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View Full Version : F*** Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church!!!

17-Apr-2006, 12:05 PM
I believe I've mentioned the homophobic/sociopathic preacher (Fred Phelps) from Topeka, Kansas before....In case you don't know the name; a brief history - He and his parishoners scour the U.S. in search of funerals for people that have died of AIDS, stand alongside the road of the cemetery holding signs and shouting "God Hates Fags" - AND - at funerals for soldiers killed in the War in Iraq, they scream, "Thank God for Dead Soldiers!"

I first heard about this nutbag about 15 years ago when he started his "God Hates Fags" campaign. I'm not gay although I have many friends that are, so, this ****ed me off, naturally. I got his phone number, called his office, got his secretary and proceeded to tell that hag what I thought of this creepy bastard. All she could do was defend him and their "God".

More on this creep and his gaggle of glorified goofballls below:

Behind their hate, a constitutional debate (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12071434)


and, if you're REALLY curious, here's a link to some of his sermons. (WARNING, he will make you angry)

Fred Phelps Sermons (http://www.godhatesfags.com/sermons/sermons.html)

17-Apr-2006, 12:43 PM
MEh, i've been on about this guy for years now. but frankly given his newfound approach of protesting at military funerals, it's only a matter of time before someone zero's him out.

the guy is without a doubt the very definition of the term "scumfuc k", and sooner or later he's going pay for that karmatic tab he's been running up.

just wait and see.

17-Apr-2006, 01:56 PM
If I was one of those people attending a funeral being picketted by this lowlife I'd dart over there and knock his f*cking teeth out - that is really low, I mean the lowest of the low, to go picket someone's funeral - that's disgusting. I'm not even going to look at those URLs as I'm already pretty damn steamed.

This guy and Jack Thompson should get together and form a duo ... which gets whacked by a sniper - two birds, one stone.

17-Apr-2006, 02:26 PM
I forgot the name of the group, but there's a bunch of bikers who show up at the funerals that Phelps and his screw-crew plan to attend and drown them out with chants and singing. I hope Phelps burns in Hell for what he's doing. :mad:

17-Apr-2006, 02:32 PM
I saw the man in person once in the early 90's. He protested a funeral of a gay man out of all things at the chapel on the University of Kansas, Lawrence campus. And from what I remember most of his followers are his family members. the man is a nut

17-Apr-2006, 02:39 PM
I'm not normally a violent person, but I would punch this guy--and any of his followers--if I got close enough. I caught a bit of news footage the few weeks ago when they were--you guessed it--protesting another funeral. The mother and aunt of the soldier came out seperartely and asked the group nicely to please leave. Of course, the group starting going on about how the soldier is going to hell and all that. I was shocked entirely that these two women were able to just walk away, back to the church. I don't think I could have--I would have jumped the barrier and throttled someone.

If you feel like really getting riled up--I mean, enough to go burn down their churches--check out their webpage...especially the "Memorials", to the right, towards the bottom. Disgusting.

17-Apr-2006, 02:45 PM

I think this guy looks a lot like a modern day Buddy Jesus!

17-Apr-2006, 02:51 PM
If you feel like really getting riled up--I mean, enough to go burn down their churches--check out their webpage...especially the "Memorials", to the right, towards the bottom. Disgusting.
Yes!! that's where I got the link for his screwy sermons.
And, like you, I'm not a violent person, but,.....I would gladly turn my back if an 18 wheeler mowed the entire family down during one of their "things" (NOTE: I don't even have a word that describes these lame f*cks and their gatherings harshly enough)

But think about it......one day this old crow will die and will have a funeral. I will be attending. I wont lower myself to their level. I will quietly stand there and watch them lower his sorry carcASS into the ground.......to be continued.

*Yes, HLS, you're correct, most of his "flock" are family members.

I think this guy looks a lot like a modern day Buddy Jesus!
Look what these two got away with!! (I'd throw a kegger for these guys! Hell, People would be seeing colors they didn't know existed..)


17-Apr-2006, 03:32 PM
I think this guy looks a lot like a modern day Buddy Jesus!

no he totally looks like the old guy from Poltergeist 2.

17-Apr-2006, 03:43 PM
lol, you're right!!!

17-Apr-2006, 04:11 PM
But think about it......one day this old crow will die and will have a funeral. I will be attending. I wont lower myself to their level. I will quietly stand there and watch them lower his sorry carcASS into the ground.......to be continued.

Look what these two got away with!! (I'd throw a kegger for these guys! Hell, People would be seeing colors they didn't know existed..)


Damn, I didn't think of that. I'd like to be attending his funeral too. As a matter of fact, there should be some worldwide effort for the GLBT community at large to be attending it. And yes, we'll be quite. but that doesn't mean I won't be holding a sign marking that day that Phelps "entered hell." :D We should put up a Phelp's Death Watch website and monitor his health.

And that picture...that's beautiful. I love those guys. :lol:

17-Apr-2006, 04:36 PM
Unless someone lynches him before then - would that be the first queer-basher-bashing? There is such a thing as free speech - but he's rapes the meaning of free speech, at the very least he should be forced by the arm of the law away from the funerals he crashes. What about the bereaved - f*ck his so-called right to protest - think of those left behind by the deceased for cripes sakes!

In the immortal words of Stan Marsh:

"I believe in freedom of speech and all that gay stuff, but dude, f*ck you."

Never have words been spoken that have been so true.

17-Apr-2006, 04:38 PM
Someone should send these guys a thank you card:


04-Apr-2007, 11:45 PM
i just saw a show about this dude on the bbc (see people, rather than start another thread i actually used the search engine, you know who you are....:lol: ), and this group boggles my mind, surely the fact there all still able bodied and not all in wheelchairs after haveing the **** kicked out of them is proof enough that there wrong?
That was terrifying though, living your entire life word for word by what a book says, even regular religous people dont take it this far, its insane, i reckon the only reason they dont kill people for working on the sabbath is cus then they would find there asses in jail rather than being out picketing.

05-Apr-2007, 01:59 AM
Yeah, he's one terrifying bastard. :eek:

05-Apr-2007, 12:37 PM
I watched that doc t'other day when it was first on, those wankers deserve nothing short of assassination, quite frankly, and the children need reverse-indoctrination to be able to live a normal life.

A complete and utter bunch of scumbags, I'm all for free speech, but these phelps wankers are just spouting pure, uncut hate - and there's no neeeeeeed for it.

05-Apr-2007, 04:45 PM
Bill Donahue of the Catholic League, while certainly not as bad, is a major league a hole censor, bigot and bully in his own right
I hate this guy and he does not repesent me or anyone I know.Douche!

05-Apr-2007, 05:33 PM
For a minute, I thought Adrenochrome was back.

05-Apr-2007, 05:55 PM
For a minute, I thought Adrenochrome was back.
yeah, me too:)

05-Apr-2007, 06:00 PM
Same here funnily enough.

05-Apr-2007, 07:02 PM
Did you see this week's episode of South Park, had no idea who he was, but now I've see the real life picture, yeah ... what a dickhead.

06-Apr-2007, 04:13 PM
Damn, I didn't think of that. I'd like to be attending his funeral too. As a matter of fact, there should be some worldwide effort for the GLBT community at large to be attending it. And yes, we'll be quite. but that doesn't mean I won't be holding a sign marking that day that Phelps "entered hell." :D We should put up a Phelp's Death Watch website and monitor his health.

And that picture...that's beautiful. I love those guys. :lol:

Abso-f*ckin-lutely Brilliant !:lol:

09-Apr-2007, 12:20 AM
Here's the BBC documentary:


Notice the soundtrack in the beginning. Guess what film it's from? The Omega Man! Where the bad guys are, you guessed it, The Family!

11-Oct-2010, 08:18 AM
Crossing over into hate category, Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church have protested against marine funerals as an expression of their faith. However, at the end, they can't do anything about how the supreme court will rule over this issue.

11-Oct-2010, 08:25 AM
holy thread necromancy, new guy! uh...welcome to the boards, as long as you're not trying to stir up a bunch of shit with a topic as fucked as this.

and by the way, why did you see fit to capitalize the name of this loony church and it's founder, but not the word Marine? i take it you're not a fellow leatherneck, since we were all taught in basic training that you always capitalize the word Marine.

i rarely use capital letters, though, so i'll let it slide. anyway, welcome, now get on the bandwagon and talk about the upcoming tv series "the walking dead" and how stoked you are for it.:cool: