View Full Version : Leave a message for cody the blow job guy

13-Jan-2008, 01:42 PM

If you read the last page of the post asking where Cody
the blow job guy is I tell you every-ting.

seeing how I just heard from him and he is being transferred
it is easiest if everyone would just simply
post a message on this thread saying hello to Cody
and as Frank Booth of Blue Velvet said "Be Polite."

I will print screen all the responses and send them to Cody

like I said guys, dont make it seem like I'm the nice one
around here.

Again, he says he misses everyone and thinks of you all
as family.
So as I was told when I was little "be nice, it doesnt cost anything"
(that line didnt exactly work on me, but i figured i'd try)

thanks guys

Cody isnt a criminal, hes just having a really bad time as of late

13-Jan-2008, 02:17 PM
The MinionZombie message. :)

I was wondering where our famed 'BJ Guy' had gotten to, well I hope things sort out soon and that things will be on the up-and-up in the near future.

Look forward to seeing you back on the board when you can. :)

13-Jan-2008, 04:10 PM
The Yojimbo Message:

Cody man, hang in there blowjob guy. We miss you on the site, and look forward to hanging with you again real soon. You are a nice guy -- things will work out in the end. Keep your spirits up, keep a good karma, and we will see you soon brother!

13-Jan-2008, 04:26 PM
the head-jaded message:

keep your spirits up man, count off the days and dont let the bastards grind you down.

13-Jan-2008, 05:27 PM
the shadow message:

dont know you very well man but i know what being in jail is like. it sucks! hope they get ths mess figured out and get the little bugger who put you in there. oh and dont drop the soap! DONT DROP THE SOAP!!!

Chic Freak
13-Jan-2008, 06:07 PM
Hi Cody,

Liam and I were really shocked and sorry to hear you got banged up, especially for something you didn't even do. It's horribly unfair. Keep your eyes on the day you leave there and get back to your normal life, and know that we're thinking of you.

Tons of love,

Amy and Liam xoxoxoxox

EDIT: Liam has requested it be made clear that he is only sending you his heterosexual love.

EDIT 2: I just had a go at Liam for his above comment and he said that the only reason he isn't sending you his gay love as well is because he is saving it for my butt :stunned:

EDIT 3: This is my butt.


EDIT 4: The above conversation hasn't actually happened yet as Liam's been asleep this whole time. But I can guarantee that when he wakes up, it will. I know him pretty well :P

13-Jan-2008, 06:09 PM

I told you that pimpin' those ho's would only land you in hot water!

Anyway, keep your head down and with a bit of luck we'll break you out of there in time for the release of Diary. :D

Take care brother and we all hope to see your ass back here soon.


14-Jan-2008, 04:49 AM
hey dude:

thanks for the dead rising tips thread, that's come in handy a time or two for me since i got that game. back to the real deal, though: i've done a bit of jail-chillin' myself, but not for an extended period like you're dealing with. keep your head up, do lots of push-ups to pass time, and don't take any sh!t from anyone. you'll be sprung out before ya know it. watch who ya run with when ya get out, as plenty of people will be willing to drag you into the muck again, as if you never left.

looking forward to hearing from you when you get back.

14-Jan-2008, 11:55 AM
Yo Cody,

Sorry to hear that you're behind bars, man. Hopefully we'll see you soon.


14-Jan-2008, 12:02 PM

Hang tough, bro. We all hope for an early release.


14-Jan-2008, 02:04 PM
Stay Red, says Ned.

14-Jan-2008, 02:28 PM
Hey, Blowjob guy (dis message now belongs to da mista_mo!!!)

i think i speak for all of us when i say that we cannot wait til you gtfo from prison and gb hur' to hpotd so we can commence the chattin with all of yo zombie peeps again.

oh yea, and chic freaks buttocks are nice (this is still going to Cody, just thought i'd illustrate the fact that she took a picture of her ass and posted it here for us) I can descirbe it if you want...it's...white...with two cheeks, however it is covered by black satin under-roos. The shape seems quite nice, and the changing from thighs to ass is quite extravagent. I'd also take a gander and say those underwears are comfy, i mean, they look it. oh, it also says "worship satin" over top of the underwear. i think it's a play on words too "worship satan", whom is the fallen angel and ultimate evil in christian beleifs. He can also be called lucifer, beezlebub, and that red guy with a pitchfork who'll rape you senseless just for fun.

Oh yea, and i just got glasses, neeto eh?

oh yea, take care, hope to see you soon (well not in person cus you live in America, but i mean like, on the forum, as in typing and stuff), and you still better be the blowjob guy when you get back! your avatar makes me feel about 40 different forms of lust it ain't even funny i tell you what! Speaking of avatar, they didn't show the newest episode on YTV last friday, that was gay. I was super pissed comprnedeih? oh yea, bye.

14-Jan-2008, 04:27 PM
:)From Debbieangel:

Hey Cods,
I have been wondering where you have been at for awhile now and I am sorry to hear about what happened to you!
Just know I miss ya being here with us!
I will be praying for you hon, God will be with you!
You take care of yourself and know that your friends are here!!!
Don't lose hope,when you are feeling down get these messages out and read them and know that we do care about you!
When you get out,make your mind up that you will NEVER go back..YOU CAN DO IT!!
Believe it or not Cods life is short, it is too short so, while your in there do something to help yourself when you get out!
Most of all DONT GIVE UP!!!
You take care hon and again know we all care here at HPotD!!!
God BLess!!!:)

14-Jan-2008, 06:26 PM
Hey Cody:

All the best from here lad, hope to see you around sooner rather than later.

14-Jan-2008, 06:49 PM
Don't tell anyone your name is Cody. That name will get you punked.

Secondly, you walk in to that mother****er a man, and you will walk out of that mother****er a man.

Stay with your own. Don't mingle with the **** and *****. You're ****, don't forget it.

Don't let the machine tear you down. Take the hit and turn your life around.

Most importantly, don't think of the outside.

Edit: questionable material edited by moderator.

14-Jan-2008, 08:00 PM
Keep your head up Cody, you have a bunch of people that are looking foreward to having you back. I know it's been said, but never drop the soap! We hope to have you back sooner than later, but however things work out stay strong.

Oh, and if you get any prison tatoos make sure its the HPOTD logo.

14-Jan-2008, 08:06 PM
I'll be praying for you, and when you're out I'll drink to you staying out. We all miss you!


14-Jan-2008, 08:15 PM

How do I follow advice like SoCal's? :rolleyes: Good luck man. Get out soon.

22-Jan-2008, 11:19 AM
Don't tell anyone your name is Cody. That name will get you punked.

Secondly, you walk in to that mother****er a man, and you will walk out of that mother****er a man.

Stay with your own. Don't mingle with the **** and *****. You're ****, don't forget it.

Don't let the machine tear you down. Take the hit and turn your life around.

Most importantly, don't think of the outside.

Edit: questionable material edited by moderator.

is this guy for real.... anyway Cody i hope freedom awaits in the very near future... keep your head up man and remember...Onwards and Upwards.

26-Aug-2008, 10:36 PM

didn't hear about your situation until today. Hang in their brotha, We miss you.

10-Sep-2008, 04:45 AM
Thanks for showing love guys. Chic Freak, well, your going to make someone very happy one day. The reason I say this is because your were kind enough to have a photo session dedicated to booty shots for Cody. rock on. Haha I got a kick out of that one, even spilt mountain dew all overthe keyboard. I would like to thank Paul for telling everyone my situation for me, good looks man.

Ok so about this whole droping the soap thing..thats not true. You have no idea how many letter I got saying "dude dont drop that soap." I'll be honest I did. Once. I almost **** a brick when it happened. NO ONE SAW OR HEARD IT DROP ON THE FLOOR. God was looking out for me that day. Good looks God. But on a serious note, never again will I take a shower with 5 other dudes at once. I've had my fair share. I missed alot of things while I was locked up, among the things I missed, females, freedom, zombies, scuba diving, shaving with a multiple bladed razor, peeing along with out someone trying to sneak a viewing of my "situation" and how much heat I was packing, cheese cake (you get the weirdest cravings for certain foods when you know you cant have them for long periods of time) you have no idea how many nights I thought about that precious cheese cake, anyways, music, friends, and well you know, jank like that.


10-Sep-2008, 05:44 AM
Damn, you dropped the soap? *L*

10-Sep-2008, 11:20 AM

Dude, the horrors, the imagery. Don't give up your anal virginity with a simple mistake like dropping the soap. :D:lol::moon:

10-Sep-2008, 12:53 PM
*Pictures the look of horror slowly dawning on Codys face as the soap squirts out of his hand in slo-mo* :lol:

darth los
10-Sep-2008, 01:11 PM
*Pictures the look of horror slowly dawning on Codys face as the soap squirts out of his hand in slo-mo* :lol:

Couple that with the fact that his name is the blow job guy and things must have gotten crazy !! j/k

Chic Freak
10-Sep-2008, 03:25 PM
Chic Freak, well, your going to make someone very happy one day. The reason I say this is because your were kind enough to have a photo session dedicated to booty shots for Cody. rock on. Haha I got a kick out of that one, even spilt mountain dew all overthe keyboard.

I have no idea which photos you are referring to but I'm glad they made you slightly less gay :p

you have no idea how many nights I thought about that precious cheese cake.

Have some food porn on me:



Not only having your freedom, but having your privacy back must be wonderful. Good on you and be good now ;)

10-Sep-2008, 10:58 PM
Damn, that looks good. I want a slice. Give me a slice.

Chic Freak
11-Sep-2008, 11:53 AM
Damn, that looks good.

Doesn't it though. I'm off to my nan's now for one of her lush organic vegetarian lunches. Way better than it sounds ;) *drool*

11-Sep-2008, 12:11 PM

That base looks too namby-pamby! Cheesecake needs a thick biscuit base that you almost needs a road digger to break up!

My mum used to make a chocolate cheesecake. The top was almost like a chocolate souffle, and the bottom was made using dark chocolate digestive biscuits.... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

11-Sep-2008, 12:24 PM
Some cheescake is made with a Graham cracker crust, whict I prefer. Or is that how its made over in the UK and you guys just call it biscuits.

11-Sep-2008, 12:40 PM
Some cheescake is made with a Graham cracker crust, whict I prefer. Or is that how its made over in the UK and you guys just call it biscuits.

If you look here - http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/get_cooking/recipes/033.shtml
You can see the base is made from simply using:-
10 large digestive biscuits
6 ginger biscuits
85g/3oz butter

Digestive Biscuits - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digestive_biscuit
On that page is mentions 'Graham Crackers'...


And NO! We're not opening a HPotD cookery forum!

11-Sep-2008, 12:55 PM
thats shame, i was hoping dj and some good baking recipes for pumpkin bars:lol: