View Full Version : this guy is a moron

24-Dec-2007, 06:14 PM

how the FACK do u call TEN U.S. troops? is that all thats fighting over there? since i was a kid ive heard the saying "if ur not gonna do somethin right,dont do nothin at all" looks like for 7 years of fighting he can only muster 10 got damn phone calls.

on another note, he's trying to "repair his image abroad"..................what about repairing ur image here for the people who pay ur got damn salary? or hoe bout the people's kids u sent off to get slaughtered? someone do somethin aobut that yayhoo,pleas

24-Dec-2007, 06:51 PM
yeah. if this guy had any balls (like his father) he would've gone and visited them.

when i was in somalia the other bush actually came there right around christmas for a visit. craziest, most dangerous place on earth and he flew up in there like he was going for a weekend in boca.

24-Dec-2007, 07:16 PM
yeah. if this guy had any balls (like his father) he would've gone and visited them.

when i was in somalia the other bush actually came there right around christmas for a visit. craziest, most dangerous place on earth and he flew up in there like he was going for a weekend in boca.

now thats cool of him to do. seriously if i was president i'd make it a point to PERSONALLY call or write or go see ALL troops.