View Full Version : Do you ever scare yourself??

11-Jan-2008, 07:55 PM
Are you ever in a situation where you let your mind wander or it is VERY similar to somthing in a story or game or movie just befor Zombies strike and you freak yourself out??

For instance I currently while stateside work for a water damage company I spend a lot of time in cralwspaces that are full of water or other kinds of unpleasentness like sewage I wear and NBC suit most the tim and some of te time a resporatior. Its dark its cold its wet and visibility and Mobility are almost 0% I always feel like somthing is about to grab my lag or Im gonna look up into the glassy eyes of the dead crawling out of the dark at me...

This happen to anyone else??

11-Jan-2008, 09:30 PM
You backwards thinking twat.

11-Jan-2008, 10:03 PM
when i was a kid,i was deathly afraid of thriller. that got me really grooved into zombie movies but i had already seen dawn of the dead by then. thriller just raised my already heightened awareness since it was contemporary and not set before i was born like dawn was

11-Jan-2008, 10:05 PM
when i was a kid,i was deathly afraid of thriller. that got me really grooved into zombie movies but i had already seen dawn of the dead by then. thriller just raised my already heightened awareness since it was contemporary and not set before i was born like dawn was

Well, Michael Jackson scares the living sh!t out of me. :D

11-Jan-2008, 10:39 PM
Well, Michael Jackson scares the living sh!t out of me. :D
"WOOO!!!" :stunned:

11-Jan-2008, 11:33 PM
I scare myself all the time. I'm the kind of person that still gets scared in the dark. When I reach for the light switch in a dark room, I sometimes think "what if I touch a hand instead" I freak myself out really.

11-Jan-2008, 11:43 PM
Not really no, but once I let a buddy who runs an computer company store 21 monitors in my appartment. That night I went and saw the ring, I was tempted to move the monitors out of my bedroom but then I tought I would not be able to keep an eye on them.

12-Jan-2008, 01:11 AM
When I was younger me and my brother would imagine such scenerios anywhere we went. Now, not so much. Maybe occasionally I will think about how a building would have to be secured against a hord of the undead but that is about as far as I go. You know, being prepared and all of that.

12-Jan-2008, 04:10 PM
Hello everyone, I'm a new member of the forums but I have been loving horror since I was a kid and writing amatuer horror fiction from time to time since 1997.
Nothing really scares me anymore but I love to watch horror movies (DVDs and the big screen) for the anticipated 'jumps'. Of course a well placed scare is always good for a quick jolt but doesn't really scare me. If anything, it does help me give a movie a better review because I know others will not only jump out of their seats,but maybe even scream.

Believe it or not, the last time I was truly freaked out and scared was playing "Resident Evil 2" at home on the N64 years ago. I was playing the game and had been at it for an hour or so/ I got to a place where there was a long hallway and I was to walk down there to get some key. As I started down, I had only the goal in mind and nothing else when it happened. Some zombies arms shot through a window breaking the glass and grabbing at my character.

I jumped and let out a gasp of surprise. I had to pause the game, and settle down a bit. It was funny, my heart was racing, and I felt the adrenaline pumping through me...from a video game!!! It was great. I look forward to moments like that now when I can be surprised with a good scare.

Still I am not sure I would be wandering around down in some water damage crawlspaces alone in the dark.....:stunned:

12-Jan-2008, 05:12 PM
>Hello everyone, I'm a new member of the forums

New member of the forums? Son, you haven't posted in quite some time, but you're one of the original members of this site from "back in the day". Good seeing you again, Clyde.


-stray- (aka mas)

14-Jan-2008, 01:22 AM
You backwards thinking twat.

Have to say that I share your sentiments there Paul! Maybe we are misinterpretting the screen name and tri-colour as no-one else seems bothered by it?

'Mon the hoops though, ya wee soap dodger!

14-Jan-2008, 03:04 AM
Well I dont really get freaked out so much as I get kinda excited... I almost got locked in store I work at the other day. The lights automatically turn off like 20 minutes after close and my computer system was giving me isht so I was trying to tweak it before going home when all the lights turned off. I kinda debated for what felt like ten minutes (but was most likely 30 seconds) whether I should just sleep there for the night and live it up ... thennnnnn I started looking for the key holder to the store so I could be let out to go home.

I say beyond that... the only time I get scuuuuurrred is when I'm jogging at night on this path by a 'creek' ... when you're running on gravel it makes noise... when they're trees surrounding you and wind blowing they make noise... it sounds like nothing but that's whats scary the serenity of it all... like an eeeeerie only nature can be heard thing... do I sound crazy now?

18-Jan-2008, 12:13 AM
I love my fear, I intentionally scare myself to get my adrenaline pumping. If I'm taking out the trash, I'll think about what that shape is between the branches and why is it only about 10 feet up near the ground which I walk by? Or, if I walk into my bedroom and open the door and turn to my left to switch on the lamp, what is behind the door behind me? My Fear becomes anger and adrenaline, the very thing that keeps me going every day.

20-Jan-2008, 07:21 PM
Once in a while. I work in a 911 center and watched a lot of zombie flicks one night before going on shift. The first call I took that night was a fight at a bar where one guy had bitten another guy in the hand and ear. I spent the rest of the night wondering when I might get a call from the morgue at the er. I also have an overactive imagination. Still, its fun to frighten yourself sometimes. Especially if you write.

20-Jan-2008, 09:42 PM
I have never scared myself into thinking the undead were about to emerge; but I spent some time diving this year under boats and swore on most occasions a shark or alligator was coming up behind me.

20-Jan-2008, 09:53 PM
A workmate scared himself at work a while back. He saw his own reflection in a mirror that was propped up against a window.

Never bothers me, I don't have a reflection!:D

21-Jan-2008, 08:38 PM
I actually do a decent amount every once in while to the point that if I have to run out side at night I grab a weapon, just in case. I know its in my head but still it can freak me out. Like the first time I watched day of the dead I was alone in my house and pretty young. I had to take the garbage out before my mom woke up so I went out at four in the morning to do so. I grab a knife just in case. Just so happened a guy was jogging through the parking lot of the apartment complex just as I got to the dumpster because there was construction the street. Needless to say we scared the **** out of each other. But if I had your job I would imagine that being a constant feeling for about the first couple of months and then coming back every once in awhile.

21-Jan-2008, 09:00 PM
1st time my parents left my brother and i alone in the house when i was maybe 12 or so. we got the brillant idea to watch the exorcist. i don't think i have touched green cool-aid since that night.

28-Jan-2008, 04:09 PM
It has been forever!! I introduced myself as new because I didn't think anyone would remember me from "back in the day". Drop me an e-mail and remind me of who you are...I'm thinking original RPG player from way before "Rise of the Dead"...am I right??

>Hello everyone, I'm a new member of the forums

New member of the forums? Son, you haven't posted in quite some time, but you're one of the original members of this site from "back in the day". Good seeing you again, Clyde.


-stray- (aka mas)

29-Jan-2008, 12:30 AM
I work in a Funeral Home and the first time I was alone in the morgue I have to admit that it was very creepy. I was at work late one night, alone, catching up on paperwork and got a phone call from the coroner's office which necessitated a check on records stored on a clipboard inside the morgue. Having grow up watching zombie films, as I walked through the quiet room, my back turned away from a row of the recently deceased, I felt like at any moment I would feel a cold dead hand clamping down on the back of my neck.

You know, more creepy than that is how quickly you can become accustomed to something as scary as being alone in a full morgue. It doesn't even bother me at all any longer.

29-Jan-2008, 12:37 AM
man im allways thinking, albiet more from a filmmaking view, how would this place look surrounded by zombies?, cas ein point the new 7 story mall the size fo 5 footaball pitches near me, its damn near the exact same asthetic design as willemte parkview mall, i wouldnt be surprised to find a guy with a camera yelling "its okay, ive covered wars yknow!" making the smackdown with a bench:lol:

11-Feb-2008, 02:53 PM
Every time I speak...

12-Feb-2008, 12:29 AM
This apartment building that I lived in is one of the creepiest places to be at night because at night you always get the feeling that someone or something is following you and I swear that one day there was this drunk guy that was walking down the hall in a way that reminded me of a zombie and it scared the crap out of me.

13-Feb-2008, 02:05 PM
Yeah, I have had apartment experiences like that too. They make me feel trapped and exposed (which is kind of a paradox, but whatever.)

14-Feb-2008, 07:20 AM
Recently we had to put my Grandmother in a Nursing home. I've spent most of the year making repairs on her house so we can prepare to sell it. The house has been in my family since it was erected back in the early 80's. There's lots of memories there, some good, some sad. I've spent a few nights there alone making repairs that take me into the dead of night. I've heard some weird noises. Whether it be the house "creaking" or something else, I've found myself pretty freaked out.

That's about the only time I get scared. I feel dumb for being that way, but I've always known the house to be inhabited by someone, be it a family member or even a pet. It's strange to see it so empty, and even more strange to hear noises in the night.

16-Feb-2008, 10:57 AM
yep had me a heart attack yesturday afternoon. I was in a crawl space where there had been a grey water loss I pumped it out cut out and was replacing the vapor barier (3mil Visquine plastic you lay over the dirt under your house) well I was almost done just smoothing out the folds and bumps when I am smoothing out a really big one.My hand touched somthing solid under the plastic and it jumped and started to move around. I smacked the back of my head on the bottem of the floor joust and ripped out my knife just in time to see the homeowners fuucking cat that I was petting earlier on go running off.

It scarred the piss outta me and made me bust my arse laughing.

16-Feb-2008, 07:45 PM
S'okay, Hopegiver...I feel like a newbie again, myself.

As far as scaring myself, not really. Like others here, I do let my mind wander to fortification when I am in a new location...I'm still working up plans for my apartment and the building.


20-Feb-2008, 12:32 PM
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

20-Feb-2008, 09:13 PM
I got out of bed in the middle of the night once, went into the bathroom in the pitch black house turned on the light and lo and behold, there I was naked in the mirror. I thought a pink anaconda was coming at me!!! Scared the devil outta me. :evil: