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09-Jan-2008, 03:26 PM
Here is a link to an article that has caused some worries in Germany...Perhaps it is the start of the epidemic... :lol:


09-Jan-2008, 08:27 PM
I say we get some of our German community members to alternate shifts on watching that graveyard. You never know... ;)

09-Jan-2008, 09:20 PM
I say we get some of our German community members to alternate shifts on watching that graveyard. You never know... ;)

I'm boardin' up my house right now! :eek:

09-Jan-2008, 10:56 PM
I'm boardin' up my house right now! :eek:
Wouldn't it be safer to hide in the cellar? You've got a million weak spots upstairs. :p

10-Jan-2008, 01:04 AM
Actually, it's kind of interesting about the waxy apperance of the dead, looking back on "true" accounts of vampires in old literature, this is apparently nothing new. The ground reaches a saturation point apparently. Now... what caused them to supposedly rise and go after the living?


10-Jan-2008, 01:36 AM
Wouldn't it be safer to hide in the cellar? You've got a million weak spots upstairs. :p

No, there's already some grouchy old bald dude hidin' down there.

10-Jan-2008, 02:15 AM
Wow, a bit shocking how their graveyards are reused every so often.

The lack of rotting has to be a factor in the U.S. as well in some locations where half-ass cemetaries were thrown together. There'd be some scary **** unearthed if the tradition were not to throw the body in a hole and forget about it.

10-Jan-2008, 03:17 AM
I say we get some of our German community members to alternate shifts on watching that graveyard. You never know... ;)

Or just cremate all the bodies. It needs to be law.

10-Jan-2008, 08:39 AM
We are so many humans on earth now that to cremate all would pollute too much. I heard of this new method that freezedries the body until its nothing but dust that sounds very interesting, it does not pollute and all the energy will go back to the earth.

10-Jan-2008, 07:54 PM

11-Jan-2008, 04:25 AM
Otherwise there would be little point to rotting would it not?
There are so many people now that I dont think we can afford not to let people rot.
"From earth have you come, and earth you will become"

11-Jan-2008, 12:43 PM
Any old school Judge Dredd fans here?

They will know that when you die in Mega City 1, you go to city "Resyk" where your corpse is broken down into many useful chemicals and stuff. I always liked that idea myself. :)

11-Jan-2008, 05:31 PM
nah i like the idea of being buried, i dont believe in any afterlife or any of that jazz, but i like the idea that when im dumped in the ground a full food chain of creatures feeds of my maggoty corspe (yum!) so its like giving back to as many creatures as you ate in life and living on through them or some bull yknow?

11-Jan-2008, 06:16 PM
Just make sure you are not buried alive.

There was a police drama called Messiah with Ken Stott, four two-part mini-series over four years or so, and in the fourth, a woman reporter was cremated alive on top of her dead brother!

Edit: There's a fifth Messiah on tv late January.

11-Feb-2008, 03:33 PM
So... What if you don't have a basement?