View Full Version : my son and horror...

23-Dec-2007, 03:38 AM
ok. i think i have an up and coming horror freak on my hands here. nick is crazy about monsters and i mean he is ready to flip for a peanut over them. zombie was a very early word for him (because of scooby-doo , which he is obsessed with at this point, night 90, and some monster picture books) although he says it as "ombie."

i have this theory that no one is naturally scared of anything (except for fire- there isn't anything that walks under the sun or moon that isn't afraid of fire) so i have given him a taste of some horror stuff. i have show him the transformation scene in "american werewolf in london"- he loved it. didn't flinch or bat an eyelash. although he is under the mistaken idea that werewolves are somehow "puppies".

i have also shown him a lot of night 90 and the night 3D remake (minus a few scenes) again he flipped for it. when he went for his foam swords to fight off the "ombies" i damn near cried. i have also shown him a great deal of the old hammer films (which i am an absolute freak about) again he just ate it up.

reminds me of a certain person who used to beg his mother to stay up late in in the 70s to watch the nightstalker, night gallery and scream-in which was a a local show dedicated to classic horror hosted by the cool ghoul (RIP dick van hoene) in cincinnati.

ain't life just one big cyclical biatch or what?

23-Dec-2007, 06:50 AM
Very cool kid you have there. How old is he?

23-Dec-2007, 01:24 PM
Ah. Horror. Everyone has wonderful memories from their childhood when they got a taste of that dark, sinister world that is horror! But don't spoil it for him now. Remember, that part of getting ahold of gore and horror was being able to sneak it past your parents.

23-Dec-2007, 01:30 PM
^ true, the reason most kids are different to the parents is becuase if there raised to love classical music, then when there a teenager metal will be something new for example, so you could put him off horror when hes older.

-or turn him into a big **** off goff!!!111!!:eek::lol:

23-Dec-2007, 02:41 PM
Be careful, scipio, when I told people about showing my little brother Dawn 78 I got damn near lynched.

23-Dec-2007, 03:01 PM
My parents were just like that. I remember when we got our first VCR, they let me rent practically every horror movie the local video store had for months and months straight. Ah, to be young again.....:p

23-Dec-2007, 03:13 PM
i remember when i was younger my gran rented me event horizon, i recognised sam neil form my favourite movie at the time, jurassic park, and i was a kid so i automatically expected more of the same.

-i loved the film, watched it all the way through but even on a sunny summers day i was shivering it scared me so much.

good times.

23-Dec-2007, 04:28 PM
Be careful, scipio, when I told people about showing my little brother Dawn 78 I got damn near lynched.

he doesn't get to see any sort of graphic violence. zombies chasing people is one thing. zombies dining on human tartar is another. i am very mindful of what he sees so he doesn't become traumatized. so dawn, day, and most other horror flicks are no gos right now.

scooby-doo was the catalyst. when he started getting in to scooby he started to flip over monsters in general.