View Full Version : just plain rude

08-Jan-2008, 07:56 PM

i guess its a back and forth battle over who can set their nationality back the furthest. geez

08-Jan-2008, 10:15 PM
Aww geeze, that just looks like a poor choice of words. The racial sensitivity in this country is just silly sometimes.

08-Jan-2008, 10:28 PM
i see no problem with this at all...it's not racist, it's just people will make it out to be racist.

if that's what your getting at.

08-Jan-2008, 10:35 PM
exactly. :D People freak out way too easily. Political Correctness is the worst form of censorship. Everyone has to walk on eggshells so that they won't offend anyone else. It's making us weak.

08-Jan-2008, 10:38 PM
but let me say "kill all white people" and i'd probably get put in jail.

08-Jan-2008, 10:40 PM
if i went and said "kill all black people" i'd be labelled a racist and shunned from this society.

double standards rock.

09-Jan-2008, 12:48 AM
I prefer "Kill Whitey!!" :lol: Has a certain ring to it.

Seriously though, It's not about double standards even anymore. No one can say sh*t about anyone else without suffering some sort of social lashback.

09-Jan-2008, 01:49 AM

uh oh,front page news on yahoo...........mindless people annoy me

I prefer "Kill Whitey!!" :lol: Has a certain ring to it.

Seriously though, It's not about double standards even anymore. No one can say sh*t about anyone else without suffering some sort of social lashback.

the fact people used to lynch black as recently as 20 years ago w ould make a strong case as to why it shouldnt be said.

09-Jan-2008, 02:03 AM
But once again, it was a simple matter of poor choice of words. I doubt if she meant lynching him as in hanging him from a tree and burning a cross in his yard. She obviously meant that the only way to stop Tiger was to beat him senseless. Tiger happens to be black, partly anyways. So people went "Omigosh!! She hates black people" Language isn't perfect, you have to allow room for error. This is just silly.

10-Jan-2008, 04:41 AM
the fact people used to lynch black as recently as 20 years ago would make a strong case as to why it shouldn't be said.
I agree with you, but it's really more a case of stupidity than anything racist. You're talking about a newscaster for sports channel--did you really expect any modicum of intelligence? Ditto the most popular athletes, reality show hosts, tabloid news anchors, rap stars, rock stars, pop stars, etc. etc. We as a society tolerate the idiot bar being set very high and then are subsequently shocked when the inevitable occurs (i.e. people acting like idiots).

10-Jan-2008, 10:07 AM
I agree, I think it was just meaning to generally give him a beating so he couldn't play to let the other younger players have a chance ... a joke ... a crap joke ... with a poor choice of words from someone who didn't put their brain in gear before opening their maw.

It was like on Celebrity Big Brother last year when that scummy jade goody was going on about "shilpa poppadom" and her harem were like "f*ck off home" ... I think that was more racist than this retarded comment, but it wasn't full blown racism when you watch the footage...say about 30% racism if you could fraction it as such...what it DEFINITELY was, was bullying...using race as a unifying anchor for the comments.

That's not me defending that scumbag jade goody, no way, she's a rank human being and I hope she never comes back into the public eye. She rose up to a millionaire celebrity because of Big Brother...and by the looks of things she's crumbled down again because of Big Brother. Good riddance to that numpty...I mean come on, she thought East Anglia was abroad! :eek:


I think sometimes commentators can be too quick to label something as "racism" when it involves a white person and a person of whatever colour that isn't white. Can't people of different colour have an argument or a fight? Of course they can...like I said before, this "lynching" thing was a stupid choice of words for a crap joke that went down like a lead weight in the bath...

...the jade goody thing was partially racist, as I said, using race as an anchor for the bullying...much like a bully might focus on someone having glasses, or being overweight, or nerdy or whatever (especially in a case of white-on-white bullying). Race is a fairly common attributing factor, but I think there are levels...it's not one single "ism"...but in the case of jade goody, definitely vile bullying.

I always think that people are too sensitive nowadays and quick to label an issue such as these with a divisive "ism", which just continues to separate people according to their skin tone (which is just retarded - we're all the human race after all), rather than focusing on a unifying factor - bullying in general.

Regardless of colour, all bullying is bad ... likewise, regardless of colour, all crap jokes from the mouths of idiots are just plain stupid.

10-Jan-2008, 01:44 PM
I would rather see people labled as "pin heads".

It takes all the guess work and debate out of it.

It was a poor choice of words. But its because she's a moron. For it to be a racist remark would mean there was some thought behind it.

Some times people are just idiots. No need to dress it up further.

10-Jan-2008, 04:21 PM
I agree with you, but it's really more a case of stupidity than anything racist. You're talking about a newscaster for sports channel--did you really expect any modicum of intelligence? Ditto the most popular athletes, reality show hosts, tabloid news anchors, rap stars, rock stars, pop stars, etc. etc. We as a society tolerate the idiot bar being set very high and then are subsequently shocked when the inevitable occurs (i.e. people acting like idiots).

true but didnt dog chapman say the same thing? "oh im not racist" so why use the word?