View Full Version : Grange Hill on DVD

01-Jan-2008, 02:25 PM
I may be the only person that cares but BBC have just released series 1-4 of Grange Hill. Dating from about 1978. For anyone that doesnt know, Grange Hill was a kids TV series created and occasionally written by Phil Redmond (creator of Brookside) that wasnt totally condascending (unlike later series') but actually tried to tackle serious issues - abuse, bullying, alcoholism, smoking, racism etc.... Because the later series have been awful people seem to forget what an impact GH had on kids in the (at least early) 80s. The series are available in box sets of series 1+2, series 3+4 and a combined box of series 1-4. Anyway, i have just finished watching series 3 and 4 and loved the experience. It brought back so many of my childhood/school memories. I would like to suggest that some on here that are old enough to remember enjoying it seek it out and i hope it brings back memories for others the way it did me :)

01-Jan-2008, 02:30 PM
I'd quite like to see the ones with Mr Bronson on again,he was the fuhrer of grange hill!

01-Jan-2008, 02:49 PM
You're sh*tting me?!

They can put those on DVD, but won't stump up the effort to release every series of "Top Gear" - with unaired segments - onto DVD for an audience of a QUARTER BILLION PEOPLE WORLDWIDE!

GAH! F*cking TV-Tax-Taking-BASTARDS! :mad:

01-Jan-2008, 05:30 PM
*braces for screetching halt* yeah i agree with mz, whilst im not a car man clarkson adn them lots reparte is really entertaining. couldnt stand grange hill.

-but "boiyka' grooove" was worse.:barf:

01-Jan-2008, 06:12 PM
lol @ boika grooove :D


That sets those born in the 80s from those born in the 90s, is it PJ & Duncan or Ant & Dec? :)

Grange Hill was alright, but I though it was complete bollocks when by about year 9 or 10, the victim and bully from year 7 (who have no grown up a bit) are now mates - THAT DOESN'T FECKIN' HAPPEN! :mad::rolleyes:

Nuts how that girl who's character died from falling off a balcony actually died in real life by falling off a balcony (or something high up anyway), bloody weird eh?

Now damnit, I want Top Gear on DVD, I want box sets! I want unseen segments, I mean heck, there's about 2 episode's worth of unseen material from series 9 alone (due to the re-schedule admittedly), but still...there'll be plenty of unseen segments and I wanna see them damnit!

I don't see why they don't, it's a hugely popular show now and across the globe too, and the fans want the DVDs, they can't be that hard to put out and they'll rake in a bum-bum-load of cash! What's the downside? :confused::stunned:

01-Jan-2008, 08:11 PM
Heh, some of the older folks here will remember "Gripper Stebson". Original school bully! :cool:

Also have fond memories of "Zamo" and his smack problems.

All hail the fork-sausage! :D

01-Jan-2008, 08:57 PM
Not much of a fan but it seemed alot more edgy from what Ive heard before it was my generations version of it. Also on big fat anniversary quiz of the year it said one of the chunky kid actors got to go to the whitehouse to do something with anti drugs campaigns and was caught having a spleef on the roof. Amusing.

01-Jan-2008, 09:07 PM
"I can drive!" :D

No, wait. I got a better pic.


01-Jan-2008, 10:51 PM
i remember that episode when danny kendall died,scared me for some reason!i was only about 9 or 10 though :stunned:

02-Jan-2008, 05:49 PM
Heh, some of the older folks here will remember "Gripper Stebson". Original school bully! :cool:

Also have fond memories of "Zamo" and his smack problems.

All hail the fork-sausage! :D

OH MY GOD! i remember when he had the smack overdose, lying on the floor with tin foil and whatnot around him...

and when the kid killed himself in the car, I think by gassing himself or something, and someone opens the door and his lifeless head falls out (still attached, haha)

man, what memories...

and yeah, I remember PJ and Duncan...I specifically remember cheering when the lanky one got shot in the face with a paintball - I don't even know their names now lol

02-Jan-2008, 06:17 PM
Here ya go dude,check it oot!

It put me off paintballing for years!:lol: ive since got into it big time though!i wonder what paintballs they were using to have that much fill in them,its like he's had a bucket of paint thrown in his face!:dead:

03-Jan-2008, 01:14 PM
1992, bloody nora.

So would it be a combo of the force of the balls and the paint that did the blinding, or would it be possible to retain your sight if you got them peepers washed out quick smart (like with Ewan McGregor getting petrol in his eyes TWICE on Long Way Round)?

They'd have plugged up his eyes and then it'd be some kind of appliance with gloopy yellow paint splashed on top.

For crying out loud - listen to your instructors and keep your mask on ya numpty! Also - where were the referees? Who on earth plays paintball in a castle? What are the chances that two Boika Grooove kids can land an eye-shot each, no doubt having had never played paintball before...it's all too daft I say.

Keep your bloody mask on ya dafty! Although when I went paintballing that's all I could think about ... in concern to my mask anyway. I just kept thinking "PEEEEE-JAAAAAAY!!!" (even though that was never actually really in the show, lol)...otherwise it was all war movies and Adagio for Strings. :D

03-Jan-2008, 06:08 PM
The paint itself wouldnt blind you,but the impact of the paintball would turn your eye to pulp!their using the old splatmaster guns as well from the infant days of paintball,you only got about 20 shots out of them,and the power of each shot dropped by quite a lot,plus you had to cock it after each shot!:rockbrow:
some people still use them for the retro feel!

I prefer my toy,200 round hopper,semi-auto,fully upgradable! :D


03-Jan-2008, 07:05 PM
I was about to criticise because they had no gas canisters on the back of their guns but if you're saying those old ones didn't need them...well....that puts that to rest,.

Still though the question in my mind is if there's no gas canister - where's the power to fire the paintballs coming from??

Paintball paint is water solluble (sic?) meaning it washes off no problems - nah, what would've blinded PJ (or Duncan,whatever) would be the sheer force of the paintball - it'd most probably rip his eye out of his socket...

If you've never been shot by a paintball, it feels like someone's fired a marble out of a gun at 140mph....the bruises look like that too!
Have been paintballing a few times, most notably with my old department and during the "storm the fort" game I was the only surviving member of my team - and I got in the base, took out three or four people in quick suscession including my boss and won the level....hardcore! From then on I was first pick for any paintball team hahahaha

03-Jan-2008, 07:19 PM
the splatmaster did run on Co2,but it was just a small disposable cylinder that slotted in the back.The site i go to uses compressed air now,its much better & cheaper :D

03-Jan-2008, 08:16 PM
Aye I've taken a few paintballs, was even taken down in a hail of paint at one point in a pure Adagio for Strings moment. :D The referee was impressed as well, so it must have been a good paintball death scene then. :)

03-Jan-2008, 08:35 PM
Aye I've taken a few paintballs, was even taken down in a hail of paint at one point in a pure Adagio for Strings moment. :D The referee was impressed as well, so it must have been a good paintball death scene then. :)

ha ha aye its quite rare that someone actually gets proper "lit up" during paintball,most of the time people get one in the arm,leg or head while not using cover properly & they are out,usually a "runner" going for the flag or someone trying to make it across open ground to the next bit of cover in a blaze of glory moment gets lit up in spectacular style,its happened to me before when i was all fired up & on a roll :lol:

03-Jan-2008, 09:43 PM
Yep, that's the one - blaze of glory moment.

Our flag was stolen, I was the last man (on our team) standing, I was out of ammo - of course I go for the blaze of glory, Butch & Sundance style...then in true "charlie, up in the trees!" style, some bastard on the other team who had been hiding in the bushes leaps up (as his flag-stealing team-mate runs past him) and aims for me.

I go into slow motion (in my head anyway) and just dive into the air, twist and land and skid up against a tree, my left side exposed - I got rinsed.

Now it may sound stylish and like I'm talking it up, but I really did - hell, I surprised myself. I just went all "Platoon"...and the referee was impressed, hehe.

Of course, after that in the next game I went blaze-of-glory from the start and it all went wrong. My hopper fell off, I tripped over a barrel and then got slaughtered. :lol:

I also got shot on the arse too, but this weekend warrior wanker - never fear though, in my second ever game of paintball ever in my life ever - I nailed him on the forehead (which was his own bandana...loser :lol:). It was a face off, old west style...but more panicked. I think he was absolute gutted, he was in another 'squad' and I overhead he wasn't best pleased at all and was told who shot him, muahahahaaaaaa. :evil:

I took him down like a bloke - face-to-face for the pink mist (if it had been a real bullet, mind :p) - not sneaking up from behind and taking out a left cheek. :rolleyes::p

03-Jan-2008, 09:53 PM
I love it when you get the flank on somebody who has absolutely no idea that you are there,you just suddenly spring up & let rip,their panic & suprise reaction is 'byoodiful' :lol:
check out how a grange hill thread has quickly gone to byker grove & to paintball :p

03-Jan-2008, 10:09 PM
Ahh the evolution of HPOTD topics...

I had this great spot against a massive tree, my back up against it and leaning to whatever side to take people out, got 2 or 3 people that way, including a housemate of mine who was on the other team - shot him in the neck by accident, lol...he wasn't best pleased. :D