View Full Version : Merry Christmas folks!

22-Dec-2007, 11:24 AM
Click me (1)... (http://www.elfyourself.com/?id=1683759250 )

Click me (2)... (http://www.elfyourself.com/?id=1682262728) (not so good as poor photos)

22-Dec-2007, 12:11 PM
man, I had this really awesome one of me, deadpool, tom cruise, and some black guy screaming, but IE crashed :(

oh yea, and merry christmas!

22-Dec-2007, 03:14 PM
Neil heres a christmas gift for you

22-Dec-2007, 03:37 PM
Now how did I deserve that!!!

22-Dec-2007, 07:40 PM
I just threw up from that
and not in the good way either

now for that i think we deserve to see
you dressed as santa handing out candy canes
on the street

but anyways merry christmas to everyone
and for those who dont celebrate xmas
well then when you get to hell dont blame us

really best to all the other great people
here who are jewish , or wiccan or dont celebrate
hopefully the good will will spread into your lives too

and neil i forgot to mention but that pic
of your baby looks like a little angel
odd isnt it in such an ugly world there can exist
something so pure and beautiful?

remeber enjoy this holiday is if it were your last.
one year it will be.

23-Dec-2007, 09:06 AM
and neil i forgot to mention but that pic
of your baby looks like a little angel
odd isnt it in such an ugly world there can exist
something so pure and beautiful?

He is/was a very pretty baby... Hopely he won't grow up to look like me :eek::)

23-Dec-2007, 09:36 AM
I just threw up from that

Well I hoped both of you watched all of that...

It makes it especially horrible considering its a remake....*shrugs*

23-Dec-2007, 10:01 AM
Click me (1)... (http://www.elfyourself.com/?id=1683759250 )

Click me (2)... (http://www.elfyourself.com/?id=1682262728) (not so good as poor photos)

I think Romero works the best (in the first one) :)

Chic Freak
23-Dec-2007, 07:25 PM
Couldn't get your elf thing to work Neil, presumably due to my crappy computer (please god, or santa, or anyone else who might be listening, let me have a new laptop for christmas... for the love of baby jesus).

Anyway, merry Christmas and a happy new year to anyone who might be reading this! Or "happy holidays", to cover all the non-christmas festivals too ;)

This reminds me of something I saw on a Christmas card once, which was apparently taken from a real church.

It's a picture of a church in the snow with the following sign outside:

"To our Christian friends, Merry Christmas,
To our Jewish friends, Happy Hanukkah,
and to our atheist friends, Good Luck!"

No I don't know how to spell... hannukah? hannuka? I don't know.


23-Dec-2007, 09:18 PM
Sex-crazed-lunatics indeed. :D

I often stick to "Xmas" myself, it's more what it is now...or the Atheist's version of Christmas anyway.

It's just a time to get the family together and play Consequences and put up the decs and all sit down for up to 2 hours having a slap up dinner and pull crackers and groan at the awful jokes inside and wear your paper hat all day long while watching Dr Who. :D

During my stint in the Sixth Form I was all a bit groany about Xmas, or the whole surrounding vibe at least, but after going to Uni and being away from home I then really appreciated it again and have ever since.

Xmas Eve Eve for less than 2 more hours, then Xmas Eve - and then - PRESENTS! :D

23-Dec-2007, 09:28 PM
I often stick to "Xmas" myself, it's more what it is now...or the Atheist's version of Christmas anyway.

Pointless fact...the name "Xmas" is just-as, if-not more religious than the name "Christmas"

In ancient Christian art, χ and χρ are abbreviations for Christ's name.[4] In many manuscripts of the New Testament and icons, X is an abbreviation for Christos, as is XC (the first and last letters in Greek, using the lunate sigma); compare IC for Jesus in Greek. The Oxford English Dictionary documents the use of this abbreviation back to 1551, 50 years before the first English colonists arrived in North America and 60 years before the King James Version of the Bible was completed. At the same time, Xian and Xianity were in frequent use as abbreviations of "Christian" and "Christianity"; and nowadays still are sometimes so used, but much less than "Xmas".

Despite the holidays origin I think its a great holiday...and I think mass population holidays are important societal devices...so since I dont have that particular belief system I created my own holiday that takes place during the same time (thinks of Seinfield and "Festivus")....my holiday is called "Gib Lat Tribute".....presents are distributed as loot...or tribute to the person....in treasure chests or loot pouches....so thats how I give gifts....:rolleyes: I know Im a crazy person....theres actually all these rules and rituals I devised to go along with the holiday...
One of these days I should make a webpage detailing the rules and rituals of ""Gib lat tribute"

23-Dec-2007, 09:37 PM
God you're annoying Terran! :rolleyes:

The common usage of Xmas though, I'd say, involves less religion and more a sense of commercialism ... to everyday folks I'd reckon.

Also, gay used to mean happy...see what I mean? :p

Chic Freak
23-Dec-2007, 09:42 PM
During my stint in the Sixth Form I was all a bit groany about Xmas, or the whole surrounding vibe at least, but after going to Uni and being away from home I then really appreciated it again and have ever since.

Same here!

And woo, Liam and I are exchanging gifts Xmas Eve morning, as we both want to spend the rest of the time with our own families. So, considering what time we usually get up, I've got 12 hours until I get to unwrap something. Be jealous.

23-Dec-2007, 09:43 PM
Couldn't get your elf thing to work Neil, presumably due to my crappy computer (please god, or santa, or anyone else who might be listening, let me have a new laptop for christmas... for the love of baby jesus).

Anyway, merry Christmas and a happy new year to anyone who might be reading this! Or "happy holidays", to cover all the non-christmas festivals too ;)

This reminds me of something I saw on a Christmas card once, which was apparently taken from a real church.

It's a picture of a church in the snow with the following sign outside:

"To our Christian friends, Merry Christmas,
To our Jewish friends, Happy Hanukkah,
and to our atheist friends, Good Luck!"

No I don't know how to spell... hannukah? hannuka? I don't know.


Nice set of baubles...

23-Dec-2007, 09:43 PM
the only good thing about Xmas is Robot Santa blasting open the chest cavities of those naughty naughty humans.

Chic Freak
23-Dec-2007, 09:48 PM
Nice set of baubles...

Now, now Neil... don't make me deck your balls with boughs of holly :p

24-Dec-2007, 12:29 AM
you've corrupted NEIL, of all the friggin people in this forum to corrupt!

Is there anything you can't do????

24-Dec-2007, 05:10 AM
Happy Crimble folks!

I may not have been here that long, but I know when I am in good company, this is great forum to lurk around on, always a good atmosphere and good banter.

So here's to 2008, some more laughs, and some wars about just how rubbish "Land" is (and hopefully, lots of back slapping and high fives when we all get to see "Diary" and agree on it's wholesome awesomeness).

Have a good one people! :D

24-Dec-2007, 06:40 AM
you've corrupted NEIL, of all the friggin people in this forum to corrupt!

Is there anything you can't do????

I can always get him in that mood with a cheeky girl reference....

24-Dec-2007, 08:15 AM
Now, now Neil... don't make me deck your balls with boughs of holly :p

I hope you get exactly what you want slipped into your stockings for Christmas!

24-Dec-2007, 11:42 AM
I hope you get exactly what you want slipped into your stockings for Christmas!


Chic Freak
24-Dec-2007, 11:43 AM
I can always get him in that mood with a cheeky girl reference....

As in, "we are the Cheeky Girls, you are the cheeky boys"?? :lol:

I hope you get exactly what you want slipped into your stockings for Christmas!

Woohoo, I just did! :D

Liam got me the Audrey Hepburn Treasures book and an illustrated Discworld novel called The Last Hero. The pictures in both are amazing :eek:

Photos of gorgeous early C20th ladies + Terry Pratchett book I haven't read = joy :D

But yeah, if I left *all* my stockings out, I'd end up with a ton of sh!t, I have a whole drawer full. I'm really looking forward to just slobbing out for the next couple of days.

24-Dec-2007, 11:52 AM
Holy **** your a model, I never knew that.

btw, what are those black disky thingies called that you attach to your bewbs to hide your nipples called?

Chic Freak
24-Dec-2007, 12:24 PM
Pasties :)

24-Dec-2007, 12:31 PM
are they comfortable to wear?

24-Dec-2007, 12:37 PM
Merry Christmas to all!

24-Dec-2007, 01:16 PM
are they comfortable to wear?

Why do I get the feeling this thread has long left its festive origins?

24-Dec-2007, 01:21 PM
Merry Christmas all my brothers and sisters.

24-Dec-2007, 01:27 PM
im take a quote from penny arcade for this one: "Merry Christmas you beatiful bastards", really gives a feel of holiday cheer:lol:

24-Dec-2007, 03:32 PM
Merry Christmas everybody!
Neil love the elf, but why didn't you elf yourself? When it was downloading I thought I would see you there dancing! lol
I did it for my hubby and me,we look hilarious!
Anyhoo...MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL and I HOPE Santa brings you all your wishes!

24-Dec-2007, 03:38 PM

your like 70, and yet you still believe in santa? Whats a matta with you?

I'm 19 and I know Cringles is a non-existant entity.

24-Dec-2007, 03:44 PM
Hope you all have a really good christmas!!!!

(except for grodon brown who i hope gets the sh!ts off his turkey,then suffers a huge diahorrea blowback)

24-Dec-2007, 05:11 PM
god tricky

i never heard anybody wish the runs on someone
for xmas.

and mo i find pasties to be pretty comfy
when im all dressed up in my purty underthings
and hanging around the docks.

Im so happy I got a stuffed rat for Xmas
its grey and gross and just like the kinds you find
in your garbage. its a real one stuffed. the tail is long and
everything. im gonna sleep with it,
im used to sleeping with pigs i take home from bars, now i got a rat!

neil why would you think this post got off track?

and terran damn you i still have visions of that video

ok everybody lets give a big dating game kiss to everyone...

happy holidays

Chic Freak
24-Dec-2007, 07:32 PM
are they comfortable to wear?

They're stuck on with double-sided sticky tape (aka 'tit tape'), very comfortable to wear, in fact I forget they're even there at all until I have to rip/ peel them off, which is less comfortable, natch.

24-Dec-2007, 07:49 PM
well, i'd imagine it'd be worse if you had hairy nipples, but i guess your good like that, being a women and all. I should get some and put them over my eyes. i'd be so awesome.

hey i jsut realized, i haven't been corrupted yet. score one for me.

24-Dec-2007, 08:08 PM
well, i'd imagine it'd be worse if you had hairy nipples.


24-Dec-2007, 08:09 PM
okay there octal juices or whatever you called chuck norris's tears :P

24-Dec-2007, 08:15 PM
Merry x-mas to all and to all a good fright!

24-Dec-2007, 10:11 PM
lol Tricky. :D

So yeah, apart from Gordon Brown ... and Robert Mugabe ... and anyone who's appeared on My Super Sweet 16 ... and the Taliban ... and a bunch of other bastards ... Merry Christmas everyone! :)

Oooooh, 48 minutes to go till it's official.

25-Dec-2007, 07:10 PM
Have a great Xmas everybody!

25-Dec-2007, 07:34 PM

25-Dec-2007, 08:42 PM
Ba humbug. *L*

26-Dec-2007, 06:44 AM
Gib Lat Tribute, Terran.

And bless us all, everyone.



26-Dec-2007, 12:39 PM
Click me (1)... (http://www.elfyourself.com/?id=1683759250 )

Click me (2)... (http://www.elfyourself.com/?id=1682262728) (not so good as poor photos)

elf'd myself too, using my LOTD zombie Make-up, a regular photo, and Animal Mother from FMJ.


Hope you all have a really good christmas!!!!

(except for grodon brown who i hope gets the sh!ts off his turkey,then suffers a huge diahorrea blowback)

Thats a nasty ailment to wish on someone, simply because I had it happen last XMAS and spent a day in the ER with IV's hooked into me. :lol:

26-Dec-2007, 04:15 PM
Thats a nasty ailment to wish on someone, simply because I had it happen last XMAS and spent a day in the ER with IV's hooked into me.

But you're not a complete tosspot like Gordon Brown is. :D

26-Dec-2007, 04:25 PM
But you're not a complete tosspot like Gordon Brown is. :D

I hear he's been secretly trying to make deals with the taliban now,after he had previously denied it!apparently the US is furious over it and i dont blame them!

26-Dec-2007, 05:00 PM
Deals or talks? I wonder...still though, under-handed is Brown's M.O. ... just like all bullies.

26-Dec-2007, 06:07 PM
I don't know whose politicians are more corrupt... the UK or the US. My heart goes out to you blokes. :(

26-Dec-2007, 06:57 PM
hows this for merry christmas, im at my gran and grandads eating a big **** off leftover dinner today and my moms boyfreind shows up with my little brothers stuff in trash bags, throws it on the drive adn drives off.
my brother heads home, im heading hoem ****ing pissed. and getting pissed is a once every 5 year deal for me, and i was literally blind with rage that a dude my moms been seing for less than 2 months did this. i get home 15 mins after my brother, i just bring my fist down on the door once and i roared "OPEN THIS ****ING DOOR RIGHT NOW.", the whole street whent quiet adn i echoed 4 or 5 times, i cant remember the last time i was this angry, probably never, instantly they turn all the lights off and hide in the back of the house, ring the police saying ive tried to smash the windows in and when the police show up, tell me this then note that theres no scratch on anything (:rolleyes:).
i tell them to cool off, they make my brother leave and take his key and tell him to not come back, me ive got to stay since A: im still job searching adn cant afford a place and B: the dick wont try **** when im arround since hes terrified of me for some reason, though after today hes got good reason let me tell you.
I roll my eyes adn after 2 months of trying to solve things with diplomacy just tell them im done sorting this out for them and leave, its calmed down now but if my gran and grandad didnt have a spare room he would be homeless.
so merry christmas for my brother huh?

- oh and i also saw balls of fury, dumbest film ive ever seen, christopher walkin as a gay ,white, leader of a asian mafia triad running murderous underground ping pong tournaments was hilarious, but at the same time something that will sell absolutely no copies on dvd.