View Full Version : Kevin Smith goes Porn... Wally Balls is born

16-Jan-2008, 03:45 PM
KS's new flick, Zack and Miri make a Porno is about to begin filming and the newest edition to the cast is none other than the talentless HO mentioned in this article.


16-Jan-2008, 04:47 PM
Well it IS a movie about porn...

16-Jan-2008, 07:18 PM
Been following this since the first announcement, been chomping at the bit since then too. :)

Can't wait to see it, hopefully they'll do vlogs like they did with Clerks 2. :)


Wally Balls? :confused:

18-Jan-2008, 02:49 AM
Ummmmm Traci Lords doesn't really have to have talent man. She became famous for f@cking. She ate more c#ck than Colonel Sanders. All Before the age of 18 I might add. :stunned:

18-Jan-2008, 09:41 AM
Ummmmm Traci Lords doesn't really have to have talent man. She became famous for f@cking. She ate more c#ck than Colonel Sanders. All Before the age of 18 I might add. :stunned:
I'm ashamed to say, I still have one or two of those videos. I was crazy about her when I was a teenager and never had the heart to ditch those videos. The only porn I own, in fact.

I'm up for seeing this, sounds pretty good!

18-Jan-2008, 10:52 AM
I hope Jason Lee gets to poke his head in at some point in a cameo, considering he doesn't have any Earl to film at the moment.

*fingers crossed for Zack & Miri vlogs*

18-Jan-2008, 08:19 PM
This new Kevin Smith film, along with "The Road", is being shot in Pittsburgh. The productions in Pittsburgh are starting to pick up. I wonder if Romero will ever come back to the 'Burgh for a future film?

03-Sep-2008, 11:58 AM
New Trailer. It's red band which means it's vulgar. So don't see it unless you're 17 or older.:sneaky::p


Lawrence of a Labia. Best porn name EVER.:lol:

03-Sep-2008, 12:07 PM
This actually looks funny. I may see this in theaters, as opposed to waiting for DVD like I planned.

03-Sep-2008, 12:10 PM
I've been wanting to check this out since I heard the title, I knew it was gonna be cool, and it looks really good from the trailer in a "good in the trailer, good in the cinema, good on DVD" way.

And also - woohoo for Monroeville Mall & Monroeville Zombies. :D

03-Sep-2008, 12:12 PM
I have the Hokcey Jersey they were selling. For $60 it was a rip. The maertial was kind of cheap and not Hockey Jersey quality, but it looks cool with the artwork.

03-Sep-2008, 12:13 PM
I have the Hokcey Jersey they were selling. For $60 it was a rip. The maertial was kind of cheap and not Hockey Jersey quality, but it looks cool with the artwork.
I'd buy one if I could get one within Britain.

03-Sep-2008, 12:21 PM
I think they do ship overseas

03-Sep-2008, 04:02 PM
This was meant to be the US poster, but the dickweeds at the MPAA said it's too bad and little kids would be confused. So now it's a special poster for Canada, because apparently they don't their heads up their asses like we do here....

Come on....you know a little kid would never notice this. I love it though. Simple, yet effective and funny.


03-Sep-2008, 04:36 PM
I was wondering what the fuss was about until I scrolled down a smidge, then I noticed...chuckled...then though "what a bunch of retarded prudes" about whoever banned it. I mean come on - a kit will NOT 'get' that, AT ALL.


Deej - indeed, but then there's the stupid amounts of cash you end up paying for international delivery, hence wishing there was a British stockist of their merch...at least a European stockist anyway.

major jay
03-Sep-2008, 04:45 PM
This new Kevin Smith film, along with "The Road", is being shot in Pittsburgh. The productions in Pittsburgh are starting to pick up. I wonder if Romero will ever come back to the 'Burgh for a future film?

I kind of doubt it. He's made alot of new friends in Toronto.

03-Sep-2008, 04:57 PM
Didn't romero move to Toronto?

03-Sep-2008, 05:02 PM
Didn't romero move to Toronto?

Yeah. Seems like I remember him saying that he's actually trying to become a Canadian citizen...

03-Sep-2008, 06:05 PM
Thats what i thought. I think he mentioned this right after LAND was made.

03-Sep-2008, 07:27 PM
Thats what i thought. I think he mentioned this right after LAND was made.
His new chick must be from Toronto too probably.

One day I hope to go and check out Canada, that'd be wicked.

03-Sep-2008, 09:46 PM
Toronto is a lot of fun MZ, but they drive on the otherside of the road, just like we do in the states, so make sure you take a cab. :p

04-Sep-2008, 10:03 AM
Toronto is a lot of fun MZ, but they drive on the otherside of the road, just like we do in the states, so make sure you take a cab. :p
Damn youze and your driving on the wrong side of the road ... and, and ... changing spellings of stuff ... and putting month before day.


Speaking of which, there was a great joke on a comedy panel show here in the UK t'other day about that and how 9/11 to the rest of the world was 11/9, and the gag involved a Frenchman going "what was wrong with the 9th of November? I got a blow job, it was a good day..."

Trust me, it was funny on telly performed by an actual comedian. :p


Where was I? Oh yeah, Canada - it'd be wicked to do a tour of Canada some day, see the sights and that.

04-Sep-2008, 10:58 AM
Damn youze and your driving on the wrong side of the road ... and, and ... changing spellings of stuff ... and putting month before day.

Hey hey hey, don't lump me in with those month before day people. Because my company is out of Europe I have to use the day before month on everything, it is hard to switch back when I post about the premiere or something. Especially because I have been doing it like that for 5 years.

You should see the look I get from the people at the bank, or when I sign for a car loan or something. The local DMV (Motor Vehicle office, for licenses and what not) made me re-fill out the form because they didn't understand the date system, and there was no explaining it so I had to fill it out again.

04-Sep-2008, 04:27 PM
The DMV must be full of dimwitted noobs then if they can't figure out that magical, secret code of a dating format. :D

The American system is that thorn in the world's side, having to swap around dates on stuff from over there...*shakes fist in a 'get off my lawn' sort of manner* :D

Now Deej, start driving on the British side of the road damnit! I don't care what America does, you've gotta start a new wave of driving - on the left side damnit! :elol:

07-Sep-2008, 10:01 PM
I'm not looking forward to this movie, at all. I really don't enjoy Romantic Comedies. I wish he'd just do another straight-forward comedy.

07-Sep-2008, 10:20 PM
I'm not looking forward to this movie, at all. I really don't enjoy Romantic Comedies. I wish he'd just do another straight-forward comedy.

But you've got to give him credit for trying another non-Jay and Bob film after the generally panned Jersey Girl. I liked JG, but he took alot of sh*t for it because he was trying something different. I actually think he's maturing as a filmmaker, tbh. It sounds strange given his style of comedy, but he's starting to rub in some good emotional anchors. Like the ending to Clerks 2 - perfect, imo.

07-Sep-2008, 11:41 PM
Zack & Miri Make A Porno is not gonna be a romantic comedy ... at least not in the Notting Hill sense of the phrase. It's a comedy, with some romantic elements (to do with the two leads - both of whom have been in R-rated, filthy as you like comedies in the past), and it's about two desperate working class joes making low rent porn to pay the bills ... I mean christ, Miri has to wash her hair with toilet water! :D

Chic Freak
08-Sep-2008, 12:59 PM
it's about two desperate working class joes making low rent porn to pay the bills ... I mean christ, Miri has to wash her hair with toilet water! :D


She should have sold the video of that as well, no doubt someone would have bought it!

A photographer I worked with recently said that when times were hard he used to film his girlfriend hoovering the flat, sell the videos online and split the profits between them (she was some sort of artist and he was a photographer for The Daily Sport... go figure).

We live in a strange world.

08-Sep-2008, 01:18 PM
lol, people bought videos of a lass hoovering? She wasn't naked or anything? ... ... well, whatever floats your boat, I say. :D

heh, "the dirtiest hair washing sluts online! watch these bitches rinse & repeat with the stalest cistern water you've ever seen! they're poor and outta money and the water's just been cut off, now watch these two desperate losers get their head & shoulders sopping wet with bog water!" :lol: ... ewww.

Somebody WOULD buy that though, guaranteed.

08-Sep-2008, 01:38 PM
and it's about two desperate working class joes making low rent porn to pay the bills

Hm. All the descriptions I've seen pretty much seem like that's just the gateway to the rest of the film. What I've read included the porn part, but then went on to "But have the two developed more feelings for each other?" etc. romance stuff that I could give two sh1ts about.

I have a feeling that the romance factor of this movie is going to be somewhere in between Clerks 2/Chasing Amy and Jersey Girl, which I would not care for at all.

Chic Freak
08-Sep-2008, 04:21 PM
I have a feeling that the romance factor of this movie is going to be somewhere in between Clerks 2/Chasing Amy and Jersey Girl, which I would not care for at all.

I liked Chasing Amy and parts of Clerks II but agree that overall it focused a bit too much on the relationship between two fairly boring characters. Jersey Girl was also a bit sickly although the bit at the end with Will Smith was class :D

12-Sep-2008, 06:57 PM
So after the MPAA banned Smith's last poster I'm sure he was a bit upset about it. Especially considering that Dane Cook's "Good Luck Chuck" had a very similar poster and was approved. So this is his new poster. Even funnier than the last, imo.

THIS IS GOLDEN (http://silentbobspeaks.com/?p=380)


12-Sep-2008, 07:20 PM
So after the MPAA banned Smith's last poster I'm sure he was a bit upset about it. Especially considering that Dane Cook's "Good Luck Chuck" had a very similar poster and was approved. So this is his new poster. Even funnier than the last, imo.

THIS IS GOLDEN (http://silentbobspeaks.com/?p=380)

lol, I was gonna post this earlier, but was too lazy. What a superb poster. :D

12-Sep-2008, 08:03 PM
heh, "the dirtiest hair washing sluts online! watch these bitches rinse & repeat with the stalest cistern water you've ever seen! they're poor and outta money and the water's just been cut off, now watch these two desperate losers get their head & shoulders sopping wet with bog water!"

Somebody WOULD buy that though, guaranteed.

Well MZ, what are you waiting for, go start your million dollar empire. :D