View Full Version : 100 things we've learned from LOTD.....

14-Jan-2008, 10:05 PM
I'll start:D

1. When you get out of your armored car to lower a drawbridge and zombies attack it. YOU are the one who has to run to them instead of them driving closer to you.:rolleyes:

14-Jan-2008, 10:13 PM
2: A stretch limo and two bags of cash are the only survival items you will need in the event of a zombie apocalypse. :rockbrow:

14-Jan-2008, 10:23 PM
3. Liquor stores will still be completely immaculate three years after the world ends.

15-Jan-2008, 12:05 AM
4. Even GAR films can suck balls.

15-Jan-2008, 01:17 AM
5) In the future, everyone will have stupid nicknames (Cholo, PrettyBoy, Pilsbury, Detroit.)

15-Jan-2008, 02:56 AM
6)There are 50,000 cas stolen i Samoa every year

15-Jan-2008, 03:34 AM
7. An upstart like Zach Snyder can make a better movie.

15-Jan-2008, 05:17 AM
8. Apparantly, Asia Argento is the hottest girl EVER. (I don't see it personally but thats what I keep hearing.)

15-Jan-2008, 10:49 AM
9. zombies can howl and roar like mother****ers.

15-Jan-2008, 12:04 PM
10. Even though it took 20 years, he struggled to get it done, and it's the least of the series, Land still has more compelling ideas and more thought than any of it's competitors.

15-Jan-2008, 12:47 PM
11. Even a true dead fan can waste $20.00 to see this movie.

15-Jan-2008, 01:14 PM
12. Even though the character of Big Daddy is a great idea, Eugene Clark was the wrong actor to cast in the role.

13. Although dead, Number 9 is still somehow attractive.

15-Jan-2008, 03:22 PM
14) Even battle hardened soldiers who've survived the zombie apocalypse can forget to aim for the head and shoot from the hip.

15) In general, civilians don't carry guns to defend themselves.

16) Listening to your Ipod (while ****ing about on your skateboard) isn't a good idea when you're out in the deadlands.

17) Raiders are, in general, clumsy, careless, ill-prepared morons who use **** tactics.

18) Big Daddy just wants a place to live... How sh!t is that idea?

19) Thus zombies are no longer scary and seem TAME compared to other films interpretations...

That'll get the ball rolling.

15-Jan-2008, 03:46 PM
20) Slow zombies that have the ability to think and reason are far scarier than running ones.

21) Romero is still the reigning champ of zombie films. Even if he has to struggle with outside factors to get the film made.

22) Romero came as close as he possibly could to making the film he wanted to make..... not the film that different fans had in their heads for 20+ years.

23) The zombies are still evolving. Just like they have been from the beginning.

24) Even in a post-apocalyptic world, people try to ignore the problem and the ones with more money are the ones with more power.

25) There's only good shooting. There's no such thing as nice shooting.:D

26) Riley not shooting Big Daddy and his crew at the end of the film("Their Just looking for a place to go - Like us.") was a great commentary for today's world, but unfortunately most people didn't understand it.

15-Jan-2008, 04:16 PM
26. So much for the idea of "pure, motorized instinct". Zombies can reason, feel for their undead buddies, and have the power to focus on the head bad-guy out of a crowd of thousands of screaming, fleeing fat cats.

Oh, and they can swim, too.

15-Jan-2008, 04:20 PM
26. So much for the idea of "pure, motorized instinct". Zombies can reason, feel for their undead buddies, and have the power to focus on the head bad-guy out of a crowd of thousands of screaming, fleeing fat cats.

Oh, and they can swim, too.

Ahem...26 has already been taken. And Kaufman shot at him.:confused:

15-Jan-2008, 04:24 PM
Ahem...26 has already been taken. And Kaufman shot at him.:confused:

I know.

That whole "let's not shoot them" thing was so lame I simply ignored it in your post.

And, like I said Officer Bassman....Big Daddy managed to make his way through miles of carnage, swam a river, and then made his way to the tower where he focused on the main bad guy.

Lots of people were shooting at him. But, he still managed to find Kaufman.

Lame, as ever.

15-Jan-2008, 04:29 PM
I know.

That whole "let's not shoot them" thing was so lame I simply ignored it in your post.

And, like I said Officer Bassman....Big Daddy managed to make his way through miles of carnage, swam a river, and then made his way to the tower where he focused on the main bad guy.

Lots of people were shooting at him. But, he still managed to find Kaufman.

Lame, as ever.

Uh huh. And what makes you think you can over write one just because you have some personal vendetta against Land? Move on, buddy.;)

And if I remember correctly, Kaufman is the first person to shoot at Big Daddy when they get into Fiddler's Green. Fiddler's Green was Big Daddy's destination because it was the only building with lights. So the first person to shoot him is the first person BD went after.

Officer Bassman? That doesn't even make any sense:confused:

15-Jan-2008, 04:31 PM
I can ignore it if I please.

You're in no position to tell me otherwise, Officer.

15-Jan-2008, 04:31 PM
Good point arcade - but if any Zombie was gonna kill kaufman, it would've been the smartest one..

27 - adding 20 minutes of story and build up to a movie can make ALL the difference.

28 - its very very easy to rip someone's head off

29 - zombies need manicures

30 - you can eat money

31 - 1000 poor people are still weaker than 50 rich ones even in a world where money is useless

32 - chipboard walls are inpenetrable except for meat cleaver wielding zombies

33 - zombies like walking in front of cameras at gory moments

15-Jan-2008, 04:32 PM
I can ignore it if I please.

You're in no position to tell me otherwise, Officer.



15-Jan-2008, 04:40 PM



15-Jan-2008, 06:24 PM
34 - It's better to use gunpowder for fireworks instead of actual ammunition.

15-Jan-2008, 07:53 PM
35) That a zombie movie could cause a rift in GAR fans so wide that the constant bickering would never end. :D

15-Jan-2008, 07:57 PM
35) That a zombie movie could cause a rift in GAR fans so wide that the constant bickering would never end. :D

You know....that's probably the best one yet.

15-Jan-2008, 09:40 PM
36) Maybe we should go find a large Black gas station attendent with a corny nickname stitched into his coveralls and elect him President. (BD had his Shi*e together)

16-Jan-2008, 12:41 AM
37)Someone shot that little fat man.

38)if alot of dead people take roughly 10 seconds smash through a glass door and chase you through a mall they will catch and kill u with ease dispite them walking and u running.

39)Fiddlers Green doesn't negotiate with terrorists.

16-Jan-2008, 02:58 AM
40. Kaufman isn't afraid to pick his nose.

16-Jan-2008, 03:10 AM
41: Champagne is served in a flute, not a snifter.

16-Jan-2008, 04:05 AM
42. There's no limit to living dead evolution, so maybe one day, we'll all be living dead, but still able to hang out in the chat room here. Our posts would be like this:

ProfessorChaos: AAARRRGGHHHH!!!!



16-Jan-2008, 10:24 AM
43: Zombies creep me out!

17-Jan-2008, 03:48 PM
44: The perfect defense against zombies is to be such an implausible and uninteresting character that the zombies don't recognize you as food. They'll just look at you and walk away.

17-Jan-2008, 03:54 PM
45. The 'slow' guy was the smartest one in the whole film.

....perhaps that what GAR was getting at.......ahhh haaaaa......:rockbrow:

17-Jan-2008, 07:53 PM
45. The 'slow' guy was the smartest one in the whole film.

....perhaps that what GAR was getting at.......ahhh haaaaa......:rockbrow:

Interesting point. But why do you think that Charlie is the smartest? I've always thought that Riley was.

17-Jan-2008, 09:51 PM
Interesting point. But why do you think that Charlie is the smartest? I've always thought that Riley was.

I always thought that Riley was sort of self-centered. And being solo in a zombie outbreak means that you never have anyone to watch your back.

Maybe I should have said funniest. He was my favorite character in Land, hands down. :)

18-Jan-2008, 05:22 AM
5) In the future, everyone will have stupid nicknames (Cholo, PrettyBoy, Pilsbury, Detroit.)

Hmm....not to mention "Big Daddy".

Actually, those give me an idea:

#46. Big Daddy was actually trying to yell "COBRAAAAAA!!", and this was really a G.I. Joe movie. We were all fooled.

18-Jan-2008, 10:29 AM
#47. Even George Romero has the occasional horrendously bad idea which he somehow manages to make into a studio-backed film.

18-Jan-2008, 02:55 PM
Charlie was my favorite character for several reasons. He had no agenda which precluded his working toward a common goal. He was the most adept zombie killer in the group. He was proof that with some skill and preparedness anyone could be valuable. I loved his line, "I usually don't need that many," with regards to number of bullets. That should serve as a slap in the face to all the zombie killing commandos out there with their automatic weapons.

I want to like Riley, and for the most part I do, but there was always an undercurrent of suspicion around him. If his car had not disappeared would he have left Charlie and fled to Canada right then? Was his plan to take Charlie with him? Nagging doubts...

18-Jan-2008, 05:38 PM
If his car had not disappeared would he have left Charlie and fled to Canada right then? Was his plan to take Charlie with him? Nagging doubts...

i think he would not have abandoned Charlie. It's like having an annoying little brother; you'd walk on coals for him but every now and then you need to send him packing to his room so he 'd get off your back.

48) $60,000,000 thrown into a movie does not mean it will be a masterpiece so now we can have Diary, which is 100% Romero, no studio.

18-Jan-2008, 06:34 PM
60 million dollars?!?!

The budget was 15! :eek:

Is this 100 things learned, or just 100 excuses for the complainers to bitch & moan? :sneaky:

18-Jan-2008, 07:03 PM
Is this 100 things learned, or just 100 excuses for the complainers to bitch & moan? :sneaky:

You're just now catching on to this? It's basically a rehash of the Why People Hate Land thread. I guess they hadn't had their fun before you locked it.

18-Jan-2008, 07:16 PM
Is this 100 things learned, or just 100 excuses for the complainers to bitch & moan? :sneaky:

Can't it be both?:p

49) Riley got fu**ed

50) If you want to go up the hill... go up the hill

51) Kaufman won't be needing that man anymore.

18-Jan-2008, 08:18 PM
52. In a huge metropolitan city, only one building will be occupied while everyone else lives in the street.

53. In the LAND of the dead, there'll be about 50 zombies.

54. Zombies can walk into a river and cross it by simply walking under water.

55. You will witness Myopia nd people who just cannot accept the film sucked all in the name of defending GAR.

18-Jan-2008, 08:20 PM
55. You will witness Myopia nd people who just cannot accept the film sucked all in the name of defending GAR.

Or maybe someone is too narrow-minded to believe that people have opinions that differ from his?:rolleyes:

18-Jan-2008, 08:40 PM
You're just now catching on to this? It's basically a rehash of the Why People Hate Land thread. I guess they hadn't had their fun before you locked it.
I only just bothered looking at the thread.

No surprises here. :rolleyes:

Maybe I'll start a '100 things' thread as an excuse to bitch-out Yawn04. :sneaky::D

18-Jan-2008, 08:48 PM
You already say how much you hate "Yawn'4" at every opportunity, it's either that or your hate for the Labour government... :lol:

Ps: Where has your old site gone, I was trying to look up some of your old fiction! (It was the first zombie-fiction I read on the net.)

18-Jan-2008, 08:51 PM
Or maybe someone is too narrow-minded to believe that people have opinions that differ from his?:rolleyes:

Opinions Vary :D :p

18-Jan-2008, 08:53 PM
Maybe I'll start a '100 things' thread as an excuse to bitch-out Yawn04. :sneaky::D Dang why didn't I think out that! :annoyed:

Even though I think it's better than Land there is still scenes from there that I wouldn't mind bi*ching about.:elol:

18-Jan-2008, 08:55 PM
Dang why didn't I think out that! :annoyed:

Oh god....please don't. It will only cause more arguing...

19-Jan-2008, 01:59 AM
60 million dollars?!?!

The budget was 15! :eek:

meant $16,000,000.

56) Land threads such as this one really point a finger at certain idiots who dispise others based on a differing opinion. You didn't like the movie; fine! Find another thread.

57) Underwater zombie strolls may be farfetched, but emerging zombie hoard from moonlit river was pretty sweet.

19-Jan-2008, 02:42 AM
56) Land threads such as this one really point a finger at certain idiots who dispise others based on a differing opinion. You didn't like the movie; fine! Find another thread.


And how is this any different? How is that not "dispising others based on a differing opinion" ?

19-Jan-2008, 11:29 AM
You already say how much you hate "Yawn'4" at every opportunity

Like this thread you mean? :sneaky:

Bassman - don't worry, I won't start a thread like that, I got tired of the Land Love/Hate argument a while back. And my digs at Yawn04 are few and far between these days, and merely asides, not organised bitch-fests. :p

19-Jan-2008, 12:22 PM
fitty-ate) This movie has come out of the blue, and desended into the black.

19-Jan-2008, 05:01 PM
And how is this any different? How is that not "dispising others based on a differing opinion" ?

No ****e. :rolleyes:

We always see two camps here; the ones who don't like LAND and the one's who do.

The one's who do, repeatedly use the term YAWN 04 as a sort of passive aggressive jab at the film but then cry foul whenever someone mentions how Land sucked.


Zombie passion. :cool:

19-Jan-2008, 09:21 PM
58)Don't bet on black or red.

59)Zombies have better aim than fidler's green troops

60)tom savini is back from the grave and ready to party

20-Jan-2008, 02:32 AM
You already say how much you hate "Yawn'4" at every opportunity, it's either that or your hate for the Labour government... :lol:

The first part is irrational and mad as a bag of spoons...Dawn 04 is a cracking little movie.

Second part is perfectly understandable and speaks volumes about MZ's good character...death to Nu-Labour!!! :D

08-Feb-2008, 11:30 PM
61. They don't make smart zombies(Big Daddy) like they used to make smart zombies(Bub).:(