View Full Version : Autumn - The Movie. The trailer

04-Jan-2008, 06:05 PM
I guy's. I found this video for the new zombie movie "Autumn", from David Moody book.


What do you think about it? I don't like the trailer. The "look" of the film for me is like amatorial-movies

04-Jan-2008, 07:40 PM
The thing with the trailer is that it was okay until the zombies made an appearance. I liked the song and the overall tone of it but it does look a little too amateurish. Still, I wouldn't mind seeing it though.

04-Jan-2008, 10:05 PM
That's alot of handcam. I can do without it.

04-Jan-2008, 10:10 PM
There's obviously some budget in there, but it looks poor for some reason :(

05-Jan-2008, 12:13 AM
Looks like a good amatuor movie atleast.

05-Jan-2008, 12:45 AM
ugh, you guys know im a big fan of the books but that looks ****.

1: its not set in the same country as the books.
2: it looks like it got a good budget but still looks cheap if you get my meaning, kind of the opposite of how dj got deadlands on a small budget to look pretty damn good yknow?
3: for the first half of the book the zombies just walk. they dont groan, they dont quickly jump out in front of a window, they barely have the energy to move in a shuffle than bang on a window and even at the end when they do start hammering there weak fists on the house windows there still these silent ,emotionless golem like creatures, what this showed were crazed people who had smeared themselves with feaces.

ill stick with the books.

05-Jan-2008, 01:33 AM
What books are these? Am I missing out on an entire series of Zed books? :stunned::hyper::annoyed:

05-Jan-2008, 01:52 AM
^ www.youfail.org

its still not old.:lol:

05-Jan-2008, 02:39 AM
I don't fail. I'm undereducated.

and yes it is old.

Anyways it looks great, I just read the first few pages on Amazon. Looks like good stuff.

05-Jan-2008, 03:14 AM
why read a few pages on amazon when the link above leads to the free download of the book?:sneaky:

05-Jan-2008, 03:37 AM
Hello!!! Undereducated!!! :lol:

Also the link doesn't work for me from work here.

05-Jan-2008, 03:41 AM
does anyone actually work at palces with net connections anymore?, a freind of mine who runs all the it stuff for like 7 high schools told me today he spent a good 4 hours just watching youtube videos:lol:

05-Jan-2008, 03:56 AM
God I wish. I'm just lucky this site works for me. . . usually. ;)

Ok, just saw it. Meh :| Looks pretty cheap.

05-Jan-2008, 03:56 PM
Considering how lauded the source material was seeing this was just plain ol' disappointing, but who knows...

05-Jan-2008, 04:03 PM

07-Jan-2008, 12:11 AM
I only read the first Autumn book, so someone correct me, but in the book most of the time the zombies just were. They sort of got up and stood there and then started to walk around, they would walk into people but that is the worst they would do. It was not until towards the end when they had the house and such that they actually started to become aggressive and hostel towards humans .

I don't like to knock movies to much on trailers, but this looks like something from Asylum or Full Moon, terrible looking camera work. Almost like some college kids filmed it for class. I hate that sort of camera and to be honest it has always taken me out of the movie, it gives such an apperance of low quality production. You dont need high production costs to make a good movie but at the same time if you use the right gear a low budget movie can have a bigger feel and I never understood why some of these people didn't try to pull resources for a better camera at the least.

I can't judge acting from the trailer but I like all of the cars wrecked and that has to be rough to do on a limited budget. I will likely see it, even though I did not like the book all that much, but I give every movie at least one shot.

07-Jan-2008, 07:10 AM
I only read the first Autumn book, so someone correct me, but in the book most of the time the zombies just were. They sort of got up and stood there and then started to walk around, they would walk into people but that is the worst they would do. It was not until towards the end when they had the house and such that they actually started to become aggressive and hostel towards humans .

uh-huh, hence my bitching.

10-Jan-2008, 02:23 PM
This seems only just the other side of an amateur film. The director seems to have made 4 self produced films and a low rent Canadian TV series in the last 30 years.
Looks like it could be half decent if viewed as a low budget indie, but I'm surprised the license didn't go to someone bigger.

12-Jan-2008, 12:20 PM
ugh, and to add to this the tidbit from the new 5th book autumn: degeneration includes the line "it bit me!, it ****ing bit me!"

origionality isnt dead it just lasts 4 books:bored:

12-Jan-2008, 05:54 PM
I'd forgotten that this indie film (looks that way anyway) production of Autumn was moved to be set in the USA...*sigh*...that was one of the things I really liked about the book, it was set in the UK!

Now it's just like most other zombie films, and looks a bit gash to be honest...shakey hand-held when it would be better on a tripod/steadicam ... little or no production design ... the story is above the budget of this film, by the looks of that footage, to be honest...gotta go with my gut on this one.

It should have been British, I say.

12-Jan-2008, 06:13 PM
agreed, i really wanted to see a british zombie flick, plus ive got a slight, slight inkling that thsi wont pull off the finale were the house is surrounded by 5000 zombies.

call it intuition if you will;):lol:

12-Jan-2008, 11:25 PM
I don't know about you all, but I have a special place in my heart for low budget poorly done zombie films. Sometimes, there is nothing more entertaining than that!

13-Jan-2008, 09:35 AM
vampires vs zombies begs to differ.
and for every deadlands theres 6 of them sum'bitches.

22-Jan-2008, 04:13 AM
So this thread got me to start reading the first autumn book today and I was wondering if anybody knows any other site I can read the rest of them for free? Or are they all free on this site? I'm about half way through the first one. It's slow but a good read and I'm assuming been as there are so many of them that it has a pretty big fan base and a good story.

As far as that movie goes though I think the zombies look lame and yeah it looks like it was done on the cheap. Honestly it kind of looks like it would be a made for T.V movie, but I'm assuming it isn't because the production company sounds familiar. Does anyone know when this is coming out? I didn't want to read through the comments in case there were spoilers so I'm sorry if this was stated somewhere else.

22-Jan-2008, 06:00 AM
It looks to me like they said "Lets take our entire budget and spend it on being able to use a street for one night and get a bunch of smashed cars towed there. Screw the rest of the movie; you just need one great memorable scene!"

23-Jun-2008, 12:34 AM
I think Mr Moody is going places. He's had 3 of his books optioned including one being produced by Guillermo Del Toro.
Theres also a proper trailer for Autumn but it still looks like a fan made movie. How the hell can it look so bad when its got David Carradine and Dexter Fletcher in it :o


23-Jun-2008, 02:27 AM
im much more excited about guilliermo working on hater, he normally hands the reins ot a director he knows actually has talent.

23-Jun-2008, 08:34 PM
I think Mr Moody is going places. He's had 3 of his books optioned including one being produced by Guillermo Del Toro.
Theres also a proper trailer for Autumn but it still looks like a fan made movie. How the hell can it look so bad when its got David Carradine and Dexter Fletcher in it :o


That more recent trailer is definately better than the first... By whay the hell does it feel cut wise (especially audio wise) so bitty and choppy?

30-Jun-2008, 06:04 AM
On Moody's page where the e-books are available only the first of the Autumn series is available for free. BUT, he has several AMAZING vampire novels up as well that are simply awesome.

For those looking for first-class zombie novels available for free, check out the series that begins with Monster Island. It's a sharp departure from the GAR universe in some ways, but they're beautifully done. The entire series of books is available free, either for download or to read on the site.

Thought I'd mention it, check em out.