitler :rolleyes:

And those who voted nein were later "shown the error of their ways" by the regime...

22-Dec-2007, 12:47 AM
this whole trend is so frakking sad. the UK used to be one of the most free places on earth but now you've CCTV cameras everywhere, the EU being shoved up your butts, the EU courts overruling every other decision YOUR elected govt. makes, idiots wanting to ban swords, trying to take your right to own any sort of defensive weapon away with gun controls, the labor govt. sucking george bush's butthole at every opportunity, and the list could go on and on.:(:(

this sucks for me and i am taking it rather seriously because not only am i a lifelong anglophile but i also am english by descent (my family was orginially from carlisle and york).

jesus h. i don't feel so bad about what is happening in america now.

22-Dec-2007, 01:30 AM
I wouldnt be all that worried rich
I doubt the UK is gonna fall any time soon

as far as the new laws go,
well i know that I for one have never let
a thing like something being illegal stop me
from doing anything I really wanted
but I understand that its aggravating to
have to do something criminal that shouldnt be
considered so

and as far as that guy waving a sword around
the police here would have shot him so fast
if he didnt drop the sword when the told him to.
they would have put so much lead in him you
could have dragged his body to the morgue with
a magnet.

and as a side note
the people in nazi germany didnt know
what they were in for. we look back and say nazi
germany and its a very detailed knowledge.
they didnt have the luxury of knowing the future.
besides the quote is "the originators of gun control"
meaning anybody who tries to take away your
right to own weapons is acting like the nazis did.
not supposed to be a compliment to that group.

and as far as hitler being elected you need to
read more about him. The nazi party was elected to the german cabinet,
but he was not elected president. it happened as such:

President Paul von Hindenburg died on 2 August 1934. Rather than holding new presidential elections, Hitler's cabinet passed a law proclaiming the presidency dormant and transferred the role and powers of the head of state to Hitler as Führer und Reichskanzler (leader and chancellor). Thereby Hitler also became supreme commander of the military, whose officers then swore an oath not to the state or the constitution but to Hitler personally.

22-Dec-2007, 01:58 AM
That is ridiculous. I own 9 swords and would be majorly pissed if the government tried to ban them.

The only time any of my swords have ever harmed anybody was when my dad was looking at it and said "This isn't sharp" then ran his finger and nicked it LMAO. It was just a tiny nick, but it was his own fault and hillarious.

22-Dec-2007, 03:26 AM
But isnt the best story about those
swords when john belushi sliced buck
henrys forehead open on live tv during
the saturday night live skit samari hotel

it was supposed to be a dull blade
but i guess john got a bit carried away
for the rest of the show the entire cast
wore bandages on thier heads in the same place
buck henry had his on as a show of symapthy
SNL at its most live extreme

22-Dec-2007, 06:14 AM
yeah definately weed,there isnt really PCP over here.Problem being people dont smoke old skool "hippy" weed over here these days,they smoke this super strength stuff that is cut with allsorts & is being proven time & time again to cause psychosis in people which is obviously what happened with this lad.

The THC in weed is a lesser form of acid anyway. Add more junk to it and thats the kind of crap that happens.

22-Dec-2007, 12:22 PM
this whole trend is so frakking sad. the UK used to be one of the most free places on earth but now you've CCTV cameras everywhere, the EU being shoved up your butts, the EU courts overruling every other decision YOUR elected govt. makes, idiots wanting to ban swords, trying to take your right to own any sort of defensive weapon away with gun controls, the labor govt. sucking george bush's butthole at every opportunity, and the list could go on and on.:(:(

this sucks for me and i am taking it rather seriously because not only am i a lifelong anglophile but i also am english by descent (my family was orginially from carlisle and york).

jesus h. i don't feel so bad about what is happening in america now.

Yup,your right!i love this country but not for what it has become in recent years,and the further we are pushed into the EU the worse it will get.There are certain people who think the EU is a great thing,but they seem to have a belief that all the current corruption,control & power grabbing will flourish into a perfect utopian society once its all ratified,which is absolute balls!
As for York,i live not far from there,its a nice city,one of the only ones remaining which still has almost complete medieval city walls round it! :)

22-Dec-2007, 01:09 PM
Call me an optimist, but I have a feeling there's going to be a major kick off from the British public in due course...the sense of anger and disappointment is growing more and more.

I reckon there will be a movement of discontent sometime...


And seeing the opinion polls change so violently in the opposite direction to what they once were regarding Brown is hilarious, shove that up your arse you gigantic f*cking weird-breath-taking prat! :D

22-Dec-2007, 07:20 PM
just katanas and wakazashis?, phew, then my medival cursader longswords safe for another day, you cant knock a bitchin' prop like that for 6 quid off t'eBay.:D

22-Dec-2007, 07:31 PM
come on people of britian!!!

hold that sword over your head
and repeat the words of charlton heston:

"From my cold, dead hands!"

22-Dec-2007, 07:40 PM
come on people of britian!!!

hold that sword over your head
and repeat the words of charlton heston:

"From my cold, dead hands!"
Or in a more British way.

"F*ck off are you gettin' my sword ya wanker!" :mad:

Or something equally British Islesy.

22-Dec-2007, 08:09 PM
Or in a more British way.

"F*ck off are you gettin' my sword ya wanker!" :mad:

Or something equally British Islesy.

how bout: "your takin the piss mate if you think your getting me sword."

22-Dec-2007, 10:18 PM

"taking THE piss"

www.youfail.org -this is never getting old

23-Dec-2007, 03:11 AM

"taking THE piss"

www.youfail.org -this is never getting old


oh well. i tried and i've hooned on over and fixed it to the word the.

i've been to the UK several times but as a north american i guess i am hopeless at british slang:D

am i to be shot at dawn or shall i just fall on my own sword...

23-Dec-2007, 11:00 AM
No, you shall have to do something of a British punishment!

*thinks* AHA!

Eat a plate of chips from Wetherspoons, the bar/restaurant that's always packed.

The chips will be scorching hot, but they won't be cooked in the least. The plate will be absolutely obscenely gigantic, bigger than the plate a main course will get. The chips will essentially be raw potato and taste like crap. When you go to the bog for a couple of minutes and come back, said chips will now be cold and taste even worse.


I think that's a fitting punishment. :p:D

23-Dec-2007, 12:06 PM
no, just use it for a week in place of "you gotta be kidding me", youll never go back.:lol:

23-Dec-2007, 01:20 PM
Why are you so upset about them banning samurai swords, and not swords in general?

Samurai swords suck anyway. Give me a hand-and-a-half sword over that crap anyday!

I can understand the logic behind the current law in the UK, seeing as swords have, and will always be, a weapon meant for pure offense. Except for the decorative swords which are now allowed.

Allowing weapons in the first place is just nuts. But I see no reason to ban even the decorative ones!

23-Dec-2007, 02:35 PM
We must ban knuckles! they are weapons for offense only! all children henceforth born are required to have their knuckles removed! And anyone who is already out of the womb you must report to the local brownshirt center to have them removed.

23-Dec-2007, 02:58 PM
and shins, there weapons of mass bullying, oh and legs for giving and recieveing dead legs, and fingers for offensive gestures, and higher brain functions for free will. natrually.

23-Dec-2007, 03:27 PM
Also ban breathing as the germs & bacteria we breath out could be classed as an offensive bio weapon! :eek:

23-Dec-2007, 03:45 PM
-and ban life, as people having life gives them a 100% chance of death, why dont we get told these figures mr brown, WHY?!?!?

23-Dec-2007, 04:28 PM
No, you shall have to do something of a British punishment!

*thinks* AHA!

Eat a plate of chips from Wetherspoons, the bar/restaurant that's always packed.

The chips will be scorching hot, but they won't be cooked in the least. The plate will be absolutely obscenely gigantic, bigger than the plate a main course will get. The chips will essentially be raw potato and taste like crap. When you go to the bog for a couple of minutes and come back, said chips will now be cold and taste even worse.


I think that's a fitting punishment. :p:D

um, can i be shot instead?:D

25-Dec-2007, 05:39 PM
Who cares if they are illegal or not? I collect Nunchucks and have three Shurikens in a presentation box. I'd probably get into trouble if the pork came sniffing around but hey, as long as you don't go slicing up people on the street then I'm sure you'll be okay.

25-Dec-2007, 07:59 PM
I have the same problem, I have a sentimental (and beautiful) knife. It just happens to lock at the middle (dawning process should be happening).

Now I wouldn't dream of using it in an offensive capacity, in fact the only time it's drawn blood was when I screwed up with my nail trimming. But having said that, I've been warned that having it closed and in my drawer means that I will end up with a criminal record if it's ever found. With labour moving towards minimum sentencing... **** em.

The vast majority of laws and their inner workings, are simply designed to sustain people who believe they have the capacity and intelligence to rule over others.

Why else would a bank robber get longer then a murderer.

Politics in a nutshell.

29-Dec-2007, 04:00 PM
Is it a ban on owning them outright?
like if you have one you gotta get rid of it?

Sucks, doesn't it? Good luck, guys. It sounds pretty sh*tty across the pond nowadays, it's similar here now, as well (things moving in a similarly restrictive direction).

30-Dec-2007, 04:05 AM
it's similar here now, as well (things moving in a similarly restrictive direction).

except that a lot of us are armed to the teeth and would rather die than give up our firearms/weapons.

the day someone tries to take my guns away under the ridiculous guise of legality is the day that i become a terrorist; send my family over the border (they are both canadian citizens anyway) and start flat out killing anyone who is advocating this crap.

30-Dec-2007, 11:33 AM
Heres another good one for ya,in oxford a mosque has been built,and they are now apparently getting planning permission for loudspeakers right across oxford broadcasting the muslim call to prayer!i dont begrudge them praying,but last time i looked this wasnt the middle east & the people of this country dont want that warbling 4 times a day or whatever it is!obviously all the non muslims are voicing their objections to it,but you can guarantee they will be ignored :rolleyes:

30-Dec-2007, 11:59 AM
But of course!

The minority groups would incite racial hatred against them, so they literally cannot do any wrong!

They can get away with murder these days!

Just think, in a hundred years, the way population growth is heading, there will be more Muslims in the UK than any other religious group, and be in control of Parliament, then they will bring in Sharia law. (sp?)

30-Dec-2007, 02:11 PM
In a hundred years the Muslims in Western Countries will mostly have realized that religion is just bull**** some guy spewed out for a laugh. It's already beginning to happen. Alot of young muslims are as religious as your european joe.

30-Dec-2007, 02:23 PM
I have the same problem, I have a sentimental (and beautiful) knife. It just happens to lock at the middle (dawning process should be happening).

Now I wouldn't dream of using it in an offensive capacity, in fact the only time it's drawn blood was when I screwed up with my nail trimming. But having said that, I've been warned that having it closed and in my drawer means that I will end up with a criminal record if it's ever found. With labour moving towards minimum sentencing... **** em.

You've been mis-informed...owning a lock blade is perfectly legal if you don't take it outside.

You can even own switch blades and balisong's if you don't use them outdoors. Take them outside and it's a different story, you will be charged with carrying a prohibitted weapon.

30-Dec-2007, 06:55 PM
In a hundred years the Muslims in Western Countries will mostly have realized that religion is just bull**** some guy spewed out for a laugh. It's already beginning to happen. Alot of young muslims are as religious as your european joe.
Interesting you should mention that, there's a TV show for teenagers/the yoof called "Skins" which features a Muslim character who drinks, smokes and obsesses about sex and goes to parties all the time...not exactly hard-line Musliming really eh?

Now it's a TV show, but it's representative of something that is happening with some.

As for the loud speaker shiite - it'll never happen. It's a public nuisance ultimately, a minority thing bothering the majority. Being a predominantly Christian country, loudspeakers going off several times a day with (to us) non-sensical wailing on it just won't happen. It just won't.

05-Jan-2008, 06:18 PM
I have looked up a generalisation of the law, from April imitation Samurai swords will be outlawed, however, if you bought one before April and keep it in the house, it will be okay.

So genuine Samurai swords will be legal.

But what about imitation Ninja swords? Do they count as 'Samurai'?

05-Jan-2008, 09:02 PM
So why are imitation bad and real good? Surely the real ones are the ones you could do proper damage with? :confused:

05-Jan-2008, 10:02 PM
The imitation ones are cheaper, thus more likely for thugs and bank robbers or whoever to have, whilst real ones are expensive and are least likely to feature in a crime.

But then, I guess thugs, bank robbers, mental cases, whoever, will use whatever comes to hand.

So if a thug uses an ordinary kitchen knife (from a knife and fork set) to kill someone, will the government ban all knives and we then have to eat our dinners with our fingers?

06-Jan-2008, 11:25 PM
Interesting you should mention that, there's a TV show for teenagers/the yoof called "Skins" which features a Muslim character who drinks, smokes and obsesses about sex and goes to parties all the time...not exactly hard-line Musliming really eh?

Now it's a TV show, but it's representative of something that is happening with some.

As for the loud speaker shiite - it'll never happen. It's a public nuisance ultimately, a minority thing bothering the majority. Being a predominantly Christian country, loudspeakers going off several times a day with (to us) non-sensical wailing on it just won't happen. It just won't.
Just saw this http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7173599.stm

07-Jan-2008, 09:56 AM
FACT: More people are kicked to death by people wearing shoes than are killed with fake swords...it's time that these lethal weapons (shoes) were banned.

The stupidity of the labour government is staggering.

Unfortunately, some rationale needs to be applied. For example, motor cars kill a lot of people, but in reality it would be difficult to ban them because they are so important to modern life.

Likewise for shoes... :rolleyes:

However, swords are not really important. Now I don't know the figures, but if they are responsible for injuries/deaths I see no issue in getting rid of then (personally)...

Heres another good one for ya,in oxford a mosque has been built,and they are now apparently getting planning permission for loudspeakers right across oxford broadcasting the muslim call to prayer!i dont begrudge them praying,but last time i looked this wasnt the middle east & the people of this country dont want that warbling 4 times a day or whatever it is!obviously all the non muslims are voicing their objections to it,but you can guarantee they will be ignored :rolleyes:

Unacceptable... Why should I (if I lived in Oxford) have to put up with a religious call 3-4 times a day, when I'm not even religious. Even more so when this is not the 'standard faith' of the country for goodness sake...


I'm sure if a Church of England preaching was blasted out 3-4 times a day, it wouldn't be allowed and would be religiously incorrect because it would upset religious minorities!

07-Jan-2008, 10:39 AM
There is some truth in that, I saw this doc on TV about one such community that was completely divided to the point that the whites and the non-whites had almost completely separated, many had moved to be in their own 'zone', with only a slight mix where the two 'zones' touched.

Each zone didn't mix with the other and was just like what's being described here. I don't think it's scare-mongering, because it has, is and will happen(ing). This is the sort of sh*te that happens when you socially engineer things and meddle...*glares at Labour*

Oh and Nick Clegg is a wanker, the dude gets so bent out of shape on TV interviews, it's hilarious...but he's still a wanker. I thought Rory Bremner's short little sketch about him before he became leader was hilarious. :lol:

18-Jan-2008, 08:05 PM
Never mind banning the imitation Samurai swords, ban umbrellas, they are bloody lethal!

18-Jan-2008, 08:43 PM
Never mind banning the imitation Samurai swords, ban umbrellas, they are bloody lethal!
Get a "stealth umbrella" on Firebox.com, got their latest brochure in the mail today and there's a stealth umbrella shaped a bit like those stealth planes and is apparently impossible to turn inside out in a hefty wind.

18-Jan-2008, 08:52 PM
i want one of those bulgarian spy umbrellas that shoot poison pellets out of the tip.