View Full Version : The Usual

14-Jan-2008, 04:33 AM

For those of you missing my venom.

14-Jan-2008, 07:40 AM
holy ****, you read some of these comments after the article?, bloody hell man, thats just too much anger for a website article.

14-Jan-2008, 10:01 PM
holy ****, you read some of these comments after the article?, bloody hell man, thats just too much anger for a website article.

You need to clarify. I didn't see the anger you saw except from teh people who have a different point of view.

14-Jan-2008, 10:36 PM
Looks like a lot of bickering and moaning.

15-Jan-2008, 01:40 AM
shoot them all as they try to come across the border

you hire an illegal to guard the borders
you tell him he can have a house and a good job
and medical and everything he needs for him and his family

however, if an illegal gets past him
they get his job and his house and all his stuff
and he gets sent back to mexico

watch how fast illegal immigration stops

employ capitalism to stop immigration

15-Jan-2008, 04:48 AM
holy ****, you read some of these comments after the article?, bloody hell man, thats just too much anger for a website article.

Nah, just fire up the "Import vs. Domestic" arguement at most car enthusiast forums.:D

15-Jan-2008, 07:32 AM
There's nothing like taking a bunch of sound clips and using them out of context to spread fear and hatred...

15-Jan-2008, 07:37 AM
They don't really have to do that, though. An invasion (which is exactly what thousands of people pouring across your border unbidden is) is bad news enough.

There is no need to go that "extra mile". If they just say "this is bullsh*t, and it has to stop", that's good enough.

15-Jan-2008, 05:38 PM
There's nothing like taking a bunch of sound clips and using them out of context to spread fear and hatred...

The white hate is pretty evident,but its ok the white folk are getting old and dying. The latinos are coming the latinos are coming!!

15-Jan-2008, 06:01 PM
The white hate is pretty evident,but its ok the white folk are getting old and dying. The latinos are coming the latinos are coming!!

And there are white people who hate latinos so whats your point? Anybody can string a bunch of sound clips together and make it seem like something it's not. That reason is why we hardly see any speakers in that video, its all footage of some unknown crowd with voice over work to incite racial tension.

So the people want to better themselves and cant afford to do so by the legal means, stop hating people, it's not worth the effort put in for the angst you get out of it. You will be a much happier person if you just let your hatred go and accept that people are people and most people want to provide a better life for their familes and themselves, much like our ancestors who murdered their ancestors for their land... except these folks aren't murdering people, they are walking across a border to do so.

16-Jan-2008, 09:45 PM
And there are white people who hate latinos so whats your point? Anybody can string a bunch of sound clips together and make it seem like something it's not. That reason is why we hardly see any speakers in that video, its all footage of some unknown crowd with voice over work to incite racial tension.

So the people want to better themselves and cant afford to do so by the legal means, stop hating people, it's not worth the effort put in for the angst you get out of it. You will be a much happier person if you just let your hatred go and accept that people are people and most people want to provide a better life for their familes and themselves, much like our ancestors who murdered their ancestors for their land... except these folks aren't murdering people, they are walking across a border to do so.

So you don't think there are problems with illegals? Let my anger go and the problem will fix itself? My ancestors came here befor this was a country of law (immigrationwise) some were killed, they were willing to adapt to teh culture expected of them. The government was not expected to give them free medical care or to feed them or to provide averything in there home language.

I am just trying to get the word out about whats going on with this 3rd world society and the many groups who plan on reclaiming their land. It won't solve the problem but it is more meaning ful then letting it go. I will not ignore it because teh problem, yes it IS a problem will not fix itself nomatter how much you ignore it.

17-Jan-2008, 08:54 PM

I know it's wrong, but I have an evil sense of humor.

17-Jan-2008, 09:15 PM
the aztlan "people" are complete and total nutters. that gutierrez dude is one of the biggest academic hacks in north america and because he is protected by tenure he can spout off whatever inane babble he wants to. just like that churchill fool in colorado.

i find some of their assertions almost amusing -

i find it rib ticklingly funny that this rally was conducted in english (the language of their supposed "opressors") and not spanish. mugging for the cameras possibly??

been here for 40,000 years? don't think so. there were no humans in north or south america prior to about 15,000-17,000 years ago.

i love how these folks go on and on about their "people" when the vast majority of hispanics have european blood. if they don't then they are not hispanic but belong instead to one of the native american groups that managed to survive the spanish.

if these muppets are trying (and i think they just might be given the name) trying to tie themselves to the aztecs then they are complete over the waterfall. the aztecs were some of the most savage, brutal, and bloodthirsty people ever to walk this earth. almost nothing (except cannibalism) that we know about the aztecs was "made up" by the spanish. they celebrated their behavior in their art and decorated their temples and public buildings in depictions of it. why do you think it was so easy for 500 spaniards to start a revolt against their rule and raise a gigantic army of their subjects to overthrow them.

all in all nothing but crazy rhetoric at this point.

17-Jan-2008, 09:28 PM

I know it's wrong, but I have an evil sense of humor.
