View Full Version : Diary pushed back til May 20th? [NOW DEBUNKED]

12-Jan-2008, 06:06 PM

I smell another LAND summer season flop coming. Why are they doing this?

Moon Knight
12-Jan-2008, 07:43 PM
Dammit! >_<

Don't studios ever learn? Smaller horror movies can't survive amongst summer blockbuster movies. :annoyed:

Dead Hoosier
13-Jan-2008, 12:02 AM
Great...the high of getting the trailer and one day later getting our nuts crushed. :mad:

13-Jan-2008, 12:08 AM

13-Jan-2008, 12:33 AM
I don't mean to sound negative but this movie has got flop written all over it, whether it's fantastic or not. If the sequel to Day of the Dead didn't cause an earthquake then what makes people think this will.

It's a shame 'cos I think it would be nice to see a new GAR film scale the heights.

13-Jan-2008, 03:05 AM
I smell another LAND summer season flop coming. Why are they doing this?
Because they are stupid, stupid, stupid.

13-Jan-2008, 03:07 AM
its kinda circeling the drain at this point huh??

13-Jan-2008, 03:23 AM
What is the budget of this film anyway?

13-Jan-2008, 04:13 AM
who cares? its still coming out. period. how many of romero's films are "blockbusters"? if a movie is good it'll make its profit one way or the other. besides, the theater release is usually just a 90 minute trailer for the dvd release.

13-Jan-2008, 04:34 AM
were all going to be buying it on dvd anyway, so release the damn thing in February!!!!!!!!!

13-Jan-2008, 08:51 AM
It can be no flop when it's already on profit due to international sales. It may not be terribly successful, but certainly not a flop.

13-Jan-2008, 09:22 AM
Oh Sonovab-tch!!!!! :mad::mad::annoyed:

13-Jan-2008, 11:31 AM
Ah fah-fahk-sake! :mad:

As has been said, don't they know, release a horror movie either BEFORE or AFTER summer, never IN it. May 20th, crap, there's blockbusters all round that usually. :rolleyes:

I bet us UK'ers will have to wait till friggin' September though...I bet that was part of the reason Land did comparatively better in the UK than the USA, because of the sensible release month.

Geez, the Weinsteins are making some ham-fisted decisions of late...cocking up the release of Grindhouse, now cocking up the release of Diary...COME ON!!! :eek:

13-Jan-2008, 12:33 PM
Ehh....I didn't expect it to make huge bucks before. As long as it's released, im okay. It doesn't matter when to me.

And just because it's in the summer doesn't mean it's going to be a flop. This gives them more time to advertise for the movie and get it out there to the average joe.

13-Jan-2008, 02:13 PM
Main problem is, Average Joe will be going to see this summer's blockbusters mainly.

It just is daft putting a horror movie in with the summer blockbusters, it's just daft...

Obviously it'll get it's viewers, but I think because of the positioning it'll lose the 'undecideds' from the audience...there's less for the "hmmm, what shall we see today?" crowd outside of the blockbuster season...and especially around Halloween, people are up for horror movies that might not have been so up for them a few months prior because they're too busy watching stuff blow up.

Obviously the fans will go and see it, but as I said, it's the outsiders who will probably not see it - some at least - because they'll be off watching a building explode rather than trying something different with Diary of the Dead.

We'll see I guess, and I do wonder when us UK folk are getting it...I bet September/October.

13-Jan-2008, 06:54 PM
This sucks donkey cock!

A few days ago, some kind soul is posting a sweet teaser trailer and we are all getting stoked for this movie, and a few days later we are told that we will have to wait around 9 months (at least) for a film that is already made. :mad:

13-Jan-2008, 07:46 PM
Yup, bad positioning.

13-Jan-2008, 09:10 PM
This sucks donkey cock!

A few days ago, some kind soul is posting a sweet teaser trailer and we are all getting stoked for this movie, and a few days later we are told that we will have to wait around 9 months (at least) for a film that is already made. :mad:
It's not confirmed how long us Brits will have to wait, I'm just pontificating that it'll be September/October because that was when we got Land of the Dead - second last friggin' country in the whole friggin' world...if not last, can't remember.

The only countries we got the film before, had banned it!

Maybe we'll get it at the same time, but it's doubtful, and with May 20th being the US release date, it's unlikely that UK distribution would be until late August at the earliest, because of the blockbuster season.

February/March would have been a good time to release it, not friggin' May 20th. :rolleyes:

13-Jan-2008, 09:43 PM
It's official??

13-Jan-2008, 10:16 PM
It's official??
No, not yet. BUT it is sort of the truth. Actually May 20th is the date when it's shown at The Sundance Film Festival, so it could be even longer till we get a full theatrical run. Bollocks isn't it? :(

14-Jan-2008, 08:56 AM
No, not yet. BUT it is sort of the truth. Actually May 20th is the date when it's shown at The Sundance Film Festival, so it could be even longer till we get a full theatrical run. Bollocks isn't it? :(
:( :mad:

14-Jan-2008, 10:26 AM
Ah geez, so it's not even the proper theatrical release, just Sundance...geeeez...crazy information on t'internet of late eh?

14-Jan-2008, 07:52 PM
Funny thing is, everywhere I look, the European dates haven't changed. Yet. :sneaky:

Fingers crossed, chaps.

14-Jan-2008, 09:07 PM
Funny thing is, everywhere I look, the European dates haven't changed. Yet. :sneaky:

Fingers crossed, chaps.
What's the European date?

Moon Knight
14-Jan-2008, 10:17 PM
Might be hope after all.


14-Jan-2008, 10:44 PM
What's the European date?
March 7th, matey.

15-Jan-2008, 02:34 AM
Dawn was released in the summer when it came out in 79

and it was a huge hit and movies like star wars and the like were
floating around

if its good then horror fans will go see it

if its just ok then romero fans will go see it

either way it will turn a profit im sure

with dawn nobody cared about it being a romero film
it was just a kick ass horror film and everyone went to see it
in fact very few people even knew it was a romero film or who he was

i still call him romero not GAR, its the old school way of refering to him

15-Jan-2008, 03:19 AM
Dawn was released in the summer when it came out in 79

and it was a huge hit and movies like star wars and the like were
floating around
The business isn't the same as it was in the late 70s when there were independent cinemas and drive-ins. Anybody with a small movie had a shot at a big-screen release. Plus, many low budget films saw additional runs as the lower half of a double feature, particularly at the drive-ins.

Now the bean counters have a completely different way of calculating what is a "hit" and what is a "flop." Everyone here simply wants the film to be given a fair shake. With every new film being over-hyped, I think the element of surprise and working under the radar will work to Diary's benefit. So the longer it's delayed from being released, the less the element of surprise.

I agree with you that "Romero" says it all. :D

15-Jan-2008, 03:39 AM
Dawn was released in the summer when it came out in 79

and it was a huge hit and movies like star wars and the like were
floating around

if its good then horror fans will go see it

if its just ok then romero fans will go see it

either way it will turn a profit im sure

with dawn nobody cared about it being a romero film
it was just a kick ass horror film and everyone went to see it
in fact very few people even knew it was a romero film or who he was

i still call him romero not GAR, its the old school way of refering to him

I think "GAR" is better.

I mean...you could be talking about THIS guy if you just say "Romero":


15-Jan-2008, 07:12 AM
I've been seeing posts about this so-called movie for what seems like a year.

I'm starting to think it doesn't exist; it's just a hoax.:D

15-Jan-2008, 12:24 PM
I think "GAR" is better.

I mean...you could be talking about THIS guy if you just say "Romero":


I doubt people would think of Ceasar Romero if you say "Romero" on a site dedicated to GEORGE A. ROMERO.;)

I sure don't think of Ceasar....And i'm a pretty big Batman fan...

15-Jan-2008, 12:37 PM
I've been seeing posts about this so-called movie for what seems like a year.

I'm starting to think it doesn't exist; it's just a hoax.:D
*comic book guy voice on*

Most elaborate April Fool's Joke EVER.

*comic book guy voice off*

21-Jan-2008, 05:27 AM
Opening around the same time as the first INDIANA JONES movie in nearly twenty years? Smart. Kinda like dropping LAND OF THE DEAD in the midst of WAR OF THE WORLDS and BATMAN BEGINS.

At the very least, it gives them more time to promote the thing. Problem is, the Weinstein's haven't had a lot of luck with horror lately -- can DIARY possibly open larger than THE MIST, which tanked violently.

21-Jan-2008, 11:09 AM
Well fortunately that May 20th was a load of wank, it's still as it was, February or whatever you Americans are getting it, and us Brits get it like March 7th - woo-woo! We're not last this time around! :)

21-Jan-2008, 02:47 PM
One thing that might help get people in when Diary comes out is the writer strike. There won't be as much big stuff coming out, I would assume anyway.

21-Jan-2008, 05:57 PM
One thing that might help get people in when Diary comes out is the writer strike. There won't be as much big stuff coming out, I would assume anyway.
The writer's strike hasn't really had an impact on the movie industry ... yet ... although there's talk that the strike isn't far from resolution, or they're near a place where resolution can begin...anyway...there's still plenty of movies to come that were written before the strike.

There might be a hiccup in several months, but by then the strike will have been resolved most likely.

Also, there was a suggestion that if the American film industry started to run out of films, they'd go sniffing more seriously in foreign markets - Britain, for example.

But, as far as I know, the strikes hasn't affected any movies coming out now or in the next several months.

21-Jan-2008, 06:55 PM
Is this the official release date? I thought it was going to be out in February. What happened???

21-Jan-2008, 07:15 PM
According to another post this date has been debunked. However with less than 2 weeks away I have yet to see any advertising or an official website for this film.

22-Jan-2008, 10:15 AM
According to another post this date has been debunked. However with less than 2 weeks away I have yet to see any advertising or an official website for this film.
Maybe they're waiting till the last minute, have a barrage and then people can immediately see the film, perhaps they think that the masses would be more impulsive with this film, rather than "ooh, that's coming in 6 weeks" or whatever.

Also, this May 20th stuff was debunked like a couple of weeks ago now.

23-Jan-2008, 11:30 PM
goddammit! :annoyed:

23-Jan-2008, 11:43 PM
i just took a stroll through a bunch of movie websites after search "diary-dead-release-date" feb is still the date listed but they are almost all saying it is going to be a limited release (don't know how limited) which is probably the reason that we are not seeing/hearing any sort of adverts for this.

anyone in one of the really big cities (LA, NY, chicago) heared about this opening in a limited fashion?

PJoseph are you are out there? we need our inside LA source.

the only other thing that can be said about the confusion brewing over the release of this is film is:

24-Jan-2008, 10:20 AM
Diary is NOT being released on May 20th, it's STILL being released in February - or March for us Brits.

Where's that other thread when you need it?

24-Jan-2008, 02:30 PM

MZ is this the thread you were referring to?

24-Jan-2008, 04:21 PM

MZ is this the thread you were referring to?
Perzactly, hence why I changed the titles of the posts in question to address the confusion. :)