View Full Version : Extras Christmas special?

28-Dec-2007, 02:51 AM
Did anyone see the feature length finale of Extras? I thought it was a brilliant ending to the series and I respect Ricky Gervais 10 times more now, I mean, I already loved his work, but this Christmas special had such a great message about fame, along with a truly heartwarming ending.

28-Dec-2007, 09:53 AM
Aye I thought it was a wicked way to end "Extras", I downloaded it off t'internet a week back (it was shown in America first), then re-watched it last night.

There were a few odd changes, mainly to certain names mentioned (e.g. Jade Goody, or the journalist he mentions near the end).

Bloody good show it was too, and a damn good swipe and jab at the vacuous celebrity thing that's going around like the flu.

I see you've been watching his "Fame" stand-up routine, eh? :)

28-Dec-2007, 01:37 PM
honestly?, i find lee evans stand up funnier.

and ive never laughed at one of his jokes either, i think gervais is much better with stuff like his live shows.

28-Dec-2007, 02:06 PM
Crap, I missed it. (checking tv guide now)

28-Dec-2007, 02:21 PM
saw his red nose day sketch on tv yesterday though "you dont really need to visit starving africans, just use blue screen" ,funny as fook:lol: extras never really did it for me, its a little bit too much of a curb your enthusiasm vibe, though the two dudes hugging and getting called queers through the window was one of the 4 ro5 funny gags throughout.

28-Dec-2007, 02:58 PM
The special was less about all-out funny, it was more about a deeper meaning, and the cult of celebrity and what it can do to someone (clearly Gervais was getting that out of his system with this as well as his third stand-up tour).

Lee Evans is hilarious as fook...but I remember watching Gervais' "Animals" on DVD at Uni with a mate and we were dying of laughter, seriously, at one point I had a gob-full of cereal and almost choked to death, I was gasping for air because I couldn't stop laughing long enough, and our laughter spurred each other on to laugh even more...bloody nora...I've never laughed that insanely hard since.

Axlish - get that sumbitch downloaded, it's all over online.

28-Dec-2007, 03:07 PM
aye animals was funny as fook, especially the little random bits like comparing rick waller to the same body fat percentage as a pork scratching, i was gonna pick up fame yesterday ,is it as good as that?

28-Dec-2007, 03:09 PM
aye animals was funny as fook, especially the little random bits like comparing rick waller to the same body fat percentage as a pork scratching, i was gonna pick up fame yesterday ,is it as good as that?
I didn't think "Fame" was all that funny...Animals was best, Politics was a bit below that, and in turn Fame is a bit below Politics.

It's alright, but I'd say either buy it for cheap or download it...there are laughs to be had, but I never almost died from over-mega-laughter like I did with "Animals".

28-Dec-2007, 03:14 PM
im gonna have to go look up animals again now:D

28-Dec-2007, 04:26 PM
It is on OnDemand right now, sweet!

28-Dec-2007, 05:36 PM
What was great about Extras the series was the way celebrities sent themselves up. The Christmas special was definitely more about Andy and his rise to celelbrity status himself with his sitcom, as well as his relationship with the other characters. So the Christmas special was definitely less funny than an episode from the series, but the great storyline more than made up for it.

Lee Evans is great, and while no one could do his material the way he does (just like with most comedians), it's still the sort of material I'd expect from a alot of comedians. But Ricky Gervais is really unique in my opinion, and the egomaniac persona he puts on sometimes is just hilarious, especially when you know his views on fame are the complete opposite. He also does conversations with himself as different characters really well.

I thought 'Fame' was the best of all his stand up to be honest... though, I haven't watched the other two in a while.

28-Dec-2007, 05:56 PM
Although you have to admit, Clive Owen saying "oh f*ck off, I'm Clive Owen, that's mental!" was freakin' hilarious.

Bravo to Owen I say.

28-Dec-2007, 06:15 PM
I refuse to watch gervais,i just dont find him funny!

29-Dec-2007, 09:05 AM
Although you have to admit, Clive Owen saying "oh f*ck off, I'm Clive Owen, that's mental!" was freakin' hilarious.

Bravo to Owen I say.

Oh man that was funny, I screamed laughter at that bit....

loved the christmas special, just watched the last half today on my Sky plus at work...just like The office christmas special, had a more emotional context but still absolutely brilliant comedy/drama entertainment. Stephen Merchant has just a bigger hand as Gervais in both The Office and Extras, and should also be commended...apparently a very nice fellow too!

29-Dec-2007, 01:20 PM
Indeed, bravo to Steven Merchant as well. :cool:

You've got Sky+ at work?! :eek:

30-Dec-2007, 10:21 AM
well I work at Sky y'see :)