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View Full Version : XBox 360: Game Recomendations needed!

15-Apr-2006, 10:18 AM
Ok, I'm gonna get a 360 but I have no idea what games to get. I'm really into First Person Shooters, so what can you recommend?

P.S: Can I play games from the First XBox?

15-Apr-2006, 12:22 PM
I think the 360 is backwards compatible - you can play both original Halo games on it I know that for sure. Call of Duty 2 is a good game, you should definately check that one out.

And I think it goes without saying - pre-order "Dead Rising" :)

15-Apr-2006, 12:38 PM
There is no doubt in my mind that I'm gonna get Dead Rising!!!!

15-Apr-2006, 12:40 PM
When is dead rising coming out? I might buy the 360 just for that, heh.

15-Apr-2006, 01:33 PM
Are you going to use Xbox Live? I think thats half the fun of owning a 360. There are some pretty great games available now, here are the best ones, IMO:

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion: Get this if you want to leave your social life behind. Its one of my top 5 games of all time, so much to do and see, 16 square miles of land to cover, over 200 dungeons, etc. Not to mention its really easy to get in to, even if you're a novice at RPGs. I like the fact that the entire game is played in first person, too.

Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter: Awesome tactical shooter that takes place in Mexico City. Single and Multiplayer are both incredible.

Dead of Alive 4: Some people call the series shallow, but I think this entry fixes a lot of the problems of past games. It is a lot deeper, and the reversal system is much more refined. Great on Xbox Live.

Project Gotham Racing 3: A racer that is half simulator, half arcade game. One of the best racing games I've ever played. The cities look detailed and real, too.

I think Dead Rising comes out in June.:)

Edit: For the 360 to be backwards compatible, you need the hard drive that comes with the premium pack. Here is a list of BC games: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/backwardcompatibilitygameslist.htm

15-Apr-2006, 01:47 PM
I might go online with it...

I was online with my Playstation 2 but I never really got used to it. It was so buggy and the loading times were stupid! SOCOM was ok but... Oh well, I guess the old days are past me...

I've seen the Ghost Recon game but I've played the others and they weren't very good...

15-Apr-2006, 02:24 PM
I might go online with it...

I was online with my Playstation 2 but I never really got used to it. very

trust me Live >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PS2online far and away

360 Live also has an arcade which is damn cool :cool:

15-Apr-2006, 10:28 PM

dead rising.

alan wake.

all on my wish list for when i get my 360 in august.

19-Apr-2006, 01:11 AM
Project Gotham racing is nice and so is Need for Speed and since they are racing games I think there is a lot of replay ability there. But for console game I would just rent them from gamefly or buy used at gamespot or EBgames.

22-Apr-2006, 04:46 AM
Call Of Duty 2 is a must get. One of the best single player games I've played in a long time & with the patch that was released for it, the online portion of the game is great. Beating it on Veteran is a pretty nice accomplishment :).

As someone mentioned, Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter is a great tactical shooter that has great single player. The online play is great once a game starts :). Sometimes you wait a little bit for it.

If you like sports games I would recommend Fight Night: Round 3 & Top Spin 2. Both are great games.

I just picked up & started playing Battlefield 2: Modern Combat & I'm enjoying it so far.

Also as mentioned earlier, I would recommend picking up Dead Rising when it becomes available :). I have it pre-ordered alredy :D.

22-Apr-2006, 03:47 PM
XBOX 360 isn't really backwards compatible. What it does is emulates the old games. You've gotta download the emulators for the games via XBOX Live. The emulation, of course, isn't as good as playing it on the original XBOX. There's a bit of lag, frames dropped, etc. on some of the games. I'm not sure how bad it can get but I don't think it's that awful.

22-Apr-2006, 09:04 PM
its not that bad now, some games like dead or alive 3 or halo2 are actually improved graphically and frames per second.

im still not getting my xbox 360 till august, but when they first came out the only games that were honest to god backwards compatible was halo, those nfx tricky ones and a load of third party ones, but the lists constantly expanding and its close to like 300 games now, and they dont all lag, ive heard far cry instincts does, but that game has so many glitches to begin with i dont think anyone will notice,lol.

24-Apr-2006, 01:47 PM
All you need is Oblivion and you will not see the light of day for months. :)

25-Apr-2006, 11:37 AM
Any news on Halo 3?

26-Apr-2006, 02:05 AM
Any news on Halo 3?
If there is going to be any news at all oh Halo 3, it will be at E3 (Electronics Entertainment Expo). I think it starts May 9th. In fact, lots of new 360 games will be revealed, so keep your eyes peeled.

27-Apr-2006, 01:25 PM
agreed on E3. the bungie crew is being as always sphinx like when it comes to all things "Halo" and "3" .

i suspect we may get something at e3, but don't be supprised if nothing happens.

the big rumor is they're holding it for a joint release with the movie next year, but i suspect given PS3's continued delays. Microsoft may want to use it as a "punt block" for PS3's launch date.

we'll see.

27-Apr-2006, 02:51 PM
I don't think Halo 3 will be released on the PS3 launch date which seems set to be November of this year. The main PS3 "punt block" game that the 360 will be getting and one that everyone's been drooling over since last year's E3 is Gears of War. That and Microsoft cutting the 360 premium price by 100 and the Core system by 80.

28-Apr-2006, 03:18 AM
that and the fact the ps3 will be around 750 dollars.:mad:

28-Apr-2006, 09:06 AM
Sony really have lost the plot ... but it's funny to watch them lose the plot. Come on Sega, seize the opportunity and reclaim the throne of console entertainment. I still have my Mega Drive 2, oh happy days...

28-Apr-2006, 09:17 AM
Sony really have lost the plot ... but it's funny to watch them lose the plot.

like a g.c.s.e english teacher at a comprehensive school.:lol:

Come on Sega, seize the opportunity and reclaim the throne of console entertainment

bring on a handheld dreamcast, wi fi multiplayer house of the dead 2, now that would be frikkin' awesome!:D