View Full Version : new years bitcholutions

03-Jan-2008, 04:54 AM
an idea occurs.

a thread to bitch about recent pissoffable crap over the yearly transition. like reoslutions only raving about stuff that pisses you off. funn for one and all.

case in point:

1- Illwillpress adn his neurotically yours cartoons about the goth girl germaine adn the angry squirell foamy, they used ot be funny but after a few years there the exact opposite, just the same bitching about everyone else sucking other than themselves and ,the big point, not actually being funny anymore.
2 - Radio bam, this used to be entertaining, but like viva la bam dico, don vito and the others made it, bam margeras a dude in his 30's who wants to still be seen as an attention seeking denace the menace and im sick of him.
3 - apparently in 2007 wierd tales got relaunched, (if you dont know what that is you fail popcultuer 101, www.youfail.org )..((no it still aint old yet)), but when i whent on the website its not found, did it fail allready?, if so that blows.
4 - as i said in my blog around this new year people have been raving on to me about "Destinny" and "do you think its your destiny to be a filmmaker then?", the idea of destiny is slightly abhorent to me. The idea that an etheral hand is giving me a nudge just bugs me,. plus i have a high suspect that it may in fact be bollox. a dark conspiracy i know. (yeah i was coherent for a second there, once a year and there it was), and everyone who brings up this term only comes out as a pompous and cocky cock (aaand back to bastard english again).

aah, thats better, next in line please-

03-Jan-2008, 05:11 AM
i have no new years resolutions at all

03-Jan-2008, 06:20 AM
heh, the yearly white lie, does anyone bother to keep up the pretence of it even remottley at all anymore?

03-Jan-2008, 01:19 PM
Aye, Illwillpress hasn't been that funny of late, nor has RadioBam been as good as it used to be...and Bam isn't in his 30's...not far off, he's 28. Dico hasn't been on in ages, get him on! Also, did you hear the one where Novak got found out with drugs on his person? Geez, what a depressing show - there's been a few shows like that, just depressing.

Or the ones done down a phone - shiite. Or when Bam's completely drunk and barely anybody else is and he's just slurring the same story over and over - shiite.

Sober up, get Dico in there and get Sh*tbirdz and so on and have a laugh, not moaning about depressing stuff.


Anyway...most of my bitchings revolve somewhere around things relating to the government, wankers.

03-Jan-2008, 10:52 PM
well I am bitching about the fact
that my doctor thinks I am kidding
when I tell him I want him to give me
pain pills so strong that I cant even
make a fist when i take them

im working on it.

darth los
04-Jan-2008, 12:58 AM
well I am bitching about the fact
that my doctor thinks I am kidding
when I tell him I want him to give me
pain pills so strong that I cant even
make a fist when i take them

im working on it.

Being married with children will have virtually the same effect kor. You should try it some time. :thumbsup:

JOIN US!! :blood: Muahahahahaha!!

04-Jan-2008, 01:21 AM
i'm happy. I got my sexbox and a package from my dad. and a raise at work, and i got to see my friends who were visiting from college.

yep, not bitter at all

04-Jan-2008, 03:11 AM
I would be totally bitter if I got a package from my Dad. That's the stuff of therapy my friend.

04-Jan-2008, 03:57 AM
well I am bitching about the fact
that my doctor thinks I am kidding
when I tell him I want him to give me
pain pills so strong that I cant even
make a fist when i take them
So I guess those valiums you were gonna send me are out of the question now. :(

As for resolutions, I don't make any 'cos I never stick to 'em. :rolleyes:

04-Jan-2008, 03:59 AM
Being married with children will have virtually the same effect kor. You should try it some time. :thumbsup:

JOIN US!! :blood: Muahahahahaha!!

kor,dont join! theres time enough for handing over your testicles for someone to carry in their purse for the rest of your life and also time enough for hot pudding deposits. you're young, get all the puddy you can.:lol::lol:

So I guess those valiums you were gonna send me are out of the question now. :(

As for resolutions, I don't make any 'cos I never stick to 'em. :rolleyes:

i was gonna get laid in 2007........that sorta happened but not really

05-Jan-2008, 09:29 PM
Mhmm New Years Resolution is to learn Japanese by the end of the year, still on the early stages of pronounciation and that sort of stuff. Im taking a big pass on the " I do something bad every year but I swear I wont do it this year!" maybe my new years resolution is to ignore peer pressure and keep smoking.

Theres something that pisses me off..has done for months and will do till the day I die. The smoking ban, the pub is meant to reek of smoke as are clubs. I know alot of people disagree and thats fine Im a concientious smoker I wont blow it in the direction of a non smoker. Smoking is a choice and yes I know how bad it is for me but it is a choice a stupid choice that I make but it seems smokers have become second class citizens. The television is full of adverts selling things to stop smoking, nicotine patches everywhere, family hinting at quitting smoking, books and videos on how to quit smoking and the smoking ban ontop. Alcohol is more damaging than cigarettes but its a bigger market and boy does the country love it so lets open more pubs! Lets make the drinkers cheaper! Lets make alcoholic drinks kids can have too! Come on! Lets all drink till we can feel feelings! This is all fine but if I want a cigarette then I need to go find a freakin sheltered spot outside although some places are now stopping people smoking outside of it so if you want a cig you have to go down the street.

There was a good sketch on the it crowd about the smoking ban with the main character having to go to a bus shelter for her lunchtime cigarette and acting as if she were in a russian ghettos. The bus stop kept getting moved and it was always over crowded full of chavs with a crafty jay. The bus stop further and further till they were outside of the town huddled in a shakey looking bus stop. The point is yes I should stop but I make this choice, if we all stopped doing things we shouldnt then the world would be a helluva lot diffrent.

: Breaths, Bows and exits :

06-Jan-2008, 02:59 AM
My new Years resolution was to get laid... low and behold I woke up the next morning and I got laid. Mission accomplished. :D

06-Jan-2008, 07:38 AM
Mhmm New Years Resolution is to learn Japanese by the end of the year, still on the early stages of pronounciation and that sort of stuff.

man good luck, ive been trying off and on for ages and all i can remember is the ka,ki,ku,ke,ko ect and stuff like konbanwa and stuff, i speak better spanish.

and by that i mean i have a tendency to swear in spanish
if memory serves i have a tendency to blurt out "hijo de una perra!" when i do something like drop something heavy on ym foot or something, i cant quite remember what it means though, so probably bollox.:lol:

06-Jan-2008, 12:13 PM
But the thing with drinking is, there is no such thing as "passive drinking", whereas there is with smoking.

Sitting next to a drinker doesn't make your clothes reek of vodka, nor does it burn your eyes, nor does it leave you hacking up a lung the next morning, nor does it leave with with a heart-burn-like sensation in your chest the morning after.

But I still think binge drinking is retarded.

09-Jan-2008, 03:04 AM
if memory serves i have a tendency to blurt out "hijo de una perra!" when i do something like drop something heavy on ym foot or something, i cant quite remember what it means though, so probably bollox.:lol:

Think it's "son of a bitch" though it's really the nice version of the word, more the female dog variety, rather than the cheat on you-steal your money-kick you in the cajones variety.