View Full Version : Zombie version of game like WofW?

10-Jan-2008, 01:16 PM
I'm a newbie to the forums, so please forgive my post if its been answered Loooonnng ago.

But I would love to see an ongoing Zombie apocolypse game like World of Warcraft. A game where you start off alone, have to find others to band together with to either roam the landscape to survive, build your own fortress inside a prison or mall like in Walking Dead and Dawn.

Does something like this exist? Or is it even being talked about? Anyplace you guys can point me would be appreciated!

10-Jan-2008, 01:51 PM
nope, bets right now is left 4 dead, on the pc and n the 360 in march.

...suspiciously around the uk release of diary of the dead...

10-Jan-2008, 11:07 PM
Lol Sorry dude but no chance, I wish it were true but over the years ideas very similair to this one have been posted over and over and over. Its a great idea and if someone finally brought this out I can see me selling every other game I own.

Imagine making a custom vehicle like the buses from dawn 04 but with LOL! Down the side or something less n00bish.

11-Jan-2008, 12:10 AM
There was actually something that went into production called "Zulu-Online", which is describe as: "Zulu is an inventive new game that drops players right into everyone's favorite monster movie sub-genre: the Zombie flick. Players meet up online and fight to survive a terrible zombie outbreak."

Unfortunately, it seems to have died as the homepage is down and has not been updated in quite a while.

Here's the link to a page with some info and a pic:

If you do need a zombie video game fix, you can check out the "No More Room In Hell" modification for Half-Life 2. It is a zombie co-op multiplayer game. It is a mod that I have been working on for quite some time now and we're getting closer and closer to a public release. You can join the forums and participate in the community as well.


11-Jan-2008, 01:20 AM
Has any one forgotten about:


They're still in the beginning stages of development but they're about the closest thing at the moment.

11-Jan-2008, 03:02 AM
The main problem i see with a game like this is handeling player death.

Do you start over again? Anyone who has played most MMO's will no doubt see the pain in this.

Do you have a rez system? breaks with the game mythos

Do you alow people to kill eachother? If yes it turns into a game ruled by griefers. If not, it cuts off some really interesting posiibilities for drama.

Frankly I would love to see a game like this get made... talk about epic batles.

But like it or not, it would never get the sheer numbers of subscribers a game needs these days to live and grow.

11-Jan-2008, 08:00 AM
Has any one forgotten about:


They're still in the beginning stages of development but they're about the closest thing at the moment.

pssh!, yeah and its been at that stage for like 2 years now..:bored:

11-Jan-2008, 11:11 PM
pssh!, yeah and its been at that stage for like 2 years now..:bored:
Well it's more up to date than the rest of you guy's suggestions.

Plus this isn't a MMO with the financial backing and manpower of a company like Blizzard, it's a pretty independent venture that's only really become serious in the past year, so how far do you expect it to have come?